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Everything posted by bendejo

  1. I've heard that British mums sometimes give their sons spotted dick. Sounds pretty scary.
  2. I was thinking of the dogfight that will be the Republican Primary. He's a bully, a miltary-type bully, he could intimidate his way to the nomination. Check out vids of these shows he puts on with evangelical preachers, scary stuff. But yeah, he's too extreme to win a legit election. I hope.
  3. Never honk your car's horn. Don't go to Washington DC. Keep away from people with red caps. If you find yourself in a place where a certain five-letter word that begins with T is prominently displayed and people are uppity about it be elsewhere.
  4. He had Rittenhouse visit him down there too, supposedly they watched that DeSouza movie together. I think we haven't seen the last of little Kyle.
  5. Desantis doesn't have the smell of a winner, IMO. More like a New Jersey governor from the bad old days, soon to be publicly shamed. Matt Gaetz had his case dismissed, I guess Matt's dad owes Ronnie a favor or two. A lot of long knives out on the right for the WH run. We'll see lots of conservative carnage in the coming year, but Fox etc will not carry it, there will be 24/7 about a certain laptop. IMO the top dogs of the pack are Pompeo and Flynn.
  6. If nothing else, this provides a little cannabis education -- it talks about buds. I've been places where they try to sell me all parts of the plant, sometimes no buds at all. Usually scrawny, like they harvested as soon as the flowering started. Sometimes male plants. I think they don't really understand, no one taught them how to grow. Buds are sometimes called flowers, and that is what it's all about. We need more hippie volunteers to go into the bush and educate.
  7. I don't see how social media comments are any indication of actual potential votes. I also don't see many white antisemites voting for a you-know-what. If you haven't already figured it out, go back and try to see what Larry David is really getting at in the No Starch, No Crease bit. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ay4uLhxhKs But I do hope he goes third-party, and then other hip-hop personalities also make a run (4th party, 5th, etc), like Cardi B forming the WAP party. Bernie was a pioneer of small donation fundraising, but it was DT who came along and corrupted it (telling his hordes to send the $$ money to him, not the RNC). Probably a lot of people looking for ways to cash in on that.
  8. I can't wait for Walker to disappear from the news. it's embarrassing to see him in the news babbling like a brain-damaged fool. Maybe, aside from this candidate stuff, it will raise some sort of awareness of the potential for brain damage in American football, but I don't see that affecting the sport as too much money is involved in it. I would like to see the slime that put him up to this taken to task. They tried something like this a few years ago in S. Carolina, they put a guy who was even worse than Walker to run against James Clyburn. Someone on tv tried to interview him, and all he could get was one-word answers. E.g.: Q: So you're running for The Senate? A: Yes. (followed by silence) Chris Rock made a movie called Head of State (a comedy, of course) about a similar situation, I'm surprised no one in the news has made a comparison.
  9. Republican senators in the US are turning green with envy as they read those numbers.
  10. They are just as spooked by the Chinese "synthetic islands" as anyone else in the region. The Marcos family is back in power, no more of the gov't turning up their noses at Uncle Sam's fine green money. No problem that Ferdy Jr is not too bright, he has the guidance of experienced leaders, like Duterte Harry. I just hope Maria Ressa has the sense to go into exile. https://www.rappler.com/ On the other hand these kleptocrats would probably sell China parts of their country if the price was right, no need for either side to waste money (yes, money again) on munitions.
  11. Will they be expected to buy US$25 tents like the homeless in the US use?
  12. Q: why did you think your wife wasn't dead? A: when I tried to have sex with her she didn't move, that's the way she always is
  13. Not about Thailand, but it is about weed. Rats ate over 500 kg seized weed, says Mathura police, court asks for proof Yeah, sure. I haven't been to India since 1981, and I really don't follow what goes on there these days, but it used to be that Uttar Pradesh was one of the states where it is legal, sold in gov't licensed shops. Amusing part of the reporting is that every article states a different amount, maybe the rats were eating it as articles were being written.
  14. The point I was going for is the way the father in the youtube vid seemed somewhat relieved that his son was only a mass murderer, and he'd have been more upset to learn the son had gender issues.
  15. "You gip me card now, I take money give you card back tonight, ok?" Why would she lie?
  16. Hong Kong around 2010, I bought a metro card (or whatever it was called), put a few bucks on it to get around buying tickets for each ride. It was a plastic touch card. Then I noticed a 7-11 type store took them, the little touch gadget right there on the counter. Well, it turns out nearly every damn shop took the things, so I got with the program and used it as a cash card, the transaction took an instant. This was the first time I saw this. I guess this is what they will ultimately push for. Credit cards take a few %, no one wants fees. On the other hand in LOS vendors might give you a discount if you pay cash, the expression in the US is "off the books."
  17. umm, sit down dad, I got something to tell ya Colorado Club Q shooting suspect is 'non-binary,' public defenders say (a Fox News link, and they don't lie ????)
  18. Well then relief is in sight: they will be revealed and we will see how he practices prudent tax management, and the truth will set him free. He will then ponder why he put so much effort in preventing them from being released for the past 7+ years. Perhaps it will reveal a schizophrenia and give those who love him so option but to commit him to a mental health facility to deal with his worsening dementia. But if the returns show him to be a rascal it's possible he'll be in custody of something other than a mental hospital. Indeed, "everyone is saying . . ."
  19. Sounds like some of our local DT fans have not heard of him stonewalling his tax returns, maybe they don't mention it on Fox/OAN/RT? He has been saying "I'm being audited, I'm not allowed to talk about it" since 2015. And we all know it's bs.
  20. The kid's first words will be: "I want to know who is the person that put us in that damned freezer!"
  21. If everything is true and correct, as he says, then he has nothing to worry about. Only guilty people take The Fifth, he says -- if you are inclined to believe what this guy says, why would you doubt this statement?
  22. Once the soup has been spit in it is already fouled, regardless if there is more spit to follow. Nothing anyone on the court can say or do will affect that. Three obvious liars were put on the court, and an obviously corrupt attorney general, all by the same kleptocratic administration. And then there is the walking infamy known as Thomas. If Roberts had a spine he would confront Thomas, and if it results in no action Roberts should resign in protest.
  23. Gotta be born in US to be president. Otherwise, there would have been a President Ahnuldt by now.
  24. Man, I'm glad I don't have to memorize all those things and then learn how to tell them apart.
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