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Everything posted by bendejo

  1. Doesn't Apple have a way to shut the phone down?
  2. A US presidential candidate openly embracing the fascist label. Take note of that. When Biden took office and Garland seemed to have more important things to do during the first year after the inauguration I had the impression they were dragging their feet on things related to the orange guy to avoid the appearance of banana republic -style fascism, the kind where the day after the election the loser is arrested (like in Ecuador at around that time). DeSantis needs to be asked what his plan would be for handling these menacing people he is at war with. He's driving them out of Florida now, but what would the national plan be: re-education camps? Mass executions? BTW I still think DeS doesn't have a shot at GOP nomination. He should run 3rd party.
  3. I'm sure those "red white and blue" -blooded patriots enjoy being accused of being Federal agents (NOTE: sarcasm alert!). Those people who did the 1/6 attack did not appreciate the MAGA keyboard warriors on various looney-side media saying they were antifa. I wonder if this moron honorable Representative gets the usual harassment , death threats etc from her fellow travelers. If played the right way back in her district she could be painted as anti-MAGA, traitor to the cause etc for effectively accusing MAGA of being a Federal psy-op. Actually, it is a psy-op, and was initiated by a sitting president. Anyone else remember Fox channel's phony Black Panthers during the Obama admin?
  4. Comey lost all cred IMO prior to the 2016 election. He should avoid the media, the buffoon.
  5. The same way they took politically correct and it became a pejorative way to say politeness or common courtesy. Never liked that term myself, evoked thoughts of Germany 1933.
  6. Q: are you woke? A: If I was asleep I wouldn't hear your stupid question
  7. And to think, there was a time when BBC was the gold standard of international news.
  8. Yeah, guess the motive is a popular game on talk media in the US right now. Seems that the doc about attacking Iran is one gone missing.
  9. Nikola Tesla will soon be telling you-know-who to stop using his name. Two kinds of craziness at play here: the kind where you think you're hearing the voices of the dead, and the kind where you tell the world about it. Just a matter of time before some MAGA nut tells of their conversations with the founding fathers.
  10. See? If Pattaya was a nude beach the pickpockets would have no pockets to pick.
  11. He fell, that proves he's a communist.
  12. Dating app for conservatives? (from NYT article) That sounds like a setup for a joke. Generally, woman are impressed by guys being generous tippers, but for them it's by not leaving a tip. Outside he tells her they should have ducked out without paying, and the gal says "let's go to my place, NOW!"
  13. She got the press secretary job by extolling him on Fox, a sickening sycophant. (If you're going to look up the clips be advised to not do it within an hour after eating.) And he kicks her in the teeth like this for a blooper. No sympathy, though, as she should have been smart enough to see what was in front of her before she was approached for the job. My take on the series Succession is that it was a catalog of the worst modern-day character types, and I've been categorizing odious sorts in their relation to the characters. Mr 45 here is a cross between Connor and Roman: one sees himself as a potential messiah, the other is a stunted little boy that didn't mature past puberty.
  14. "If you don't do what I want I'll jump!" Oh wait, let me move my car, I don't want your brains on my windshield.
  15. My guess is the writers will be back July or August, that's when production for the fall season gets going. Notice that the strike hardly gets mentioned in the media these days.
  16. What I liked about them was just by hovering the mouse pointer over a link you got a thumbnail preview, saved a lot of effort. Also they were the quickest ones to list, that I know of -- links to things that were put up only minutes before. I hope to find something with these advantages to replace it.
  17. From what I can see I doubt the present Mrs T is the naughty type: she just knows a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do (*wink*). I'm also reluctant to slight a Puerto Rican woman. I was kind of shy as an adolescent and if it wasn't for them I would have remained a virgin for a longer time.
  18. Gotta love a gal who got written up at work for showing her co-workers d_ck pics of her friends.
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