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Everything posted by kiwikeith

  1. Something I have observed personally even with the traffic police, discount if paid on the spot, no need to clog the courts up.
  2. They were being screwed over by the fear mongers and gangsters profiting from face masks and false positive RT PCR tests
  3. No one deserves what happened, but to be so arrogant that you think you can <deleted> off neighbours with loud music late into the night then you are asking for trouble, Thais are liable to shoot you for road rage, they kill each other over jealousy, my friend has been in the middle of 2 killings by being in the wrong place at the wrong time, he witnessed a shooting in a night club where the guy behind his table shot dead another guy at the table in front of him, then another murder a few months later at a market where a man hacked a guy close to him with a machete, so why push things, all expats know about this rage, people have been shot over arguing over a few Bhat with a taxi driver
  4. It's Omicron hunting season, you're all going to get it no matter where you go, and most don't know they have it, this will keep happening and some may test positive for a few weeks even though they are over it. RT PCR tests are no longer reliable and we're very good at false positives even with Delta.
  5. Omicron is now ripping through NZ, it's peaked in the UK, USA, SA, and Australia, Boris has now called it an endemic, no testing no tracer apps in many countries as everyone is going to get it and its providing very strong natural immunity, so it's going to be all over in a few months, open up as it's not stoppable, look after the elderly, it's an endemic now and is proving to be less harmful than the flue.
  6. The average age of death for covid Omicron was 82 most with comorbitities, in the UK, so its these people with chronic asthma, obesity, diabetes etc are at risk, have a look at Dr John Campbells daily videos he posts all the data from around the world there is a new one up that posts actuall Omicron cases from the number of admitted cases testing positive for Omicron and out of 170k cases only 17000 were for actual Omicron the rest were coincidentall, check the videos out he updates every day. The UK has displaced delta and Thai news today, pbs said its displaced in Thailand now so good news as people are getting less sick and aquiring natural immunity
  7. SA it’s over hospital no’s and deaths way way down , UK the graph is going down similar to SA. So it’s peaked and totally displaced Delta USA the graph is starting downwards Omicron just about in every country has displaced Delta Watch Dr John Campbell latest updates on you tube he does updates daily
  8. Wise decision,your probably going to get omicron in Thailand or pick it up traveling In a few months omicron will be over then hopefully traveling will become easier ,I’m waiting until June to return to Thailand by then it should be well over in most countries,it’s peaked in the UK and SA and the curve’s going down in the USA
  9. They should use a better test than rtpcr its not reliable for omicron and virtually everyone will get omicron, the sooner this variant is done the better
  10. If you think that Thai schools are dumb, then I can tell you that NZ public schools are backward dumbed down, where your child can know less in one years teaching than the previous, many parents now take their children out of school and teach them at home.
  11. I guess that's what he's talking about, as at present they don't know if Omicron is causing long covid, so he's talking about Delta and the previous variant. Which are now virtually displaced by Omicron.
  12. Not according to this man Two doses of Pfizer’s COVID vaccine “offers very limited protection, if any” against the Omicron variant, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla said during an interview on CNBC’s “Squawk Box.” That’s a far cry from Bourla’s previous claim that the two-dose regimen was “100% effective.”
  13. Well I do not agree, simply on the data and my daily studies from medical virologists around the world, they say this will not mutate to worse , however it is possible if, it is done in a laboitory, even then Omicron will probably displace variants, this happened with the Spanish flue which was not Spanish but came from the USA via troop ships.
  14. I do not wish to use Canada as any example, it sounds bad, but hey, police are now throwing innocent people into Jail for not being vaccinated, they are now threatening us with not being able to travel; or go to cafes, ect without a vaccine passport that does nothing to protect you from super spreaders , vaccinated people that can get Omicron and spread it, it is total BS. In fact Australis and NZ seem worse than our good mates Canada, wishing you Well cousin.
  15. Do my eyes deceive me? reading the data published in that Thai Newspaper this morning ,death rates are way down 18 yesterday compared to multiple hundreds in August, dose this say Omicron has spread more than reported? as it is only bound to be underreported as it is in the UK and SA, and Canada ,Canada is abandoning tests as they can not produce enough, people are told to not bother testing and go to hospital only if symptoms get bad, otherwise stay home for five days then wear a mask for a few days. Many Thais would just brush this off as Pben wat , the flue, and not bother to seek any treatment,, but the death rate tells a story , that looks like Omicron has spread wider than reported, maybe because of the above, and people are not dyeing, in January 22 like they were in August 21.
  16. This is sounding like insurance to cover your insurance that won’t pay if you arrive with Covid, If you have a policy to cover you for Covid it may only cover you if you contract Covid-19 after you arrive , not arrive with it ?????? Thoughts
  17. I don't care what anyone thinks, a entry tax of 1000 Bhat would not worry me, if they wipe the BS insurance, and let tourists and expats get on without all the dumb premiums that are being welshed, Just this minute Thailand has raised power and water prices and the prices of pork have gone up, no money from tourists so screw the people, sad days in every corner of the world.
  18. The article itself is so Poorly written I find it hard to understand, but someone got drunk didn't like being sent home in a taxi, returned and a fight started, then some one lost face over abusive comment and did his banana over the drunk tripping over his nice plastic chair
  19. The RT-PCR has been shown ineffective and to show false positive for some time, as it picks up the common Human type corona virus and has an S gene dropout when testing for omicron, so not a good test, the testing is changing WW, now- but someone made plenty in the meantime. But good news for Thailand, they are waking up as this is proving to be much milder and most Thais probably don't even report it, they just treat it as Pben Wat , the flue, both my Mother and Law and sister in law who work in Markets in Hua Hin say no one sick. Hospitals in the UK reporting 50% of omicron cases are coincidental.
  20. According to most renowned virologists ,this is the evolution of viruses, they usually mutate to milder strains, but there could possibly be a mutation to a worse strain, but most say unlikely , it would go against that trend. This happened and ended the Spanish flue. However as many are believing that China made this ,there are all sorts of hypothesis going around including the grilling in the American Senate by Senator Rand Paul of Dr Fauci- over whether he funded ( Gain of Function) research in Wuhan. Thats an interesting debate to watch and freely available on the net. I'm am hoping that this mutation is going to end the pandemic, and so far it is displacing Delta everywhere it goes, hospitals are not seeing serious infection or as many people dyeing or requiring ICU and oxygen, the death rates have fallen dramatically , and I see, in that Thai newspaper reports of very low deaths in Thailand at the moment. There is going to be a rise in hospital numbers as this spreads so quickly and is causing front line workers to go off sick, interestingly Australia has called Omicron infected nurses back to work as they are so short staffed, so what does that say about Omicron??? Also hospitals are reporting that 50% of Omicron hospital cases are coincidental. I'm erring towards the positive, NZ is trying to lock omicron out and the experts are telling the Govt that is not a good idea as its inevitable, but one thing I have noticed is Delta going down fast here, and every border case turning up is Omicron, there has been escape but the govt is tight lipped about any numbers, so it is likely , thats what the NZ Herald are predicting, so im going to stay positive that this will be the end of the pandemic for all of , Cheers.
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