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Everything posted by bendejo

  1. old wisecrack: the only way to make money from gambling is to own the casino He couldn't even get that right. And don't forget the fake university that the court made him pay $25 million to get clear of.
  2. I would suspect Dorsey wanted the US$44 billion deal to go through -- he knew he'd never find another sucker businessman willing to pay that. Placating and deference is part of the ritual behavior in Silicon Valley deals in that period between the announcement of a deal and the closing.
  3. Man, doesn't this guy get tired of complaining? He aspires to be a fascist strongman but comes off like full-on wimp. "Treated very very unfairly." "Persecuted!" "No president has ever been treated as poorly as me!" (when he gets to hell he can argue that out with Lincoln) Supposedly he doesn't drink wine, but he sure does love his whine.
  4. Let's see how Jack Smith handles it. The 1/6 committee did the job of public awareness and managed to counter the incessant whining by the former president -- I think the midterm results indicate that. I'm also anticipating him taking to task all other looneys involved in the ridiculous events that transpired between Election Day 2020 and the following Inauguration Day, like the goofy lady that called the Pentagon about an ambassador being kidnapped. I can also see an overall review of the antics of DT and his entourage during his term in office, that stuff can go on for years, and some pretty ugly stuff gets revealed. Stephen Miller in the Hague on human rights charges?
  5. Ever deal with the US Postal Service? When you ship a package you can buy insurance: you choose the value and pay the premium when you ship it. If the package disappears and you go to the PO to file a claim they require you to prove that the parcel is worth the amount you insured it for. As I see it they should have asked for that when you purchased the insurance. As for getting $$$ returned (from nearly any entity) the odds are against you. Should you appear at their offices demanding they set things right it is all in their favor -- here they are running their business and this lunatic (you) comes in off the street causing trouble.
  6. I'm waiting for someone to file a suit claiming they paid for political favors and the politician did not come through for them, case goes up to SCOTUS. Once upon a time this was called graft and was considered illegal. Now the money is legally funneled through political action committees (PACs). Is it really necessary to name the party behind this? Consider it this way: if someone has a billion-dollar business and they bought each senator for $1 million each, hell, they probably make that back in a few days.
  7. I guess with Sheldon Adelson (perhaps his biggest single donor, previously) being dead he has no further use for Jews and Israel.
  8. Do what just about any company would do these days: find an excuse to not return it. "Sorry, but it is not my policy to . . ." etc. "My wife handles those things, but she'll be away for a few weeks." "I fell off a horse last week and have no money." You get the picture. My doctor in the US sent me to a lab for some tests. When checking in they told me my insurance might not cover it, so I should front them $150 just in case, and they will refund to me the unused amount. Ok, maybe they will, but how much time and effort would that involve is anyone's guess. I also suspect certain unscrupulous entities may delay such things because they see the customer is of a certain age, so maybe they will forget about it or die. In your case maybe the airline will go out of business or be taken over. Oh, and I went to a different lab, one with no "maybes" involved.
  9. When she got elected to the Senate it was the first I heard of her, and thought she was too good to be true. It took a few years to find out I was right. I saw some vids of her when she was in The House, and she spoke with wit and personality, as if I was watching a different person. She has largely been a major disappointment to everyone. She's unpredictable and unreliable. Put a certain sum of $$$ in her hand and you'll get the predictability. In late of 2021 she helped push through a raise in Medicare premiums, the collected money to go to Pfizer. I wonder what her reward was. I don't think she can make it as a Republican due to her, er, lifestyle. The paleo-Republicans would not approve, especially with the current culture wars silliness.
  10. Do Indonesian aircraft still fall out of the sky regularly, or do the stories just not make the international press? While there for about a month there were a few, one of which was military/police helicopter, crashed in the back of beyond, all dead.
  11. In other words, we can rest assured the results are true and correct Anyone ever think to have a look-see at one of his foreign properties?
  12. Refused medical treatment. And what kind of mischief did he get into between Nov. 15 and Dec. 1st? Maybe got some additional whoopass due to another of his stunts. No case.
  13. I've been saying all along that the GOP was shooting itself in the foot with all these voter suppression tactics. The idea was to make it difficult for Black folks to vote (they fear another mistake, like Obama) but it didn't take a genius (IMO) to see it would make it difficult for EVERYBODY to vote. When election day comes around there are a lot of people who are going to find better things to do than drive 40 miles each way and wait on line for hours at the poll; add to that price of gasoline these days and the old pickup trucks getting 15 miles per gallon. The White senior citizens are put off as well. After Losing Georgia, Republicans Are Suddenly Interested in Early Voting It also served as way to urge Black folks to vote, courtesy of activists like Stacey Abrams, by pointing out that they don't want Black folks to vote.
  14. I concur. But this runs deeper than DT's backing. https://ballotpedia.org/Republican_Party_primaries,_2022 The Dems had their world shaken up in the 1990s, but it looks like they are finally getting their shirt together after nearly 30 years. If nothing else these midterms can be seen as payback for how the GOP torpedoed the 2004 Dem primaries. They ran a "gray" gambit and it played out for the most part. Too bad they didn't get the Ohio Senate seat. I had a history teacher who said JFK surrounded himself with smart, capable people, but Lyndon Johnson (his successor) well knew the advantages of having stupid people working for him. DT knows this too, but from a somewhat different perspective.
  15. He'll blame racism. He'll go on about what a caring human being he himself is and how much pain he is experiencing to see a fine [let's see what words he uses here] treated so unfairly.
  16. Roger Ailes used to tell his goons to only go after people/entities that won't fight back. Not long ago Hillary was giving a speech; Fox was stepping up their usual excrement flinging at her at the time, and someone in the audience asked her about it. They may not have mentioned her name on the air since. https://www.businessinsider.com/hillary-clinton-fox-news-is-awfully-close-to-actual-malice-in-their-coverage-of-her-2022-2?op=1 And just think, political charges aside, if half the people who DT has verbally attacked since June 2015 sued him for defamation . . .
  17. There are guys in the US who put a shot of brandy in their morning coffee.
  18. Try it on himself? NO WAY! He won't even ride in one of his own rockets. Wouldn't surprise me to hear he doesn't even drive a Tesla.
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