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Everything posted by bendejo

  1. The important thing is they survived. It could have been like this:
  2. GOP is above the law, it gets intercepted before court cases can be established. During the 2000 Florida recount days HW Bush was on a TV talk show, and when the interviewer mentioned recusal HW said something like "oh yeah, I have to "recuse" myself" -- emphasis is his, he was obviously scoffing. The Dems, on the other hand, are a little too quick to give in when things look inappropriate, look at how quickly Al Franken go tossed out. That said, I still find it bewildering that Dick Cheney didn't use his clout to protect Liz: maybe he wanted to but she wouldn't let him. There is nothing that this Crow cannot buy.
  3. Do bear in mind that in the past the red shirts got paid for taking to the streets. We'll have to see if he fosters a new red shirt initiative. No money no honey.
  4. US intelligence caught him giving secret stuff to Lavrov, they got him John LeCarre style. Gotta be tough working conditions when the president is a national security risk. Lindsey Graham and Marco Rubio being quoted? You guys are kidding, right?
  5. They go to court and do not put up a defense! I'm hoping the US trials will be televised. If so, at some point DT is going to lose his patience with the process and get up and take the stand, with his lawyers grabbing his coattails to stop him -- awesome! Actually I'm expecting the news to report that the T____ jet has just landed in Budapest. Or Minsk.
  6. The assumption of honor has gone out the window, we saw it fly out the day of his inauguration. I saw it coming when they (they being whoever handles oversight) seemed to be ignoring his businesses. When all this is over they are going to have to enact some black-letter laws regarding the presidency. Dick Cheney kicked some doors open regarding the powers of the vice-presidency, and ol' Joe should be commended for not using those advantages when he was 44's VP. Pence? He probably isn't aware of what I mentioned in the previous sentence.
  7. But you don't hear T____ himself complaining about this, do you? Center of attention is center of attention, and it helps to raise $$$$ too!
  8. I had been trying to find a decent human being in that crew since 2016, I thought it would be Tiff or Mel. Tiff comes out with a bubble-headed statement every so often, but the press is usually kind enough to play it down. Maybe the airhead thing is her protection against the Ivana kids. During the 2016 campaign I recall them being with him all the time, stalking after him in their overcoats. You might recall Mel was spurning him publicly for a while, then she stopped -- I suspect a quid pro quo was agreed upon. As for Eric being there yesterday, I imagine there was a conversation like: "Dad, can I come along?" "Only if you keep your damned mouth shut!"
  9. said that "we have a country that is in decline like never before." You think this is bad, you have seen it when that orange guy was president!
  10. They also have issues of their own, like https://www.nytimes.com/2022/04/10/us/jared-kushner-saudi-investment-fund.html And there's another NY case (not the hush money one) that packs the whole lot of them together, maybe this could be the RICO case that sinks them. I think ol' Donny was disappointed on 1/6 when his progeny was not tweeting "Go Dad!" and he is still clinging to it.
  11. Regardless of their zeal, there must be some of them who are aware of how the 1/6 seditionists were rounded up: none were arrested until they were well away via cell phone logs and facial recognition, and good old snitching. Not to mention the ones that posed for pics, recorded themselves and posted on the net (who can forget that boasting jackass at Pelosi's desk?). Add to this that the boss didn't save any of them.
  12. ♫ I turned 91 in prison, mama tried . . . ♪
  13. He's really spinning now! It's the Radical Right Lunatics that are on his side, right? Oh, and now he's back to planted docs. He hasn't played that one in nearly a year. Let's step back to the beginning, according to his nibs: FBI storm troopers raided MAL and didn't find anything there are no documents there are no classified documents the FBI planted those documents those documents were mine to do as i want with I unclassified those documents (using his Sith Lord powers) I have every right to those documents I probably missed a few in this list, and this is the order I recall when they were first spoken by him. They are now being repeated in random order, no matter that if the claims make no sense. Again, his own words advertise his guilt. It didn't take a legal sharpshooter like Smith to figure this out, his skills are involved in presenting his case and getting past the delays and dodging that T____ is notorious for.
  14. The guy just cannot get enough attention.
  15. Give him $10 and tell him he has to leave the country and can't talk about it, lest he fall off a balcony. Nixon's VP was a rascal, corruption and influence peddling, got caught, agreed to resign in exchange all charges dropped, and lived quietly ever after. For more info look up Spiro Agnew.
  16. What I'm getting at is ol' Joe might be a little more clever than he gets credit for. That other guy is quite capable of doing stupid things without assistance. HE is a reality show: stars in, directs, writes (sometimes). His admirers are like American Idol fans supporting their favorite. His time as a politician has been a continuous series of stunts to up his ratings and solicit $$$.
  17. With Biden poking him with "say it!" and then fed him "Proud Boys" which DT immediately repeated. Of course this was months before 1/6 so who knew the part they would play at that point. There are at least another dozen of those groups that could be mentioned. https://www.wired.com/story/antifa-social-media-rumor-forks-washington/ People quoted in this article seem to think the Three Percenters are the fearful ones. I want there to be more swastikas displayed so other people can see what these clowns are about. When the GOP has a debate I'd like to see nazi emblems displayed so that right there on television people get the full picture. Question for the candidates: do you support American nazi-ism, and why or why not?
  18. The younger generations dragging Montana kicking and screaming into the 21st century, an encouraging stand. During her time as first lady Eleanor Roosevelt was un-welcome in that state. Still waiting for the corrupt Ryan Zinke to be brought to justice for antics while US Secretary of Interior.
  19. Credit ol' comatose, demented, hiding in the basement etc. Joe Biden for goading that out of the orange guy at the debate. It looks like getting him to come out with that helped put away quite a few of the 1/6 seditionists. Guess you could say there was an upside to Chris Wallace being such a wuss as moderator. I was also impressed that on CNN, as soon as they switched from the debate stage back to the studio, Dana Bash announced "that was a sh_t show." I've developed an appreciation of her since then.
  20. US politicians competing for the nazi vote. Does not sound good.
  21. It's been a while since I was there, but I recall a sizable Indian community. A lot of Sikhs. The hell if I know why. And no one tried to sell me a suit. Maybe this warning is with them in mind.
  22. One should take note that the owner of the company is of South African origins. And from his antics in the media, he appears to have sociopathic tendencies. They were perhaps expecting a benevolent and uplifting work environment?
  23. My question is why has no one thought to search his resort business in Scotland? Discovering classified material there, OUTSIDE OF THE U.S., would be a hornet's nest in itself. And who came around to view them? This happened in 2019 before this documents scandal came up, and it should be given a second look: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/chinese-woman-arrested-mar-lago-had-device-detect-hidden-cameras-n992301 And who can say there were no other such incidents that went undetected?
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