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Everything posted by bendejo

  1. Stolen erection pics indeed! I never understood what this guy was about. I'd see him on newstalk shows and it was pretty much word salad, Sarah Palin level.
  2. I went home with a gal doing Magenta impersonation once, I guess that's as close as it gets. I would be much more concerned about kids being near congress members in favor of 12 year olds marrying than I would with a drag queen reading a storybook.
  3. Will someone kindly post what the Thai word for galangal is?
  4. It all began here. The man with the very good mind umma-umma-umma'd his response, he apparently hadn't anticipated being asked about it; up until this moment his wash-and-wear response to the subject was "I am pro life." Say what you will about Matthews, but this is where he asked the right question at the right moment and didn't let DT walk away from it. Before this moment abortion hadn't come up in the 2016 campaign. A few days ago 2024 hopeful Tim Scott tried the same thing. Tim Scott gets tripped up on abortion ban questions
  5. It has never been this low since the day of the golden escalator. A good sign. Do realize that it could be within Pence's hands to rid the GOP of this pest: he could be the vanquishing hero or fire up the MAGA lynch mob again. I maintain there is a good chance he'll go into exile, but probably not this year. The Big Stink is going to be the Jack Smith case, which will probably not be on the calendar until next year, and the Federal indictment may could very well involve restricting travel. And then there is the health issue. Back when he occupied the WH, and reporters were out on the lawn doing their segments, there would ALWAYS be an ambulance in the background. Never saw that before. I haven't noticed that since he left, but maybe there is less excitement in the WH with him gone. This health paranoia would be a deciding factor in where he'll park his carcass, he'll want "the best" medical care. NATO countries won't want him, maybe neutral Switzerland? But if a Federal indictment comes down and he flees the US he'll officially be a criminal on the run.
  6. "Promoting the arming of US citizens" is the NRA cause. Paying pols to promote their cause is a huge part of their strategy. Can they be considered a terrorist organization? The guys who run the racket stuff their pockets well.
  7. Yep, it's been four days and no talk of divorce. But maybe because her signature is not legal she can't file for divorce anyway. And his party has members accusing Dems of trafficking children?
  8. A similar situation a few decades ago: shortly after his leaving the WH, someone bought former US president Ronald Reagan's Santa Barbara Ranch for a price way above market value, priced in the millions. Additionally the deal included the rental of another property, in Simi Valley, owned by the same fellow, for a price of $100 per year, for the rest of his, and his wife's, life. So, to break it down, the ex-president came out of it a millionaire, and was able to live rent/property tax-free for rest of his, and Nancy's, days. A nicely executed act of money laundering and delayed favors pay-off. Note that this was in the 1980s, when million dollar properties were not as common as now.
  9. He's a Republican, his love of god and country will see him though. Anticipating a founding fathers reference from him.
  10. Just a few weeks ago Boebert said she was proud that she'll be a 34 year old grandmother, as her 17 y.o. son knocked up his girlfriend. Boebert had her first born when she was 17. Maybe that term family values has a particular meaning in the US hinterland. 12 y.o.? That would mean they are not adults, so they can't legally sign a contract, marriage or otherwise. Sounds like parents selling their kids, like in some far-away countries.
  11. The word was he was offered $25 million when he became a former president to do a new Apprentice, so I'd guess that offer is still out there. But he's stumbled upon money machine and could make that in a month or two via fundraising. I guess when he hears they are creating VIP cells at Allenwood Low he may finally see there is no light at the end of his tunnel.
  12. Maybe the law should should have an itty-bitty _itty rule: if the boobs don't droop then there is no offense.
  13. Yes but it only takes a few minutes to send out a social media message about the day's nail in his crucifixion that will generate a million $$$. And the publicity does not have to be paid for. On the positive side his Federal case seems to be taking an interest in how he is using this farce to raise funds. Special counsel probe into Jan. 6 hones in on Trump’s fundraising: report My guess is he is making more than enough to cover legal fees (on the presumption that he actually pays the lawyers).
  14. I hold on to the idea that what propelled that stolen election clown car (Pillow guy, Sid Powell, Rudy et al) was him dangling a big pile of money for whoever could turn the election results around. If there is one thing DT understands it is greed. And of course he wouldn't pay them anyway.
  15. It trickles down to lots of other data pertinent to the false figures given: in NYC there a city income tax as well as state and federal, and each of the local taxes require figures from the Federal forms, e.g. "enter amount from line XX of Federal form 1040 Schedule D" etc. So just lying at the top level (Federal) could incriminate him in every state where he files returns. Almost -- in some states Republicans can do no wrong, like Texas and a few others. His likes to hire lawyers and accountants who will do what he tells them, rules be damned. Look how well that has worked for him.
  16. Suing his lawyer for not covering up his criminal behavior. Brilliant! Now he's needs to get it in front of a MAGA judge. Maybe DT intends to hire ol' Clarence as his lawyer. Now it's Cohen's turn to delay delay delay.
  17. Little Jimmy J is not very smart, and he knows it. His contribution (ahem!) is bullying, but he's not good at it, he does hectoring without the cleverness, just like his tough allegations that he cannot back up. He gets this certain expression on his face, like the little kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar but he knows mom is not going to do anything to punish him, when he reaches a dead end. And that's easy enough, all you have to do is ask "do you have anything to back that up?" and then comes the silly expression. I think that in the US there should be a campaign of people sending him their old blazers, obviously the poor guy can't afford to buy a jacket; or maybe the bullies beat him up and steal them every day on the way to work.
  18. Maybe the only real sexual taboo for them is with women. Other males and livestock are fair game.
  19. Wait until news comes out that in reality she's an upper middle class girl who went to Bryn Mawr.
  20. The topic at hand is speculating if Biden does not run. I can't recall reading anything regarding Williamson during the 2020 primaries, I guess everyone took her as a joke. Lately I've seen a few unflattering things about her, maybe someone sees her as a potential threat. In my experience these New Age types spouting goodness, caring, etc tend to be not-nice people when the spiel gets turned off, particularly the ones who make their living off of it. But I like the idea of her on the primary roster, brings in a touch of the craziness from the movie Network. But another speculation is what the Dem primary debates will look like -- Biden doesn't have a Karl Rove to clear out the field for him like in the 2000 GOP primaries. Will Liz Warren step up just for the sake of saying her piece, maybe Bernie? Booker up there talking about "pain!"? It doesn't matter who is up there for this year's debates, I would suspect all the other Dems would bow out by January if they don't poll some impressive numbers. It looks like both parties are trying to cause the other to have a third-party split: imagine, a four-party race!
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