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Everything posted by bendejo

  1. There will be administration fees. my guess is ~ US$2,500 After you pay that they will realize the fees are actually higher, another $2,500 And then . . .
  2. As a potential governmenteur she's a $3 bill. She altered nearly all her positions to appease the leader of Team Orange. Her strength is that she is engaging to her audience, as personable as a daytime TV talk show host. Yet another US television personality running for office. DT loves her. For now.
  3. I get the impression that is yet another piece of inane wisdom from the world of hip-hop, about as profound as "haters gonna hate."
  4. Do you recall calling me out on a comment recently about keeping my coffee hot for an hour? Pop the cup in the microwave for 20 seconds and there you are. I cook up big pots of things, dish them out into 1 portion servings, then freeze them. On lazy days (there's about 7 in a week) it's just a matter of popping it into the MW. Frozen (steamed) rice fluffs up very nicely in 2 minutes. Once it is in the house you and yours will come up new ideas for it. Don't do built-in, and don't use it to dry your cat. ????
  5. I had an inguinal hernia re-repair a few years ago after the first repair burst after ~35 years. The surgeon explained to me that the original repair was a stitch-up that eventually burst. The new way is to use a piece of mesh material. You should ask your surgeon about this. This was five years ago, so far so good. On occasion when I have a digestive problem I get a little awareness of the wound area, but I'm able to forget about it. Word to the wise: after getting the surgery, and for the rest of your days, it is in your interest to avoid constipation (I wish someone had warned me of this). Best of luck.
  6. Gotta disagree: too vain for insanity defense, too cowardly for suicide. IMO most likely a Thaksin (if it came to that): go into exile and spend the remainder of his years talking smack about whoever is running the US, promising to come back in glory at some point. Oh yeah, and Melania will leave him. Let's see what comes of this, sounds like a confession to me. 'You did what now?' Experts aghast after Donald Trump admits he 'fixed' Ron DeSantis’ 2018 election Blagojevich much?
  7. "It's all a hoax started by the radical-left Communists in the Democrat party like Al Gore!" And it will remain so until the geo-location of Mar-a-Lago is fully submerged. Then it will be because of a DeSantis screw up.
  8. The world itself is his reality show. No matter, I read the other day his net worth is US$300+ billion.
  9. What the MAGA folks can be led to believe is completely wide open, that has already been proven (is baby blood available online yet?). That should be taken as an asset for anyone who courts their vote. One of the grander mistakes you-know-who made is he stayed with courting the lunatic fringe, and other than his tax cuts for the wealthy made no attempt to capture the (relatively) saner vote. With all the other lunacy aside, IMO his biggest mistake in his devious plans was alienating the military, he went into it within weeks of him announcing in 2015: POWs are not heroes, military personnel are losers, "I'm know more about the military than any general" etc. If not for this he probably could of turned 1/6 into the country's first military coup. For about a year now Flynn has been working on something that I call the American Taliban. I don't know if Flynn will run it himself, or just be the spiritual leader, but I see this as a major force in the 2024 race, which seems to already be happening. Michael Flynn’s ReAwaken Roadshow Recruits ‘Army of God’
  10. In 2004 a US presidential candidate's white wife, who was born in Kenya, said she was "African American." The Black folks didn't like that. I'm surprised the Kiwi team All Blacks hasn't been forced to change their name.
  11. A certain woke politician in the US recently had to do a lot of profuse apologizing for implying that only women can get pregnant. While I have an appreciation of irreverent humor I've had it with non-white comedians making anti-white comments poorly disguised as jokes, the sort that would be punishable if the ethnicities were reversed. Don't dish out what you're not willing to eat.
  12. The only requirement for his endorsement was saying the 2020 election was stolen. Issues, vision -- what are those? Something I happened to catch while hearing election results come in: at least one reporter was referring to certain GOP contenders as "MAGA candidates" instead Republicans. He has 3 priorities: me me me For the WSJ (the least looney of the Murdoch outlets) to be calling him GOP’s “biggest loser” would be like a wife publicly declaring she's filing for divorce and posting a pic of hubby's tiny peepee. Crystal ball prediction: DT is going to find a way to knock DeSantis out of the 2024 running.
  13. If he doesn't run for 2024, for some reason, will Don Jr run? Wouldn't that be a gift for the comedians!
  14. Baer likes to depict himself as one who does not drink the Fox kool-aid (in not as many words), and yeah, he may not be a screaming nutter but don't lose sight of what team he's on. There is plenty of leaning rightward in his reporting.
  15. Very much like the recession of 50 years ago. And no new episodes of "Sanford and Son" this time. For me living through it is the re-run. It began with the price of gasoline, which was around 30 cents per gallon in 1970, and had been that much for years, the prices were painted on the signs. By 1980 the price went above $1 and has never gone back. But also as is being claimed now there is an everything shortage: supply is down for (item name here) because (insert excuse here) and when it re-appears the price has doubled. Certain pharmaceuticals are in short supply this time, which I find suspicious.
  16. I figured at some point the invertebrates of the GOP will get up the courage to give DT the Julius Caesar treatment. It's the bullies that are the biggest cowards. I've been waiting, but it could be soon. Keep your eye on Flynn.
  17. I was anticipating that the DOJ would be making an announcement on Nov. 9, but it hasn't happened.
  18. Trump Says He Should ‘Get All the Credit’ if GOP Wins, ‘Not Be Blamed’ if They Lose The narcissist's creed.
  19. Done it lots of times, but haven't tried recently. They take your fingerprints when you enter, land border or airport.
  20. The plan is to destroy the electoral system via burdening them with anything they can concoct. Don't get hung up on the demands of a certain case, each is just another piece of trash being dumped. How is this being allowed to happen?
  21. I had a German girlfriend, she would refer to guys like this as a "B-dolf." (because B comes after A) Her brother, born during the Reich, was one. Seems that they are a type.
  22. These days a US patriot is someone who is pro-Russia and Putin is "the man," and they love the tyrants running the former USSR states. CPAC held one of their club meetings in Hungary, that should tell you a lot. How does supporting these guys support the US? What happened to the "love it or leave it" ? The leader of the MAGA thing has a fetish about being sub to world-class strong men, and he's pretty obvious about it.
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