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Everything posted by kiwikeith

  1. Definanetly looks like an underlying mental issue, mental health is in denial amongst Thais, go stay at the temple for a few months and your better
  2. I think that's tipped to happen February 5th, second pardon ,police can't keep up this intensive care for. Ever,he can have his own private doctor's treat him at home, saving the state money, and everyone happy, happy, to much.
  3. 2 police officers involved sounds like a extortion racket, girl goes to mans hotel, girl rings mom and police boyfriend turns up and arrests man, then, asks man to pay large fine. I know of this happening in Buriram
  4. Totally agree these dogs turn at any time ,my friend nearly lost his hand after his turned on him after 5 years, when he tried to stop it killing his nephews pet rabbit, the dog was destroyed but my friend still has a mingled hand, I warned him when he first got it, but he thought he would bring it up properly.
  5. Highly probable, I've had salmonella from thai restaurants, but. Managed to always find a dunny
  6. Chinese don't seem to have all the problems that other tourists do, they tend to stick together in tour groups and get robbed by the tour guides, same as they do in NZ, and other countries.
  7. The question is how long has this animal been a tour guide, probably a self employed nutter who convinced her he was a responsible, respected experienced guide, but he was nothing but an opportunist sleaze bag
  8. Ladyboys certainly do. Indians tend to love to show off gold while touring, you would think they would have learned something by now.
  9. I tend to agree with you, I've travelled around Thailand on big busses and found the driving good, maybe a private bus, I have had trouble with them and would never get on one again. As for mini vans they are suicide rides with mad drivers, you sometimes strike a good one but most are lunatics, sorry to say.
  10. No alarms to alert the driver, this could have been a disaster, especially if the lpg went up with all on board, very lucky the motorist was able to stop the bus. Road transport safety authority should be kicked in the butt, shows a bad flaw in vehicle testing and safety.
  11. Plus the sunglasses and poor road marking, he should be compensated
  12. Also don't be irrisponsible and walk on the ones lying along the footpath, or touch the ones along the walk overs, or you could end up with a big hospital bill.
  13. One less visit to the local bar and one less bar fine should compensate for the tax penalty, if introduced to pensions.
  14. Thais love Theatre, that's why Thaksins in one. It's probably quite stressful to keep up with the pressure some people are trying to put on him and could make it harder for him to get better.
  15. Because of privacy, we will never need to know what he pays for, none of you know how much I pay for my power bill
  16. The private money changers, so far never asked, but the ones in malls, rich something, I forgot the name do ask
  17. I agree with you but Pattaya seems to be getting worse, but saying that Auckland nz is crazy with. Murders and shops being ram raided by young kids every night and big gang and meth problems
  18. What happens when you put passport in if you over stayed, does machine swallow passport
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