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Everything posted by bendejo

  1. I grew up in slums of NYC, I was hearing these insultingly illogical arguments when I was a kid. These buildings have central heat (well, did) and I've heard every excuse for not having heat when the temperature was below freezing, short of blaming the universe for expanding. The country south of LOS and a country adjacent to it (where the language is quite similar) are notoriously bad at plumbing, especially sewage. I've been to new shopping center buildings in both countries that already had the lingering smell. There was a gov't building, a few weeks after opening a sewage pipe in the ceiling above the main lobby burst, and darn if they couldn't fix it, and the press kept on the story. Weeks later (how hard is it to detect a cracked pipe leaking and stinking?) it was announced that it was the fault of inferior-quality plastic pipes from the US . Then there are the incidents of poor construction that cause death and injury, nothing to laugh at there.
  2. Money laundering? He hardly launders his clothes! IMO he's the villain of this time in history. If not for him DT would have dropped out of the race after the Access Hollywood tape came to light. He's the evil bishop who whispers into the ear of the idiot king. He travels the world evangelizing whatever he's on about at the moment. Italy threw him out; when the crazy election excuses were in full flight and something about Italy came up my first thought was this guy. https://www.businessinsider.com/steve-bannon-right-wing-gladiator-school-booted-from-italian-monastery-2021-9?op=1
  3. Wow! Today is Christmas for whoever it is that is running against this Diehl. "Do you want Massachusetts ruled with an iron fist?" Ok, Mr Diehl, say "Thank you sir."
  4. As they say in the world of sport fishing "you don't mount it before you land it." Personally, I am disgusted with this six years of "we got him now!" and only the goobers have been brought in. These cases will still be pending when all these guys have died of old age, if they haven't been tossed out by then. General Garland, please prove me wrong.
  5. His foreign properties need to be searched. The very fact classified docs were carried out of the country would set off sirens. Better yet, if he passed them on to foreign buddies, like Orban, and said "hey, would you keep these for me?"
  6. When someone accepts a pardon, is that a tacit admission of guilt? If so, then there is no argument against the NY State charges, just give the c__t a sentence. https://www.cnbc.com/2022/09/07/steve-bannon-lawyer-says-trump-aide-traveling-to-new-york-to-surrender.html . . . he says as he heads to the courthouse to turn himself in. Does he understand "fight" is not a synonym for "surrender" ? Probably drunk. Looks like the IRS doesn't need to hear any more: https://www.thedailybeast.com/dark-money-group-in-alleged-bannon-scam-dinged-by-irs
  7. It already is to a degree. Rules and standards of practice is for the suckers who support democracy, otherwise if it is not a written, enforceable law the GOP (even before DT) will scoff at it. One case in point is McConnell denying a sitting president of a SCOTUS appointment -- there was no law that said he couldn't do it. It was underhanded and possibly subversive, but that was not a bother.
  8. During the 2016 primaries Chris Matthews had Ted Cruz on his show (back when he had a show). Most of the time Chris comes off like a fawning fanboy with the guest politicians, of any party. But when Cruz said positive things about Bernie being a good candidate, Chris said "so is that the takeaway here, that Ted Cruz is a Bernie Sanders Republican?" laughing the whole time. He asked Cruz about a certain policy, Cruz said it was all laid out in his book, which he was pushing on the show, as a way of dodging the question. "So, you're an "it's all in the book" kind of guy!" Laughed in Cruz's face the whole time.
  9. I am anticipating at least one excuse that is both ridiculous and hilarious. Newt Gingrich is firmly in the Top Ten of this category: during a recess of a Congressional session was caught getting oral servicing in a car from his then girlfriend; when confronted he said something to the effect of "I was doing it out of service to the country." He's an easy squeeze: a few days in jail and his alcoholism will drive him up the wall.
  10. Change Thai to Brazilian in your text and it would still be true. You need hand grenades to wake them up!
  11. Didn't he know what time it was? These watch jokes will follow him to his grave, possibly into history.
  12. This is where CNN would aim the camera at it and just let it stay that way most of the afternoon while the anchors chatter about turtle stuff.
  13. Obtaining a farang husband is more complicated than this lady has bargained for. First thing she'll have to learn is how to get them to buy lady drinks..
  14. You're missing the priorities of Team DT, which at this moment is ahead. "Saving time" is not a prerogative. Delay until after the midterms. Delay until after 2024 elections. Since there are midterms every two years there is only one year to do things, then "oh, can't do this prior to an election," like now. If the Dems keep Congress this year and they keep the White House in 2024 there is a good chance this will not be settled by the 2028 elections (that is if elections still exist, it may be that GOP governors pick the presidents by then). If the DT Party takes Congress this year this all goes away, and the US Congress will be all about prosecuting those who dared to stand against the orange treason and Hunter's laptop. I hope I'm wrong. BTW, these things about procedures and rules are only for those who support democracy and do not apply to the GOP. If you don't believe me just ask James Comey. Or Mitch McConnell. If there is no black-letter law to back it up the GOP will laugh at it, as they have been doing. Hey there, Just-us Gorsuch!
  15. Personally, I give up on this one. I doubt it will be resolved before 2024 elections, if ever. Looks like a ducks-in-row operation. Fret not, there is still: the 1/6 treason, the various fake electors scams the threatening phone calls/vote count scam the crazytown rudy-sidney-pillowman antics (my fave Sidney Powell tried to get the DOD to 'rescue' the CIA director ) financial follies in NYC But the Mar a Lago treason, that's the Big Fish. And then there are new things that may come to light, and perhaps DOJ will have another case involving MaL that has nothing to do with the docs. E.g. an FBI agent tripped over a drunk Russian operative while visiting.
  16. In 1984, an exasperated Dem candidate (Mondale) did say of Ronnie Reagan "you can't choose a president on entertainment value." So he's wrong on this twice so far.
  17. If the political polarity was reversed, the GOP would be screaming for the judge to recuse herself.
  18. Seems she didn't have any friends among the locals, they might have contacted her.
  19. As they say, it may be the only time you have. There was a US politician who made a stab at the presidential run in 2012. He made a good showing but didn't get past the primaries, but according to the press was still quite a popular personality whilst campaigning for others in his party. Well, a few years went by, his inner-buffoon became prevalent and he couldn't even carry his own state. He put a book out in the last 2 years or so, it sold about 12 copies. Summary: he missed his moment.
  20. I always saw the Lewinski affair as a comedic episode, with Big Bill as a buffoon caught with his pants around his ankles, Benny Hill style. I never found out if he actually offered a p_ssy-flavored cigar to Arafat. Now that business of the secret deals with Iran before the 1980 election (by the GOP again), well, there was some nasty excrement there; and look at the way they stalled the case until Reagan was in his 2nd term.
  21. It is one thing for there to be "buzz" (as they say in show biz) about something or other: it may be completely false, may have a grain of truth and then spun out of control, or go on and build force. (Anyone in here remember the "Paul is dead" thing?) All this Qanon, Oathkeepers, JFK Jr ressurected, etc stuff would fall into this inane buzz category, then it blossomed into festering wounds and lived on in social media blooming into to even more fantastical subplots etc. The death threats, the bombings, etc makes it real, but it is still part of The Buzz. When the president of the US addresses it in a speech it is no longer conspiracy theory, no longer just buzz. I think of this as Biden's "turd in the punchbowl" speech: there it is, look at it, understand it for what it is. And let's flush the sickening [bleep] down the sewer where it belongs. This isn't just another "the future of the country is at stake" exclamation, like I have been hearing all my life (Red scare, water fluoridation, vaccine is a ruse, etc). It is now real. As for Mar a Lago, it's time to drain the swamp.
  22. I don't think DT bought the envelopes on eBay, they would cost him $$$.
  23. Well, everyone should develop their own sense of style. Copying others is not a sense of style, just like laughing at your own (attempts at telling) jokes does not prove you have a sense of humor. I saw this fellow on TV a few weeks ago, I just couldn't believe he was copying the look of the guy in the lower pic.
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