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Everything posted by bendejo

  1. . . . and the Two Bags of Douche Award goes to Glenn Youngkin. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2022/10/29/youngkin-comments-pelosi-attack-dangerous-tasteless/ But perhaps we should reserve judgement until it happens to him, let's see how his sense of humor holds up. I feel sorry for his family. But alas, kids, we can't choose our parents.
  2. The broken glass on top of the cement wall form of defense doesn't play well in that part of San Francisco.
  3. Obviously just another well-behaved tourist visiting an elected official. Soon he will be a MAGA candidate, possibly DT's new running mate for 2024. </sarcasm> But the Dingleberry of the Day Award goes to Rand Paul. Truly a class act, that one.
  4. Carloads of lads that never go any further than Sadao. I've seen attempts to open Thai-style beer bars in Penang, they don't seem to last long.
  5. I can't recommend a person, but if you are looking to try some out I'd suggest taking a trip down to Charoen Krung Soi 72, there's a few no-frills massage places, I think there is a school for it as well. The price is low too. An interesting way to get there is Chao Phraya boat to Wat Worachanyawas jetty puts you right there. It's about a 1 mile walk from Saphan Taksin skytrain station. On second thought if you're concerned about contagious illness in close quarters you may want to hold off until better times. It's all mats on the floor, at least 4 mats per room.
  6. Hmmm, so he brings up the incident to defame his political opponent, but IMO it would have been best to not mention it at all. I would think only the Muslims and the most liberal of Thais care about the incident. This would be like denouncing your buddy as a rapist, you saw it yourself while you say you were only holding her down for him. OK, it has to be done: "The operation failed because I didn't know what time it was, I promise you it will not happen again" says Prawit. ????
  7. Can't they just cut off his tongue? They can make it a special form of punishment for rappers.
  8. Ah yes, the Tak Bai incident where the military fired their guns up to the sky and the bullets came down and killed people in the crowd. That is what the former PM in exile gave as an excuse at the time. Before attending an ASEAN summit shortly after he did announce that if anyone brings up Tak Bai he would walk out. Well, now he's apologizing. I wonder what he's working toward.
  9. Can we now openly admit SCOTUS has become politicized, or must we keep up the charade that it is not?
  10. The Pez Outlaw It's absurd but it's true. Fear and loathing in the world of collecting. At around 35 minutes in, when they start showing the various collectors, I fell into a fit of laughter.
  11. The outrage of the local people that a falang is taking food from the mouths of Thai children. Foreigners are allowed into the country so that money can be taken from them. The very first time I visited Pattaya I checked into my room and went for a walk. As I was passing a beer bar I heard a gal berating a falang guy with "falang no gip munnee falang no good." I have taken this to be the unofficial motto of LOS. I have worked in kitchens at various levels when I was young. Throwing out unsold food in large amounts is heartbreaking. Any biz involving food opens you up to endless liabilities. In certain US cities the various inspectors (health, building, fire dept, and others) are notorious, can close you down on a whim. Yes, you can take it to court and be heard, but by the time it takes to get there you may have realized it was not a good idea, and if you win you cannot sue for damages from the loss you took in the months the case was pending. I would suspect in LOS these issues are remedied by immediate cash.
  12. But not for fatal accidents while attempting to take selfies. Selfies, Darwinism at work.
  13. Big news, actually. Mie Sedaap is about as popular in Indonesia as Campbell's soup is in the US.
  14. They're not stopping him from broadcasting, or are they? Like when Manafort was out on bail, they let him get away with witness intimidation over the phone from home. The guy likes his drink (it's as plain as the nose on his face ???? ), four months detox looms ahead.
  15. Ivanka is the one with the brains, plus she has a husband with his own enterprise. Tiff is probably going to change her name when the old man dies. Uday and Qusay Eric and Junior dwell in a subjective reality, just read any of their quotes in the media. If you say "criminal and bankrupt enterprise" they'll parry with Hillary, Hunter and the Deep State.
  16. Catch-22: you can't be classified as crazy if you tell them you're crazy. No matter, he would never admit to that short of dodging the death penalty. In certain circles in the US extreme narcissism is about as common as being allergic to peanuts. The hi-tech boom of the past 30 or so years has produced a bumper crop of them, to say nothing of what the social media stuff is now fostering. The more prominent egos manage to get themselves in the news almost daily, no need to specify there. I used to think Larry Ellison was the pinnacle of this, but an even newer arrogance is emerging. On the other hand I know someone who is not only self-obsessed and superior, but is also a masochist who seems to get off on being called a loser (just like his mama used to call him). And it's not like this guy is wealthy, talented, accomplished or successful in any noteworthy way.
  17. The white power types will protect him. I read there are jails where the "patriots" are kept separately from the other criminals, probably for their own protection. I'd like to see this dip thrown into general population: he'll probably be out of there in less than four months, but he won't be breathing that long. But maybe a threat to his life on the inside will be part of the sentence appeal. I once mentioned club fed on TVF a few years back a lot of very bright lads lit into me for mentioning something that doesn't exist. I'd bet that the Bannon sentencing was taken as a green light for this subpoena.
  18. If not for the timing of the Queen's death her tenure would have been shorter. She was probably the last outsider to palace to meet with the Queen, hmmmm . . .
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