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Posts posted by kiwikeith

  1. On ‎22‎/‎10‎/‎2016 at 6:21 AM, NongKhaiKid said:

    Another Thai scientific breakthrough that we'll never hear of again.


    What they have discovered is highly provable , there are natural compounds that inhibit cancer cell growth , boswellia extract being one that  inhibits 5 LOX better than the Pfizer drug that the FDA pedals, the FDA version has terrible side effects as well but the natural one has no side effects.

    If they have discovered something the FDA would stick there filthy hands in and require it to undergo multi million dollar research where even if it does what they say it would probably be badly tested and forgotten.

    They are better off to do research themselves and if it works market it as a herb that may help cancer sufferers .

    The FDA has wiped out many promising compounds and make billions out of toxic chemo drugs that destroy people, a multi billion dollar industry that won't stand for a natural cure getting in their way, very truly a sad situation the guinea pigs of the world are subjected to.

  2. 8 minutes ago, alocacoc said:

    Some foreigners are really respect less. Sitting in a restaurant without a shirt. Did they grew up in the jungle?


    Correct, just talking to a friend and we both agreed that LOS needs taming down, maybe this could be a permanent thing.

    No loud noise from bars trying to drown each other out and nice quiet staff in bars.


  3. 6 hours ago, colinneil said:

    Why go to the police?

    Please mister policeman you got to help me, i have been a stupid greedy idiot.

    I believed them when they told me i could get rich quickly.

    1 born every minute.

    Many times my wife has come home and told me about a person who has made BIG money, doing this/ doing that.

    Most Thai people never think that if it sounds too good to be true, it is not true.

    Greed, greed, greed.


    The Old Pyramid Scheme , Max     :shock1:

  4. 3 hours ago, chainarong said:

    The only thing this poor soul possibly has done is walk through a CCTV camera, time of deceased and the walk through time should cover that, however as we have just discovered that if you wring someone's neck you can kill a person, so I don't hold much hope for a proper autopsy, the other discerning fact is he is Burmese, as the RTP have proved incompetence time and again this make for a quick result.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:bah:


    So they will label him insane, then no , motive required.


  5. 1 hour ago, ALLSEEINGEYE said:

    My guess is illegal pesticides for bed bugs just as has happened so many times in the past. This will likely be covered up as well.


    Many a suicide victim are found Naked.

    The room was in disarray, 2 bottle of the stay awake drink among many other drink bottles.

    I think I smell a date rape overdose. 

  6. 4 hours ago, Jack Mountain said:

    Later on we will be told he's not dead at all ...

    Truth drug? in his body, getting more bizarre by the day, I think as time goes by this story will die a natural death by boredom.

    I think it is highly provable that Thai personal are involved in which case the story is certain to die.

    The only part of the story that I would really like to know is why he or they held on to the body??????????????????

    Maybe it was insurance against Thai personal, maybe this bust was accidental.

    More theories please.:sick:

  7. 1 hour ago, klauskunkel said:

    I guess we all know what's likely to come next


    Are you sure it was not sue Mrs Pokémon .

    Given that the enlightened ones who run the country are aware of this then the only possible way to do anything about it is to educate people.

    The competition from Pokémon and Thai soaps plus overall attitude would make this impossible.

    Having said that , it's hard enough in clean and green NZ which is  and polluted with glyophosphate and fertilizer run off into rivers.

    Some are so toxic that Nz just had a major water poisoning outbreak which killed people and closed schools around Hastings.

    Caused by run off into water aquifer's controlled by the city councils, whom having known about it before have done nothing.


    The USA is run by Chemical company bullies (mainly Monsanto) who lobby the enlightened ones right before our eyes.

    America washes chickens in bleach and adds chemicals into beef to kill bacteria.

    The place is awash with roundup and GM foods which Monsanto produce , they bashed up and sued farmers for saving their own seed and not growing theirs.

    So I  guess we can't slag Thailand to much they are all at it.   :post-4641-1156693976:

  8. 17 hours ago, SheungWan said:


    Only when the price goes down, right?


    They have done this before, smashed gold into the ground, in the 80's people in New York queued for blocks to sell scrap gold and jewellery at the beginning of the wrought they pushed gold up though the roof , then they introduced massive sell orders  and collapsed the price of gold which they then brought back at the bottom.


    Now the loony psychopathic Bankers (who are not stupid with Maths) have had interest free money handed to them to lend out at fractional reserve banking rates (10 dollars for every physical dollar they have in their volts) they have been on a role.

    Handed billions of tax payers money after Freddy and Fanny clapped out it looks like more of the same to come.

    If all the debt in the world was called in the economy would crash to bits as there is not enough money in circulation to pay it.

    But Wall St trucks on with paper gold and securities as if there is no tomorrow.

    Then we all know who will suffer when the walls fall down     :partytime2:

  9. 18 hours ago, Emster23 said:

    "... cheating a man out of $20,000 through a fake joint venture to print counterfeit money last year."

    And we're talking REAL money.... "You can't cheat an honest man" comes to mind.... or at least a bit more difficult


    Honest men are very susceptible to being cheated, the big cheats on Wall St call then Whales, the smaller whales get ripped quite often for being to honest and trusting by  motor mouthed  or silver tonged devils, usually drop outs from private schools.

    Nigerians learn their trade in the back  alley University's and amazingly are successful world wide preying on broken hearted women and idiots

  10. 1 hour ago, tonray said:

    Lovely boys...soon all to be novice monks.


    What do we expect from a country that can not remove mangy rabies infested soi dogs from the streets.

    The Lord Buddha would not want these dogs continually biting innocent people with good merit.

    I think also that the combination of methamphetamine and alcohol combined with the non stop supply of idiotic violent soap opera sets a stage for these young Thais who cant work even as builders labourer's because the government brings in Burmese to work cheap

  11. 5 hours ago, Father Fintan Stack said:


    From what I gather they were in the business of extorting expats and tourists. 


    The details I heard were that they would drug their victims and then use their ID and cards to empty their bank accounts. 


    As I said a few people I know on Soi 22 were asked if they could assist with their extortion activities. 


    That is as much as I know.


    very feasible, local visa cards, or the one I have from BK bank does not require a pin in stores, only in the atm.

    But why the massive amount of overseas travel on false passports.

    Making deliveries of passports for the CIA or maybe as he hated America he may have been working for the other side.

    If he was working against the CIA he probably would have been sprung earlier on.

    The CIA would love it if he was working supplying passports to ISIS


    Seems they had developed bullet proof disease along the way by the way they acted in soi bars.

    More to come on this one stay tuned.

  12. 33 minutes ago, Father Fintan Stack said:


    That's what he used to tell people. Well not so much come straight out with it but he alluded to it all the time. His mate Aaron said he was ex-Spec Ops (Iraq, Afghanistan etc.)


    I thought they were just typical bar stool fantasists.



    Aaron was being used as muscle, so no doubt he assisted in shifting the body etc. There was something not quite right about him I always thought. 


    Maybe -- if true he was working for the CIA, supplying passports and whatever else in the seedy game.

    The fact that they have been operating so long under many countries noses probably adds a little weight to this guess.


    Whatever the outcome the CIA would deny any involvement and write them off as nutcase passport forgers, with drug dependence and severe psychological problems

    The BIB will put together a bit more info maybe come out with a litany of gobbly gook and case over.

    They would not want to embarrass the CIA even if they could.

  13. This is why the guy who posted that it may have been to hold something over another is feasible .

    The fact that this Herbert La Fon moved around the world so often with impunity on forged passports not only makes a mockery of Thailand's passport security but many other countries, including Interpol.

    Ex Vietnam, wanted by the FBI , moves around the world on forged passports while escaping all the time while being involved in murder and fraud on a global scale.

    He sounds like a CIA operative, maybe some other nasty that was involved had something over him, and the fridge was the insurance stale mate, who knows, then what other reason is there other than complete insanity.


  14. 21 minutes ago, gk10002000 said:

    Somebody trying to hold something over the other guy?   Waiting for the perfect time to get the body cremated or find a place to do it and work out the details of delivering a cutup corpse to a place for cremation with no questions asked?


    Holding something over someone maybe--- as it's the only near sane reason to lug a freezer around for 8 years.

    This Peter/ Herbert la Fon is sounding more like a CIA operative by the day, in which case the CIA will deny that and just have him down as wanted.

    Whatever his business was hopping around the world on fake passports and linked to nasty crime/ murder does not sound like a mere passport forger.

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