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Everything posted by bendejo

  1. Well, yeah, that's what he does. Never take a plea, never admit guilt, never settle. It really pained him to fork over that $25 million to settle his fake university lawsuit. "I never settle" sayeth he. The judge in that case put his feet to the fire, I think he threatened his presidency (this was pre- inauguration). I was somewhat impressed in that post-2020 election period at the prompt way SCOTUS was tossing off those goofy election challenges. Blocked from running for office again? C'mon now, you know THAT will be appealed!
  2. Do bear in mind that for Team Orange the goal post is the Supreme Court. That should take a good piece of time, Judge Clarence will ensure it drags past 2024. And this is the plan for all the various looming indictments. Looks like I'm gonna have to wait a while to hear of that 3am flight to Hungary. Or Belarus. Barron will probably be old enough to run for office by then.
  3. In the US when something is special or extra special it usually means it has added sour cream and guacamole and costs an extra 85 cents. That's how DT comprehends these terms, and he can't figure how Taco Bell comes up in this case. The judge talking about 'cake' was already making it confusing.
  4. The loss of the hand was god's will, no reason to add complication. Is there such thing as appeals court in Sharia?
  5. In Malaysia. There are two sets of laws there. They would get the whippin' stick. If the max is six strokes for a drink, it's probably more for what they did. Lots of girls who work the Nana area won't take on Muslim clients for this reason. And this is nothing new.
  6. This is the message delivered by every James Bond villain. Someone should ask DT, off the cuff, if his IQ is over 300. Be sure to be sitting down when he gives his answer.
  7. More of a King Baby, and the GOP are his "my child can do no wrong" parents. The rioters were well-behaved tourists. The stolen documents were newspaper clippings. "I don't know anything about qanon." ("I just told you about them" says the interviewer.) "I never met him" his says of the scoundrel of which there are dozens of pictures of the two together. And so on. Why would he lie? This Cheney lady has her own game plan, and don't forget who her father is. You can go back through newspaper archives to get a glimpse of what he was up to while W was busy clearing brush on his ranch during his presidency. Don't expect any books on the Dick Cheney presidency until after he dies. "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" has a ring to it, but consider what will happen when the enemy is vanquished.
  8. According to historian John Meachum, 34% of the electorate is always wrong.
  9. Do bear in mind that the pizzeria in question did not have a basement. And then there was the fruitcake in Texas who shot up a Planned Parenthood because the screams from the aborted fetuses were driving him mad.
  10. Let's just wait until JFK Jr comes back, he'll straighten all this out. But back on planet Earth (the un-flat version) something I noticed after DT attained the presidency is the MAGA fans truly believed that things would be better for them in particular, and that those who didn't vote for him would not (to put it in the context of American Christian evangelists: the good will be rewarded, the sinners will suffer). I've heard people say it, I've heard it said in interviews, etc. I can recall elections since Eisenhower (though I was quite young at the time) but I never heard anyone express this "us and them" scenario. Then Covid hit, and in the news I heard exasperated MAGA types say things like "we voted for him, this is not supposed to happen to us."
  11. "Biden speech denouncing Trump, 'MAGA ideology' sparks threats, calls for violence" says the headline. Looks like Biden was telling the truth.
  12. I wonder how many foreigners are in Thailand and still doing visa runs, and how this affects the numbers. Note that it is about tourist entries, not an attempt to keep track of how many foreign passport holders are in the kingdom at a given time, meaning the number would drop when the foreigner exits, but would tick up when he came back in. E.g. someone doing 30 day runs would qualify for at least 9 entries Jan-Sept. I can't guess-timate how many are doing this, are any believable numbers of such published? (I haven't been keeping track of the changes in visa rules in recent years.)
  13. As for Russia, it might be informative to read the unredacted Mueller Report. https://archive.org/details/MuellerReportVolume1Searchable/Mueller Report Volume 1 Searchable/
  14. When DT goes vague like this it means he has nothing. An enemy is targeted, of which he says "he (or she) has done some bad things!" You well know if he had any details he would not shy away from saying them. And when he thinks he has something he will repeat it incessantly. And always be weary when he uses the word we. He told the 1/6 rioters "we love you." Like that old punchline "what mean WE, white man?"
  15. Note that these "walk back" words will probably not be covered by Fox or the other networks that have fallen off the edge of the sane world.
  16. He is the sort that non-MAGA Republicans are afraid of. I could picture him doing something completely off-the-wall if elected, like putting a neighborhood with mostly ethnic residents under siege.
  17. As you know DT is no stranger to the courtroom. There are business people in the US that are not in any particular business but they end up in court a lot, either suing or being sued. (Unfortunately ex-wife had a few of these in her social circle.) So, you sue me for something or other, and you lose the case; I then sue you for having the audacity to sue me in the first place. It's a free run, as the opponent has already lost, and it delivers fortune and vengeance. DT is playing it for politics this time -- he wanted to bury any words of his russiarussiarussia (as he calls it) probe by having those he accuses of conspiring against him prosecuted for it. Should the incident ever come up again (which I think will) he could have pointed to the Durham indictments. Which it turns out are not coming, even though he insists they are. Perhaps the current USAG should pursue the former AG for the frivolous Durham investigation!
  18. Ghostbusters didn't find no ghost. What are those terms DT likes to repeat? "Hoax"? "Fishing expedition"? Yep, that's what it is. Time to act on the Mueller report, General G!
  19. "Be nice to us or we make a recording of Baby Shark and it will be played constantly all over Asia!"
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