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Everything posted by bendejo

  1. There has been this idea floating around that DT truly believes he won the election and thus did and said things based on that, and perhaps proficient lawyers can play it for exoneration. It's called diminished capacity. I would think he wouldn't like that one because it implies bats in the belfry. If his kids were bolder and smarter they could play on that to take control of the enterprise and send him off to Pleasant Valley Rest Home. Well, looks like that excuse is no more. I would have thought "c'mon guys, just get me 11,000 votes" would be enough.
  2. Well, the first thing is you have to question how these studies come up with their numbers. I would think any smart student would never tell a survey-taker "yes" because it could get them expelled, arrested, shamed, and whatever else. To illustrate how shocking knowledge of it's use can still be go back to not long ago when a certain attention-craving entrepreneur supposedly took a toke from a passed joint during a podcast and when word got out the price of his company's stock immediately dropped ("the CEO is on drugs!") and and it seemed every media outlet covered the story. In states where recreational is legal, in my experience, the shops often do suggestive selling of edibles. There are no telltale clues with these things: no dogs can sniff them out, no smells of pollen, burning, vaping etc. Gummies, chocolate bars, and hard candies look like any other candies. Even a dorm-mate may not know you're so inclined. Personally I think the biggest threat is people doing concentrates and using those mini-flamethrowers while they're high, there's a disaster just waiting to happen there. I'm concerned my neighbors are going to burn the house down. I admit I'm somewhat clumsy under the influence, I won't even get a glass bong because I'll probably break it in a few days.
  3. Thanks for this, good info. Waiting for DT to come to her defense that nevertrumpers are discriminating against a woman, something he himself would never do
  4. It's been pointed out by political commentators that GOP members of US Congress are keeping suspiciously mum on the subject of cannabis. I think it has something to do with a former GOP Speaker of the House (Boehner) who is known, these days, for working for cannabis interests. Other than those with philosophical reasons against the stuff the biggest challenge would come from the alcoholic beverage industry, afraid of things like football tailgate partys where joints will replace beer.
  5. While she's not as bad as the US's Sarah Palin she is making the same mistakes: just because someone can manage to get on the ballot or actually obtain a position of authority does not mean they have the wherewithal for the job. By her body language and facial expression these days I think she has figured that out about herself.
  6. Be careful with the button that is labeled in only Japanese, the translation for that one would be enema.
  7. About as valid as the one about Michelle Obama making a run. Not as funny either. Sounds like you guys are looking for a new woman to demonize.
  8. I saw a guy doing this on Phetchaburi Rd one afternoon at commute time (heading in the direction of KSR). I was eating at a stall, the lady that ran the place answered a phone call and started looking at me, then says something to me about a farang while pointing to the street. People came out of shops and alleys to see him, they seemed pretty entertained. The traffic was blocking him while he managed to keep moving. Farang have to give money.
  9. I consider these a favor to the boss in Moscow. He didn't want someone on Team Biden to stop it with a phone call.
  10. Two big mugs of very good coffee every morning, each mug takes an hour to consume. If it took three hours no matter. A life of luxury from my point of view.
  11. Tajikistan! That country is nowhere near Ukraine. Sounds like their gov sent them to please Vlad, and the guys aren't happy. Chechans too are being drafted and sent there, they don't sound too happy either. And now that swine in Belarus sending the country's young. Could this be the beginning of a grass-roots uprising between Russia and the people of it's block? Maybe soon will be revealed that Russian soldiers are dying from being shot in the back of the head.
  12. Sigh. Years of GOP gerrymandering first delivered W, a success by their standards ("just sign what we give you, dummy"), and then a second popular loss/electoral win and the party gets their biggest booby prize. I've stated before I'll never again use the expression "no one is that stupid." As Grover Norquist (Mr Tax Pledge) said during the 2012 presidential campaign "it doesn't matter who the GOP nominates, we just need someone to sign our legislation." (I keep recalling that amid this Herschel Walker mishigas.) But I do suspect the orange guy has taken some pleasure in shredding the Republican party. And just think: he was ready to drop out when the Access Hollywood tape came out, and Bannon talked him out of it.
  13. Some time ago, around the early 2000s, someone built a development just outside NYC, condos and offices. He was having trouble getting people interested. After a while he came up with the idea of getting DT to attach his name to it, paid him a million dollars. And the units sold like hotcakes. A friend from the area told me about it back when. This is the place: Westchester condo complex dumps Trump name I don't think there any doubt, with himself included, that going into politics was the worst decision of his life.
  14. Co-founder of Trump’s media company details Truth Social’s bitter infighting if that gets caught in the paywall, go this way The man sure knows how to run a company.
  15. One tells the lies, the other swears to it. As I've been saying, the russiarussiarussia/Mueller Report is the sleeping Godzilla in the bottom of the ocean that will awaken and destroy [Trump]. Espionage, treason, foreign collusion, and all the trimmings that come along with it. Hillary channeled Cassandra when she said "Putin's puppet." You can be sure there is a load of crimes that haven't been publicly revealed yet; it started in June 2015 and he's still at it. By conservative (ha-ha!) guess-timate I'd say one scofflaw act per month in that period, but probably more like several per week. Even if he doesn't get the jumpsuit that matches his face paint he'll have to deal with at least ten years of legal entanglements for his transgressions. Say goodbye to the inheritance, kids. If he dies before they get to put him in prison is that considered a win? Ask Bill Cosby how that works.
  16. Have you tried a re-scan of channels? Sometimes they add things, move them around, etc.
  17. There was a song on the radio I hadn't heard in over 50 years. Later that day I saw taxis on the street. I'm not making this up.
  18. IMO when he brought in that goon squad (Sidney Powell, Pillowman et al) I think he dangled a tempting carrot in front of them, maybe something like "whoever turns this around and keeps me in office gets a billion bucks" and thus ensued something on the level of the movie "It's a Mad Mad Mad World" combined with "The Thick of It." Powell is going to do some orange jumpsuit time for that crank call to the Pentagon about the CIA chief being kidnapped. Oh, and rotsa ruck collecting that billion if they did succeed.
  19. WSJ <--> Fox News <--> NY Post same same Perhaps the two (virtually) printed ones aim for the same crowd but at different levels of intellect.
  20. Pelosi is cool as a cucumber, check out the 1/6 vids of her trying get something done. The orange guy throws his plate against the wall, a spoiled little boy in a fats man's body. Can't handle embarrassment? That is a pretty embarrassing thing to have the world know about you. Ever Schumer can get a flame under his _ss sometimes, takes a verbal jab at the acting AG.
  21. The GOP plan is to make the US economy as bad as possible to make the Dems look as bad as possible in 2024. They can do magic the way they can oppose something and when it passes Congress and the people like it they make it look like passing it was their doing, when not one GOP rep or senator voted for it. A lot of them are campaigning on the infrastructure improvements which they actually voted against. If they succeed in cutting Social Security they'll tell the retirees it was those commie Dems that did it. Unfortunately I don't think there are enough GOP voters intelligent enough to see through that, and it seems the RNC is well aware of that, and they would like to keep it that way. I'll always remember Rick Santorum calling Obama a snob because he said every kid should get a college education. Voter ignorance makes the Republican party strong!
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