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Everything posted by bendejo

  1. So he spends the night at a lady's house and when he leaves in the morning her kid asks "is that my uncle too?"
  2. It's pretty tough on Kim to compete for attention with the US's Kim. Maybe he should get breast implants and a selfie stick.
  3. There was a lot of this in the US in the wake of the 2008 economic fiasco. None of the banks owned up with "oops, sorry!", the owners had to lawyer up, go through legal channels.
  4. In India the leaves are mashed up into a paste and eaten or infused into a tea, or into a cold drink like lassi (which is yoghurt + water). Even has a wiki page https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bhang Did it once before I knew what it was. I was in a gov't licensed shop buying bud, there was a big mound of it on a platter, the chap sold me a clump about the size of a marble for less than 2 US pennies. Went back to the hotel, the proprietor invited me to tea, and I dropped the stuff into my cup when he looked away. Man did it mess me up, and I was trying to maintain composure in front of the guy. Imagine what it would have been like if I spent 4 cents!
  5. Little kids selling peanuts won't have much money, not worth their time.
  6. If someone distrusts a post they demand a link to back it up. In most cases this is dumb -- if you don't trust someone why would you trust their link? I think it is the weak person's way of attempting control. If you don't trust what some posted then do your own search! "The truth is in the details" the old saying goes. MAGA is not about details, it's about the words of the Orange One, the man who speaks in hyperbole and needs to flush the toilet 15 times. The large print giveth, the smaller print taketh away -- Tom Waits
  7. I give up on this. This is going to be dragged out for a very long time, possibly even to the point where the process of how the ink was applied to the paper of these documents is examined. This won't be closed out until DT is in the ground, but maybe some of his bootlicks will live to take the heat. But I am still keeping an eye on the occasional article until the word espionage starts coming up, that may change things. But there's still: fake elector clown show, vote tampering clown show, insurrection attack, NY fraud case, Georgia vote count corruption, probably more I can't think of at the moment. I'm also waiting for those patriotic conservatives to come out for the US giving military support to Russia to defeat Ukraine. It looks like it's getting there. The prominent conservative group decried ‘gift-giving to Ukraine’ while adopting Putin’s view of ‘Ukraine-occupied territories’
  8. Kari Lake is a gem. Like cut glass. Even for a MAGA booster she is outstandingly phony, like a bad soap opera actress.
  9. I'm sure he'll return after the 2008 Beijing Olympics are over, just like he promised.
  10. Never been particularly interested in go-go dancing myself. One time went to a Walking Street go-go with a buddy, each girl just standing at a pole holding on to it with one hand, barely swaying to the music. It looked like they were riding a subway train. There was one older gal doing the actual bump and grind, making eye contact with the customers, the other girls looking at her as if she was crazy, but when the set was over it was the lively one who had the punters lining up. Much sexier to see girls in their office clothes on their way to work on the actual subway IMO. When the hawker tables, booths etc are set up on Walking Street they can't roll in the police cars and things can be a little more risque, like the girls performing nekkid.
  11. Liz Truss’s premiership has got off to the worst start possible C'mon, let her get her a_se on the chair! Then sock it to her. There was a US political gasbag who declared Bill Clinton a failure before his inauguration, never read his column again after that.
  12. After 9/11 USPS started keeping a database of addresses that were mailbox services. I've used such things for years, and then one day I got a note from a credit card issuer I applied with telling me I needed to give a legit address, even if I preferred to get my mail at a box. You would think someone who (supposedly) owns so much real estate would be able come up with a less obvious address. "I have a very good mind!" Jared owns a building across the street from DT tower, at 666 Fifth Avenue. Great address for a fake conservative.
  13. I did that crossing lots of times, near always used some form of minibuses. Never did it by train, word going around was the train sat there for a long time. But that was long ago. When coming from Malaysia into Thailand by minibus there was sometimes a 100b baksheesh entry tax by the uniformed guys on the Thai side, collected by the drivers.
  14. Anyone who is anti-dictatorship is anti-fascist by another name. Good to hear you're standing up to fascism!
  15. She's GOP. When caught transgressing, Democrats fall on their swords. GOP double down and blow it off with lame, obvious excuses. The sins of the father will not be held to light until he's in the ground, and she might be 80 when that happens.
  16. Strictly IMO, I don't think DeSantis is going to make the cut in the primaries. He just doesn't have much in the way of personality nor gravitas, same as Rubio and Rick Scott. Youngkin might be the shooting star for 2024. After the Republican reformation Liz could be prime contender, but that wouldn't be until 2028 or 2032.
  17. The MAGA crowd is calling for shutting down the IRS and the FBI. They think if there is no IRS there will be no more income tax and with no FBI then the charlatans they follow will no longer have to follow laws. Well, no one ever referred to it an an intellectual movement.
  18. Wasn't it people dying from mj use a few months ago? Now it's mental health problems. Speaking strictly for myself smoking that stuff probably keeps me out of the mental hospital. Around 1970 the US Navy tried to stop sailors from smoking it by saying mj will turn you gay -- I think that one backfired on them, but it brought in recruits. Studies show that smoking marijuana has been found to make otherwise normal people want to hear BTS recordings. Yeah, I made that up, just like everybody else does.
  19. I know this doesn't pertain to the NY case, but I would think if all this number-juggling is proven true the IRS will have no choice but to act upon it. As with all the cases involving this scofflaw crew if they are not brought to justice it will inspire other low-life characters to be as bold. We hear about accountants keeping 2 sets of books, gotta wonder how many Weisselberg kept.
  20. Unfair indeed! Dragging in some politician's adult children is something no god and country conservative would do, oh wait, I haven't seen the phrase "Hunter Biden's laptop" on a newsfeed for at least at hour, maybe my browser is having problems. And then the stuff about Biden's daughter's diary. https://www.cnbc.com/2022/08/25/guilty-pleas-in-theft-of-diary-of-ashley-biden-daughter-of-president.html My memory of US presidents goes back to Eisenhower, and I have never heard of a president's kid(s) comment on anything governmental or political while dad was in office (not even Ford's kids, how many did he have, 17? ). Maybe if Don Jr stuck to cocaine and pleasuring his nympho girlfriend he wouldn't have so many problems. https://www.thewrap.com/kimberly-guilfoyle-left-fox-news-after-sexual-misconduct-investigation-report/
  21. If and when the GOP gets past this orange nightmare, perhaps splitting into two or more parties, Liz and Kinzinger will be at the top of the heap of one of them. Do not lose sight of who or what she is. She has ambitions, to be sure. As for daddy, Iraq War II was all his, and good conservatives don't defy their parents. I'd put him in the same class as Putin when it comes to handling obstacles, though I am not accusing him causing bloody assassinations: the way he handled Jesse Jackson during the 2000 vote count is more like it. Still hoping for a 3rd-party split for 2024, maybe even DT as a fugitive candidate. Yes, all gone. Weekly calls for Biden impeachments, qanon-quality accusations, pics of prominent Dems with baby parts on their dinner plates, etc.
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