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Everything posted by bendejo

  1. How impressive! Those GOP guys sure are strict when it comes to truth, corruption, and justice. But only in people who are not part of their party. The 1/6 insurrection was a well-behaved tour group looking for the Capitol gift shop. The attack on Paul Pelosi was a Halloween prank. How can these people be trusted to make any kind of judgement call?
  2. If they actually do catch witches then what do you call it? If the GOP really wanted to get rid of him they could, but as long as they play down the insurrection they are still fiddling DT's stick, the cowards.
  3. Heard some news analyst types the other day talking about how there are a lot of people who watch DT and the antics of the MAGA carnival as reality-show type entertainment, but this in no way implies that such viewers would vote for any of those clowns. For those who haven't seen the movie Network (1976) check it out: a veteran TV anchorman flips out while doing the news, and the success of it turns the network into a freak show. It was a satire when it came out, but not any more. Fox and the GOP are pushing for the prosecution of the 1/6 riot to be seen merely as Dem partisanship. Pence, who should be the torch-bearer against the rabble is parroting the party line. The House Jan. 6 committee on Wednesday pushed back on former Vice President Mike Pence after he described the panel as “partisan” during an interview with CBS that aired earlier in the day. https://thehill.com/homenews/house/3739275-jan-6-panel-hits-back-at-pence-over-new-interview/ Fox and the GOP: which is the tail, and which is the dog?
  4. . . . tick . . . tick . . . tick . . . Counting down to when he receives his first personal insult from you-know-who.
  5. Designer chickens! Hey, if somebody is willing to pay, go for it. I saw a documentary piece about a noodle shop somewhere near Democracy Monument that sells soup for US$30 that has the tourists waiting in line all day. But if you believe "you get what you pay for" then that is excellent soup!
  6. A beautiful French woman takes you to her bed and prepares your pipe, all the while spouting philosophy. I call this scene The Perfect Date. From Apocalypse Now Redux. perfect_date.mp4
  7. You're on -- bring it! It's ok to start with just the first half dozen. But also tell why each hasn't held up in court.
  8. Funniest post in the thread! Thanks, made my day. By running for president he can write off his entire lifestyle as campaign costs. He can also keep hitting up his supporters for more $$$. It is being reported that the Dems have spent TEN TIMES more on the midterms than the GOP. So I'm wondering if they are running low on $$$ (it seems they are always coming up with fundraising events) or they didn't want to spend it on their orange headache. DT has picked their pockets by instructing his followers to send donations to HIM, not the RNC. As of yet there has been no report of RNC support for the sore losers, my guess is they are not going to be drawn into the legal expenses like they were with the former president's stolen election claims, which put quite a dent in their coffers.
  9. Did we really need Rachel Maddow's wife to point out what the building looked like?
  10. Translation: "I know somebody who knows somebody who said . . . " Sounds like "next week is infrastructure week!" Slimey reality TV promises to entice you to watch the next episode. I'm not an activist, but from what we've had to sit through I suspect this orange-faced business will still be an issue in the 2032 presidential race, providing he is still alive and is not a semi-vegetable being fed pablum by a nursemaid. The promise of a DT indictment is as valid as the notion of bipartisanship in US Congress. Prove me wrong, General Garland!
  11. House of Games Where are you from? HOG.mp4
  12. At one time this seemed to be the most popular movie in Pattaya (and elsewhere), it seemed to be playing in every expat bar at any hour. I think this scene was a fave for a lot of people, for obvious reasons.
  13. More like crawled out of an Everglades swamp. Or alien spaceship and is trying to pass for a human.
  14. I think we have reached the point where the new delay goalpost is after November 7 2024. I don't see why anyone still even mentions the Hatch Act, Comey took a hatchet to it in 2016. Something about Rick Scott gives me the creeps, can't say what it is.
  15. She might be going for "homicidal ex-wife" motif. A daytime TV personality turned soap opera character. Maybe she'll be Hollywood bound.
  16. Tea Party morphed into Trumpsim, which will morph into this: Meet the ‘Black Robe Regiment’ of Extremist Pastors Spreading Christian Nationalism
  17. One of my all-time favorites, the sugarbowl scene from American Gangster WARNING: NOT FOR THE FAINT OF HEART sugarbowl0.mp4
  18. Bite your tongue, er, fingertips, she could be DT's VP running mate. Bannon is the one who advocated for corrupting the electoral system from the ground up, down to the people who work the polls. Arizona was to be his illustration of vote corruption and basis for the argument that voting is passe. He said this was his plan on a broadcast, in not as many words, e.g. effort was applied to have the count process dragged out, the idea being the longer it takes the more suspicious it looks and the less confidence in the system. The guy is a disgrace to humanity. https://www.mediamatters.org/steve-bannon/watch-rachel-maddow-connect-steve-bannon-potential-election-denialism-arizona
  19. I saw him on a few things in the past few months, he's grown more slimey and loathsome in my eyes. Bill Maher was trying to get him to say he doesn't support DT and he managed to slide past actually saying it. They don't drain the swamps in Jersey.
  20. He's priming up for the 2024 run, I think he has until July to throw his hat in the ring. With the hanging business he outdistances all others trying to shed DT affiliations. My own prognostications at this point: there's something unimpressive about DeSantis, I don't think he'll make it to the primaries. Pence will be the "your father's Oldsmobile" GOP candidate, he's at his best when he's not speaking and doing that sagely dad head-shake. I think he can emerge as the "back to normal" Republican candidate -- by normal I mean pre-Tea Party and all the charlatans that rode in on it. The disrupter will be Flynn, who is currently touring the US with a bunch of preachers and MAGA boosters (Pillow Guy, Overstock guy, et al), all about Jesus and America and racial destiny. It seems his preachers of color are turning a blind eye to the white supremacy aspects. I think this will be a little too far for even church-going voters. I'm waiting to see if Flynn tries to run himself, as third party, or anoints DT as the messiah. There will be the usual GOP clown car with the likes of Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Marco, Lindsey, and some new "talent" like Youngkin (DT already taking shots at him), maybe those Georgia white guys like Kemp. Pompeo has long been known to have grand political ambitions, and he's trying desperately to get the stench of orange spray-tan off of himself. These are but my opinions and are subject to change. Soon.
  21. Trump and his allies say there is evidence of corruption in emails and documents allegedly found on a laptop belonging to Democrat Joe Biden’s son. They say those and other documents show that Hunter Biden used his father’s influence to enrich himself through business deals in Ukraine and China, and that his father not only facilitated that, but may have benefited financially. No mention of credible sources. In NYC's Chinatown there is a chicken that tells fortunes that has more cred. "They say," and the they is the people who said Covid is a hoax, the 1/6 riot was just well-behaved tourists, trusting Putin over US intelligence sources (is it treason yet?), just a taste of the four years of utter nonsense of a self-serving occupant of the Oval Office. Rudy Giuliani, who has met with Russian agents in his effort to dig dirt on the Bidens. Brings the old collusion word back into play. A president who had his finger on the scale every moment of his adult life term, but the focus is on the other party.
  22. I never liked the Dems, but I dislike them as I would an _sshole relative. To me the GOP/conservatives are self-serving hypocrites hiding behind christian and patriotic facades. Now in the Citizen's United era they are literally hogs at the trough. All these bs issues they come up with, like transgender kids, serves to distract from the real problems, like school shootings and money in politics. Every issue brought forward by the GOP in Congress is in service to their sponsors. And of course there are some Congressional Dems cut from the same stuff. In early 2013 Bernie was asked about who in Congress takes money: he said all Republicans (repeated it as "awl" so people in NYC could understand ???? ) and some Dems. When pressed for how many Dems he mumbled what sounded like 40 percent. So, I'm not a Democrat but I vehemently declare I am not now and have never been a Republican. The only time I even considered voting that way was when it looked like 2008 would be Hillary v. McCain. I vote Dem to keep the Republicans out. Third party is the turd in the punchbowl for US presidential elections.
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