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Everything posted by bendejo

  1. I've been anticipating this since his inauguration. I envisioned an area of dachas where he and his goons would live in exile among the oligarchs. I thought Russia at first, but not now. CPAC held a jamboree in Hungary in the past year, maybe somebody is doing advanced planning. Orban is practically idolized on Fox. Just think: Budapest, home of the US Republican Party in exile. And not just the social prattle, they can still run their various on-line businesses (selling pillows, asking for donations, and so on).
  2. Maybe one of the PC makers, like Dell, should put out a Hunter Biden edition of a laptop, they are sure to get a lot of publicity and name recognition in the next two years.
  3. The sort of chaos Bannon was reaching for. AZ was his target for stirring it up, but his plan dried up when Cochise county certified the election result. Alito and Clarence have been disgraced as corrupt and liars -- they should be shown the door, and if not that then dissolve the Supreme Court. No good will come of this court in it's present state, the rot became permeable when McConnell hijacked the appointment process.
  4. Kari Lake is Sarah Palin in the persona of a daytime talk show host. No real issues to speak of, just "we're conservatives and we rule!" Cheerleaders as opposed to leaders. Soon Kari will be where she belongs, on Fox News or one of the other right-wing cesspits. Maybe even RT.
  5. Kind of surprising how this slips past the local vanity. Foreigners come to your country and voluntarily clean the beaches. "Why you say my country have dirty beaches?" is something I'd expect. Imagine Japanese volunteers going to San Francisco (US) to spray the streets with disinfectant (which would be great idea).
  6. Posted with good intentions, same to be said of the performers. dems.mp4
  7. So, you disagree with Rick Scott's "tax the poor" plan? https://www.factcheck.org/2022/02/rick-scott-proposed-all-americans-should-pay-income-tax-then-denied-that-he-did/ A plan best read by gaslight.
  8. IMO this is something that does not get mentioned enough. It mainly shows how the government employees work in fear of the Republican establishment. Comey himself said he did that out of fear of what the Republicans would do to him (and the former president did it to him anyway), but didn't seem to be fearful of the consequences of violating the rule. Second, Republicans can break the rules without consequence, but the Dems cannot; this can be fixed with a little spine and savvy on the part of the Dems, but don't hold your breath. I think it is pretty clear that the "spine" of the 1/6 investigation was a Republican.
  9. Damned right, they would have put your fat ess in front of a firing squad long ago.
  10. If you are expelling all you eat without proper digestion then your body is not getting nutrients. Are you able to sleep, or does the diarrhea keep waking you up? Do you urinate, or are you expelling all your water this way? If so, you may be dehydrating. The combination of these things is extremely unhealthy. I picked up a few critters (amoebas, worms, et al) when I lived in India. I have a few stop-ups to suggest. Yoghurt, be sure it's actual yoghurt, not some sort of pudding. I'm not in LOS right now so I can't recall all the brands, but Meiji seems to be the real thing. The ultimate blocker, by my experimenting, is yoghurt mixed with bran (oat bran, wheat bran, fleaseed* husk are the ones I tried). This combo is like liquid tar that will solidify in your system and if lucky you won't have a motion for a few days. Fleaseed husk is popular in India, and if you have an Indian grocer nearby they just might have it. They call it saht-ee-sabgol. You can show them this picture, Telephone brand has been around forever. The water of the green coconut is a stopper. Slightly under-ripened bananas does the trick sometimes. Sometimes hard-boiled eggs does the block, but when they don't you can get these belches that taste like sulfur which are themselves sickening. Best of luck, please post your progress.
  11. If she is anywhere near her uncle's weight they probably had to put her off the flight because the plane was too heavy to take off.
  12. There are many in US gov't circles (particularly military, intelligence, and State Dept) , beyond partisanship, who would like to see Snowden dangling from a rope for what he did before he wound up in Putin-istan. You have to wonder what use they have been making of him over there. During the reign of POTUS 45 there were efforts to have Assange brought to the US. The front man on that initiative was Roger Stone, veteran right-wing dirty trickster. It was not reported this way in the media but I had the impression the idea was not to lock him up, but to use him as an asset -- after all, he did help those guys out in the 2016 campaign.
  13. There was a TV series in the US called Homeland. At one point they had a character that was decidedly based on this piece of crud. The episode where push comes to shove (season 7, episode 4) is worth a watch.
  14. I'll always remember Newt for the bj in the car incident, and his justification when it became public knowledge: I did it for love of country.
  15. And for all of you out there being Fox Newsy about this, start thinking about who they'll be coming for next. And then the one after that. Could be you and yours.
  16. In the 1960s I read this book called Morning of the Magicians. Among the strange things mentioned was that the Nazi brain trust (the guys running Germany back when) said that we actually live on the inside surface of the planet, and that when we look "into space" we are actually looking at the frozen core, the stars we see are the crystalized ice. I haven't ever again seen mention of this in the 50+ yrs since I read it. When someone claims to be a flat-earther ask them that if it were possible to dig a hole for an incredible depth what would they expect there to be when they went as far as possible. Pizza crust?
  17. Are you expecting to find Klingons around Uranus?
  18. Makes for a "show of diversity" when the r-word is tossed around. What color are the "check your brains at the door" pills they hand out when entering CPAC? Did Mr Clown ever hear the name Jesse Owens?
  19. But the sob still wins something: he got about six months of delay. Maybe this can be extended to a SCOTUS appeal. Now on to the next blocking move -- unfounded claims, faulty reasoning, ridiculous accusations. Buys more time. Tune in next week for another installment of "The Apprentice: Traitor Edition." But how does this constantly moving things back find it's end? If someone dies before they are brought to justice does that mean they won?
  20. Meanwhile there are GOP congress members who still keep the Republican dream of eradicating Social Security alive. At the risk of sounding somewhat optimistic I think that the MAGA media circus may have shaken up a lot of voters to look more closely at issues. In 2010 when the GOP said health care is Communism in disguise it worked, I don't think it will now. Once Obama was out of office the pollsters said GOP voters are still against Obamacare, but they were in favor of the ACA.
  21. At this point it's about precedent: if they let these guys walk (I'm referring to all these guys, including the one with a perverse liking of orange spray-tan) they are going to try again. What is going on in AZ right now is because the Feds didn't do what was necessary to bring the bozos who tried to finagle the 2020 election results. Two years and counting, looks like it's not going to be settled in time for the 2024 presidential. I don't think by 2028 either. Keep an eye on little Kyle, we're going to be seeing more of him in the future. I still can't believe he got away with the amateur crybaby performance: I have a nephew who does the same thing, and just as poorly (and his parents always give in). He killed (crossing state lines with a weapon and killed and wounded several people) and he got away with it. He'll do it again, he'll be able to cry his way out of that too, he'll think. He was a guest at MAL and supposedly watched the deSouza movie with the proprietor. I think he's going to go to college and have a hard time making friends, and one day it's going to come to a head he's going to load up on ammo and teach them all a lesson. In regard to the second sentence of the quote there is a multi-part podcast called Ultra, by Rachel Maddow. It involves pro-Nazi treachery in the US gov't prior to and during the US involvement in WWII, quite a good piece of work.
  22. Is the "Red Shirt Village" thing still on? That's an automatic consensus right there.
  23. Or would it be worse to go through life with everyone calling you a peter palmer? That's worse than being a peter o' tool.
  24. Aw come on, it was all the staff's fault https://www.newsweek.com/steve-bannon-blasts-trump-staff-over-nick-fuentes-kanye-west-dinner-1762539
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