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Everything posted by bendejo

  1. The other day he prefaced the "maybe the FBI thought they would find the Hillary emails" at his beach club with "A lot of people are saying . . .. " I have yet to hear any news personality call him on one of these, with the question "who exactly said this?" I think the only one daring enough to do it would be Mehdi Hassan, but I don't think his bosses would like it.
  2. Pattaya policeman to person on the street: did you see a drunk farang? person on the street: you're kidding, right?
  3. Back when DT went to N. Korean there were clues that his real motivation was to open a resort on the NK coast. Dig through archives and you'll find his hints. Wouldn't it be something if he ended up in exile there?
  4. Be sure you're sitting comfortably before reading on. "I would rather have [Biden] succeed incredibly, even if it meant a much tougher [election] and maybe even a loss," Trump told Hannity, adding that he is in favor of what's best for the country. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/donald-trump-s-latest-comments-on-joe-biden-will-take-you-by-surprise/ar-AA12cFo8?cvid=c300c4f952614975a6b7935ec1a11ef4 Of course, we can't be sure which particular country he means. What's best for the country could mean anything. You can tell things aren't going well beneath the orange mop. He's resorting to bringing up the already tired tropes, like the FBI raiding his beach resort looking for Hillary emails. Strictly IMO, at this point there is a possibility all this document stuff could lead to an espionage case, and he knows it.
  5. Probably pulled from the stockpile to see if they still work before shipping off to Vlad.
  6. Was this in your carry-on or checked luggage when you brought it in? I would have thought anything with a battery in it would draw their attention somewhere along the way. Also only try this if it's never been used, as you can be busted for traces in a dirty pipe. Headline would be "Foreigner caught smuggling cannabis!" but toward the end of the article would be that the haul was 0.03 grams.
  7. Looks like farang. Why is she a "hot model," is the air conditioning broken?
  8. You may think of him as a hardliner, but his replacement can make him look like a peacenik by comparison. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/winnie-the-pooh-censored-china-president-xi-jinping-comparisons/
  9. Some plants are particularly adverse to transplanting, or just having their pot moved around.
  10. Send him to St Helena and eliminate all communication, let him die there and be buried in Napoleon's former grave. Why hasn't the document search involved his UK properties? If the Brits bust him maybe my St Helena plan could work. Oh, and NO MIRRORS or haircare products.
  11. None so blind as those who will not see. With all of his idiocy they've defended, the friends and family they've alienated, and the money they've sent to him, well, it takes a special kind of person to admit to being wrong. Anyone who hasn't owned up by now is beyond reach. E.g. when the Bannon wall scam was revealed the True Orange supporters said their leader didn't do anything wrong, it was all the parasites around him doing those terrible things. This is the defense of him Kellyanne has been peddling. Something not uncommon in the US is some free-lance christian preacher (no shortage of those!) will announce that a certain date will be the end of days. There is always one pending, MSM hardly mentions them anymore. Well, this guy and his ilk have been playing this coming attractions bs since June 2015. Maybe not armaggeddon but you can have fun trying to track all the times the pillow guy said things like "next Wednesday at 3 o'clock the truth will be revealed and all this will be settled and DT will be back in the White House." How many of these can a person hear and not catch on?
  12. As was talked of last spring, the winter favors Russia because the muddy terrain freezes and it's much easier to navigate their tanks. I'm sure the Ukrainis were hoping this would be over before the winter. Now there's a contrast for you: people risk life limb and loved ones to slip into the US, and the risk of being deported once inside; Russia prevents people from leaving, just like USSR days.
  13. What bothers is me is the notes that are stuck together without use of fasteners.
  14. Around the year 2000 there were a lot of cases in Bkk of dengue in the Japanese community, generally living in the Phrom Phong area. I found it disturbing that this was hardly mentioned in the media. There were also a lot of cases in Rio de Janeiro but it wasn't until the people in the wealthy neighborhoods started getting it that it got mentioned in the press ("OMG! TV star gets dengue!"); I guess that's how these things are handled. There is dengue fever, and then there is dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF), and supposedly a whole lot of variants. That DHF is the really nasty one, if you're lucky you'll only get the one that feels like a miserable flu that lasts for a week. Don't believe claims that it only happens in densely-populated urban areas or rural areas, it can happen anywhere. I had a gf who lived in the sticks and got it twice -- tough hillbilly gal her!
  15. My question: is he going to attack Dearie? This special master stuff is in Brooklyn, which is a borough of NYC. Queens is a neighboring borough, which is where DT was born. I'm waiting for him to come up with some kind of anti-Queens bias accusation, which will make every native NY'er laugh.
  16. What country would you like to live in if not LOS? (hint hint) Get away. A few months of hanging out in bar competing for punters, alcohol flows like water, having to bonk on demand, etc is going to get to her. Hey, she may even last a year or two, but she will have become a bar girl. Committing to a reconcile in the future not good idea. My 2 cents.
  17. He's been juggling numbers to such a degree I would not be surprised if when this is over he gets criminal fraud charges.
  18. Dearie asks Trump lawyers whether they believe FBI lied about seized documents Fair question. Why didn't Ms Cannon ask this? (rhetorical)
  19. presidents can declassify docs ‘even by thinking about it’ Wow! Even Valdemort needs a wand and a magic word!
  20. Hey guys, while you're at it keep an eye out for that fat check Publisher's Clearing House said they would send me!
  21. You might recall this is the way DT started out in June 2015. "The American dream is dead" he was saying. He'd say anything just to see how it did in the polls. You may have noticed how quickly he dropped "I love the poorly educated!" But now the one taking the lead is Michael Flynn, who is going around the US pushing a combo of Christianity and US patriotism. https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/article/michael-flynn-government-insider-holy-warrior/ Let's not forget DT never had a real agenda or message (other than "me me me!"), getting most of his positions from the Fox News chuckleheads. Now Flynn is the god-and-country crusader. If nothing else, the likes of the Lincoln Project and Liz Cheney has been a model for the Dems to develop some spinal fortitude. Even some of the more candy-_ssed personalities on MSNBC have summoned up courage, I guess having a POTUS personally call you a sc_mbag on national TV could have that effect. As soon as the one Biden-DT debate ended in 2020 CNN cut to Dana Bash, her first words were "that was a sh_t show!" She should be given a Pulitzer for that. Gotta love those Jersey girls, but heart-on-the-sleeve Chris Hayes taking a similar, yet more well-spoken stance? That is impressive. You could say DT and his crew has turned US politics into something more like WWE wrestling, and the news media has learned how to hit him with chairs.
  22. Can of worms there: all sorts of spousal testimony rules, I'd guess it varies by state. This was before politics, so I guess Jared was running his own enterprise. BTW I suspect an ex-wife of one of the sons was some sort of cut-out to shelter at least some of the family fortune, should it all be sequestered.
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