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Everything posted by bendejo

  1. Note that these "walk back" words will probably not be covered by Fox or the other networks that have fallen off the edge of the sane world.
  2. He is the sort that non-MAGA Republicans are afraid of. I could picture him doing something completely off-the-wall if elected, like putting a neighborhood with mostly ethnic residents under siege.
  3. As you know DT is no stranger to the courtroom. There are business people in the US that are not in any particular business but they end up in court a lot, either suing or being sued. (Unfortunately ex-wife had a few of these in her social circle.) So, you sue me for something or other, and you lose the case; I then sue you for having the audacity to sue me in the first place. It's a free run, as the opponent has already lost, and it delivers fortune and vengeance. DT is playing it for politics this time -- he wanted to bury any words of his russiarussiarussia (as he calls it) probe by having those he accuses of conspiring against him prosecuted for it. Should the incident ever come up again (which I think will) he could have pointed to the Durham indictments. Which it turns out are not coming, even though he insists they are. Perhaps the current USAG should pursue the former AG for the frivolous Durham investigation!
  4. Ghostbusters didn't find no ghost. What are those terms DT likes to repeat? "Hoax"? "Fishing expedition"? Yep, that's what it is. Time to act on the Mueller report, General G!
  5. "Be nice to us or we make a recording of Baby Shark and it will be played constantly all over Asia!"
  6. Of all the coffee producing countries in the world, and all the coffee consuming countries, why is this subject of such concern to Thailand?
  7. I enjoyed this. I like these nature shows, what annoys me is instead of seeing place the screen is filled with the face of the narrator. This one doesn't do that. Saw one recently of these two French guys who navigated the Himalayas by parasailing (Lost in Karakorum). Some incredible views, but unfortunately more than half the time it is footage of the two guys filming each other.
  8. I didn't watch the series, but I did read the story. It's not very long, it's more about the setting and situation (the Allies lost WWII, Japan and Germany have divvied up the US) than the character interplay, which means a lot gets lost in the dramatization. Written in the 1950s. The Japanese come off as the nice guys compared to that certain European country. Well written, from the same author that wrote the story that became Blade Runner.
  9. Probably meets a lot of women. At least he can be sure she's not a gold digger.
  10. Some day Bubba (aka Bill Clinton) will visit his grave, and we know what he will do.
  11. You will probably not want to go that high. If I put the bud through a grinder it vapes pretty well at around 310F; I'm sure there will be others who say I'm wrong, either too low or too high, but you make your own choice. If you don't grind it up well it will require more time or higher temperature, and you can have fun experimenting. Adding a longer mouthpiece to the gadget will cool the fumes somewhat. I vaped for a few years, then my gadget broke so I started hitting the bong again while waiting for a replacement and was reminded how much I like it. That 'clubbed in the forehead' sensation the bong gives is beyond words (for me). In my own experience I'll season a new vape gadget by taking off the cap and letting it burn at max temp, and keep doing it until it no longer gives off plastic fumes. Going by lots of posts on the net, it seems there are a lot people buy a vape, try it right out of the box and when they taste the plastic they'll put it away never to be used again, and then put up reviews decrying the gadget as junk. I've been through a few gadgets and found it a good idea to do this every time. I just bought one of these a few months ago https://www.fasttech.com/search?ANIX Gemini I don't like spending a lot on these things because I just might drop it on the floor (like my first vape I bought 10 years ago and paid US$150 for) or something in the electronics will die.
  12. There are people with plans for this rabble. DT + Jesus + 'faith in your leaders' = MAGA accomplished https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/former-trump-adviser-michael-flynn-at-the-center-of-new-movement-based-on-conspiracies-and-christian-nationalism You think DeSantis is the future of the GOP? Check out Flynn!
  13. But whom is teaching whom? Get ready for what this guy has to say. https://abcnews.go.com/GMA/News/video/top-prosecutor-fired-trump-memoir-89741387
  14. Which one one is Meghan, is she one of Kim's sisters or an in-law?
  15. I've always liked Hat Yai. And the south in general. Once south of Chumphon it feels like a different country. This would have been more relevant in the '00s. The unpleasantness in Tak Bai made things worse, and the then PM attended an ASEAN conference and did announce "anyone mentions Tak Bai and I'm walking out!" You may have noticed there is a wall around the Hat Yai bus depot, this was built after 2005 or so in response to the terrorism. I see it as a sad monument. I was there on the day this happened, heading to Malaysia. It happened in the downtown area, and I stayed near the big bus station so it was not a close call for me. As for being a farang, I've never been hassled or given the stink-eye, and I appreciate that I don't think I ever got that stop and stare from people who've never seen one before; I know it's harmless but it makes me uncomfortable. I've never been to the beaches on the Gulf side, but I know the Andaman side can be quite nice, particularly the offshore islands. One of the hazards of hotels there is busloads of Malaysians on weekend excursions and holidays, and they'll leave the doors to the rooms open so the hall becomes part of their space. If you want a peaceful stay too bad.
  16. the trend is going from stupid to tragic https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/michigan-dad-qanon-conspiracy-theories-shooting-wife-daughter-1234590463/ There was a sad story last year about a single mom who was led down the rabbit hole, and then they told her they found out that the leftist child traffickers had targeted her kid, she had to get out of her house, and they then began shuttling her all over the midwest US and Dixie. Running from the non-existent enemy. Who knows what her "protectors" had in mind for her and the kid.
  17. Not to steer things off topic, but IMO Daddy Gaetz is pulling strings in the home state to delay stuff, maybe the day in court will come by the time the girl in question is a grandmother. Unless Boy Matt goes out the way of James Dean.
  18. I have the notion that these Soviet-era munitions Putin is buying from N. Korea could turn out to be one of the worst ideas Vlad has had in his life. Poor workmanship? Manufactured 40 years ago sitting in storage?
  19. Maybe some action here in about 4 years at best. No one seems to be in much of a hurry in any respect. So many of these things, so easy to forget them and they fade into the shadows unresolved. Matt Gaetz and his statutory rape/crossing state lines with a minor charges? Oh yeah, more than a year and not a peep save for stray mention in the press. When Chuck Berry was accused of the same thing more than 60 years ago it didn't take anywhere as long to throw his _ss in jail.
  20. Could this practice of forcing people onto to buses and shipping them off to other states qualify as kidnapping/human trafficking? Ok, they are immigrants (or new arrivals), but they are not livestock herded off on a cattle drive.
  21. A country boy from Dixie told me this one: what's a redneck's last words? "Hey y'all, watch this!" Maybe a way of ending a family argument once and for all?
  22. Bannon's 'Joke' Gave The Game Away At His 'Wall-a-Thon' Fundraiser When he first appeared on the political scene the word was he was not out for $$$ as he already made his fortune, so I was surprised when this story broke. But that orange-faced fellow who used to announce "I'm really rich" is now begging for donations, well, that is not surprising at all. But I'd bet both of those guys know how long it takes to fly to Budapest. Hey, he cleaned up for the surrender! If he didn't his perp walk would have looked like he was just another vagrant picked up off the street. No bail? No flight risk? https://crooksandliars.com/2022/09/watch-bannon-being-led-away-handcuffs
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