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Everything posted by bendejo

  1. Being in favor of free speech doesn't count when the other person disagrees with you. As I used to say of the Berkeley free-speech movement: those free-speech activists won't abide with you disagreeing with them. For a similar look at the word free, all the restrictions and censorship the governor of Florida is doing is in the cause of freedom, according to him. The present owner of Twitter bought the company in pursuit of free speech, meaning his own free speech, and everyone else can go to hell. It's time to send Twitter the way MySpace.
  2. This is about the upcoming presidential election. He's setting himself up as the persecuted patriot. Is he going to make the run himself or be DT's pitbull?
  3. So long as he's running something he has something to base his donations pleas on, and the ________ will keep sending him money. Oh wait . . . “He doesn’t need their money,” Trump Jr. said on Thursday at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) when asked about his father’s appeal to the grassroots vs. the corporate interests.
  4. Tucker Carlson said he hates DT '‘passionately’, Fox lawsuit documents show Maybe he can claim he took Ambien that day.
  5. The gals in the US probably kicked his _ss when he tried his stupid stuff, the jerk probably thought it was rough sex.
  6. The words were in English. Only. Done with no regard for other languages. Clearly bigoted and imperialistic. If you were a Thai you would be pointing at her. Next time she needs to have dresses in different languages. It would be interesting to know how many members of US Congress are fluently multi-lingual. (No exaggerating like they did with W Bush being bilingual, "via con queso!")
  7. Walk around lower Sukhumvit at night, you might meet a down and out Jedi who could use to earn a few bucks.
  8. Where's Uncle Milty when we need him? Thinking back, there were several drag acts on highly-censored US television in the 1950-60s. Jonathan Winters did a feisty old granny, Flip Wilson did Geraldine. I remember when Milton Berle did that pic above, they were spoofing Liz Taylor's Cleopatra movie, scandals and problems regarding the making of the movie dominated the media at the time.
  9. You know you're in a Third World country when: they do not sell Toblerone at the airport
  10. Maybe passenger planes should have a de-pressurized chamber with it's own door to the outside. "Here ya go, ace, go in there and open that door!"
  11. I caught her in a great faux pas when she was just starting out, such that it was either a stupid move or her understanding of such things is lacking. I'm not going to elaborate publicly because there is more than enough bashing coming her way. That said, I think she could be kept on as a future "keeper of the progressive flame," a next-generation Liz Warren or Bernie. She'll never be elected to the presidency (recall the 3-shirted one saying "votes don't matter anymore") but she'll make her voice heard. She could be elected mayor of NYC (probably one of the worst jobs in the political world, but man, would the Puerto Ricans be proud of her!) maybe governor (or senator) of NY State. Also she's too sexy to be president
  12. Picking on people who have the least to fight back with, that's what bullies do. It's also the right-wing's go-to tactic, promoted by Roger Ailes, founder and evil mentor of Fox cable channel. Then when they start losing they pivot to "the defense of children" which, other their their own valued offspring, they couldn't give a rat's tail about. Other than what their own hypocritical religious leaders have to say about it, most of them would probably prefer MORE women would get abortions if they are non-white: they abandon any concern for the newborn child the moment it takes in air. I'm waiting for someone to come up with a statistic that the number of abortions are disproportionately performed on non-white women -- that just might cause them to never mention abortion again. I'm holding fast to my opinion that this "drag queen story hour" was something concocted by the right so they have something to point and scream at: "look what they're doing to our children!"
  13. So do I, in theory. But when I try my stomach gives up within a minute.
  14. Does UK still have that thing with Nepal about Gurkha soldiers fighting for the Crown? Stories were that when the Argie troops spotted them during the war in the 1980s they sh_t their pants and ran away, such is their reputation. I lived in Arg a bit in the '00 decade. At least once a week there was something in the newspapers regarding the war (20 years past at the time): a monument, a speech assuring mothers their sons did not die in vain, a movie, even a new holiday. So yeah, it's 40 years now and still festering. The conventional wisdom at the time was Arg started the war to distract the citizens from the economic problems. Now, it looks like they see weakness within UK, and are acting on it. Kind of ironic that this time it could be the Brits getting the distraction advantage from the confrontation.
  15. . . . and then you see this sign that says "plate of shrimp" . . .
  16. I know that I am a human because I just took a test that had to do with pictures of buses and I passed. I had to study long hours to get that passing grade. Man woman person camera television: hey, I'm on my way to a Ph.D!
  17. This can be ploy to drag out the Santos case. Kevin wants to keep him for the vote, and various members of the House (some of which are GOP) want him tossed out. Ethics committee could easily stretch it out to year's end. Then begins an election year, awww, might as well let him ride it out but no re-election. Kevin comes off as smart as a traffic pylon, but there is something ticking in there.
  18. It looks like there are elements at work to turn this into another right-wing crazytown conspiracy https://www.motherjones.com/mojo-wire/2023/02/fox-news-weaponizes-the-east-palestine-train-derailment-for-the-white-grievance-crowd/ As if these things aren't bad enough, these morons have to make it worse for all involved, just so they can make $$$ selling ads.
  19. If their prerogative is to avoid Russia they may just find another country, preferably one with a better visa deal and not buddies with Vlad.
  20. VICE keeps an eye on Flynn, they even covered his tent revivals (well, tried to). I don't know if he will run himself or be someone's guided-by-Jesus pitbull. Does anyone know what the deadline is to sign up for GOP primaries? Couldn't get a proper answer when I searched.
  21. This officer on the left has his own unique style of pointing, bravo! He likes this message so much he's pointing at it.
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