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Everything posted by bendejo

  1. Wait until news comes out that in reality she's an upper middle class girl who went to Bryn Mawr.
  2. The topic at hand is speculating if Biden does not run. I can't recall reading anything regarding Williamson during the 2020 primaries, I guess everyone took her as a joke. Lately I've seen a few unflattering things about her, maybe someone sees her as a potential threat. In my experience these New Age types spouting goodness, caring, etc tend to be not-nice people when the spiel gets turned off, particularly the ones who make their living off of it. But I like the idea of her on the primary roster, brings in a touch of the craziness from the movie Network. But another speculation is what the Dem primary debates will look like -- Biden doesn't have a Karl Rove to clear out the field for him like in the 2000 GOP primaries. Will Liz Warren step up just for the sake of saying her piece, maybe Bernie? Booker up there talking about "pain!"? It doesn't matter who is up there for this year's debates, I would suspect all the other Dems would bow out by January if they don't poll some impressive numbers. It looks like both parties are trying to cause the other to have a third-party split: imagine, a four-party race!
  3. I saw him on Maher's show, if I were in contact with Bill I'd ask him if Sununu succeeded in selling him aluminum siding for his house after the show. He has that sleazy salesman persona, like Newsom. I think the best shot out there would be Tester from Montana. He's a farmer, comes off like a farmer, and I think that would play especially well in the rural areas (remember Joni Ernst in Iowa campaigning on her experience castrating hogs?). I don't know if he's interested in it. Al Franken would be the best, but that ain't gonna happen. Biden cannot drop Harris -- he'd be cutting his own throat, and he knows it. But here's something else to consider: just suppose some sort of Federal action comes to pass and DT is barred from running for public office (aka the GOP's current wet dream). Don Jr tosses his greasy kid stuff -stained hat in the ring. It could lead to the legalization of cocaine. I could see Andy Cohen endorsing and campaigning for him simply for the sake of having Kimberly Guilfoyle as first lady and a WH-based reality show deal.
  4. Mr Happy Hippo here knows he is sitting on a powder keg. With reckoning on the horizon he's trying deflect blame to cover his own huge _ss. "He's the criminal" he says, pointing like a Thai. "Not me! Not me, HIM!" Sniveling pile walrus flesh.
  5. Looks like a logo promoting inter-racial sex.
  6. The OP appears to be a juster. "Just check the box!" "Don't read the details of the contract, just sign it!" No need to research visa requirements, just go there. No need to look up words, just ask questions on the internet. etc
  7. Thaksin Won’t Return Home To Put Self Behind Bars See? Even Jatuporn can figure that out!
  8. I think he's emboldened by the idea that they cannot lock him up, Secret Service protection and all that, so the worst they can do to him is take his money. If it looks like they actually might put him in the cage the doctors will come in and diagnose something fatal and he'll live out his days in a hospital to dodge the sentence. Or maybe exile. As for money he can generate millions of $$$ per week from his fools patriots. Actually I have doubts about the medical thing, if anything it's a last resort as we know how vain he is "'healthiest person I've ever seen!' said the doctor." Scaramucci also thinks a medical excuse will be used. Imagine him showing up to court with a walker, like Weinstein!
  9. There should be a sentence with a name like mob justice. The criminal is sent into an angry mob who can do what they want with him, no restrictions. After 20 minutes or so they are taken back in to custody, or whatever is left of their carcass is recovered. This is exactly the sort of crime that deserves that kind of punishment IMO. Legend has it that during the American Revolution they had something like this for people who sided with the Brits, but maximum cruelty allowed was tar & feathers. Such an instance (maybe fictional) is immortalized in this story.
  10. Listen to Bragg's summary at he beginning of the post-indictment press conference: ". . . intent to conceal another crime . . ." which is itself a felony. He did not elaborate on what exactly the other crime(s) is. To say that this is only the beginning is an understatement. Shades of Nixon: the crimes committed in the first place is one matter, but then the attempts to cover-up and stonewall investigations can give LE an easier criminal case to make than it would have been for the originals crimes. E.g. guy steals something from a store, store clerk chases him, thief picks up a rock and smashes the clerk's skull. If caught the shoplifter would have been fingerprinted and released (if he didn't have any warrants out), but now the charge is murder. Let's not forget the daily scandals that his term in the Oval generated, none of which was he taken to task for, until now. He should be held to answer to all of them.
  11. It is just as true about herself. Pot, kettle, black, etc.
  12. Maybe he used a different type of calendar. https://www.timeanddate.com/calendar/hindu-calendar.html
  13. There is something peculiar about these Christian cults churches in Asian countries and their connection to right-wing entities in the US. I guess the Moon cult was the most notable, with massive weddings in the US as far back as the early 1980s. After HW Bush ended his presidency he traveled on world-wide campaigns to promote Moon's church -- I think this is strange. There is much going on beneath the surface with these groups.
  14. My advice to the judge at this point: - bring DT into court - show some video of his MAL speech from the evening of Indictment Day and the Waco rally - play some audio of phoned-in or internet posts of threats to him and family - give DT a week in jail, commencing right there and then -- as the Brits say "take him down". No prep, no toothbrush, no hair spray. Straight across the street to The Tombs or up the river to Rikers. Let's hear what he has to say when (if?) he gets out, but I think within minutes of the judge saying this he'll pull some fake ailment bs. On the positive side it'll serve as an exercise for the Secret Service on how they are going to handle an extended sentence for the former president. "Jail to the chief!" y'all.
  15. I think of it the same way Obama would not have wanted Hillary as VP: if in the position where they are one beating heart away from the presidency, they might just try to act upon it. Mr Woke-a-phobia has shown his colors. For those who don't know, this RFK Jr. has been on about vaccines long before Covid, and has demonstrated that he's Michele Bachmann-level crazy. For those familiar with the series Succession, he's Connor.
  16. I wonder if his kids had the misfortune to be gunned down if that would change his position on the matter. Do bear in mind that he is one of those right-wing/MAGA/FoxCable types that has to say this crazy stuff to promote himself and the brand he's part of. It's not an excuse, just pointing out he does this as part of his job. He should get a more honorable job, like cleaning toilets.
  17. Oh yeah, those executive orders DT would sign and then hold up the binder to show his signature. They sure made an impact on the country. Too bad he didn't do card tricks instead.
  18. If he wasn't a former president, we could say "jail to the chief" like back in Nixon days. Don't hold your breath on Georgia, the good ol' boys down there are at work arranging so that the state governor (R) has oversight of judicial prosecution, meaning he could shut the case down. https://madison.com/news/national/govt-and-politics/georgia-bill-is-latest-gop-effort-targeting-prosecutors/article_9c743d34-ca1e-53c9-a2a2-47888e75a730.html
  19. You'll eventually belch, guarantee will not make you smile. I'm not a fan of eating weed. You seem to be health conscious, I suggest you do some reading of how differently the body breaks down the fumes vs ingesting. Whenever I clean my bong (maybe a few times a year) I can't help thinking that if I were doing joints all that tar that would have been inside me.
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