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Everything posted by kiwikeith

  1. Thailand has had Omicron since December, and it should have spread more than the numbers indicate, what also may be happening is that BA.2may be causing a spike as it displaces BA.1 , that is happening in other countries but Thailand does not seem to define which variant is the most dominant.
  2. The article mentioned catching it on the plane, it would take a few days to incubate so a test on arrival wont pick it up but a Rat test 5 days later might. Most people I know have now had Omicron and if you have had BA.2 then your not going to catch it again and have natural immunity, I have had BA.2 and over it, I would not worry about travel tests as I was unvaccinated when I caught it and breezed through it, so did my 10 yr old son and other mates who never vaccinated their kids or themselves none of the kids got sick, but my Thai wife and my friends Thai wife were both double Pfizer vaccinated and they spent a week in bed while the rest of us never really knew we had it , I suspected I must have it because the wife was sick so I got a RAT test kit from the government test site and was positive, otherwise I would never have known. I did and many friends did take 5000iu of vitamin D along with K2 and zinc for months before omicron hit, but I think anyone should seek advice about that b4 taking . I put my son on lower dose and he never got sick at all, but back to the Thai wife's ,they would not take it.
  3. PCR test does not pick up BA.2 nor accurate for BA.1 as BA.1 has S gene dropout on the PCR, that tells them it may be BA.1, so better to do a RAT test on arrival, PCR cost nearly $400 per person to leave NZ it's a rip off and with omicron spread everywhere everyone will get it, My family has had it and everyone I know in my circle has had it, no one got sick just very mild cold, but elderly need to be more cautious . Drop the test = good idea, NZ prime minister looks aged and ragged she is under pressure I think mandates will be lifted Wednesday and vaccine passports scrapped, Denmark is the worlds leader at the moment they dropped everything and the graph lines are falling steadily not only in Denmark but just about everywhere, its all over, except for the political few that are promoting a free pizza on your 8thJab, can't wait.
  4. They have got a load of Molnupiravir, which India cancelled it's order as they classified it as a dangerous drug, France also cancelled orders for it, and it now will probably never be needed to treat Omicron which is so far proving to be very mild except for the elderly ,the average age of death in the UK is 82.5 and the biggest cause of comorbidity deaths in the UK with omicron ,is diabetes.
  5. Never heard of delta cron maybe the Thais have named omicron BA.2 -Deltacron ????
  6. Not me I have had BA.2 omicron and over it now, I have natural immunity, the experts are testifying before senator Johnson I will post the link hope you can watch it it is very long so I watched it over a few days this is a panel of the highest qualified doctors in the USA https://www.clarkcountytoday.com/news/watch-sen-johnsons-covid-panel-with-drs-robert-malone-peter-mccullough/ There are many doctors on this panel, its very interesting
  7. Sounds encouraging , France has lifted mandates, Hungary, many following, it's all over rover, but there are a few slug countries out there including mine, NZ.
  8. Most of my sons school have had Ba2, and I have had it and my wife, my son and I were unvaccinated we breezed through with hardly a snivel , my Thai wife and my friends Thai wife both double Pfizer vaccinated spent a week in bed with omicron while all us unvaxxed got hardly a sign in fact I only knew by doing a RAT test which cleared after ten days, but I never got sick at all and I am 69. Most of the people we know have it and get over it easy. The problems are with the elderly , obese and diabetic, the average age of death un the UK is 82.5. I am surpised BA2has not displaced BA1 in LOS as it is doing so everywhere else in the world ,and it is very mild if you healthy. What people are doing now just about everywhere is not reporting it or using tracer apps, so they say the official count could be over a million infections in NZ not a few hundred thousand. Its all over and if you have had it you will develop natural immunity. That has been pointed out in many studies available online.
  9. Yes, Omicron poses minimal risk Denmark has proved this but some diehard politicians will create covid monsters for months to come, get real its endemic now, back here in NZ most schools just send the infected kids home and inform everyone about the case and you can decide to isolate or not, my family have all had Omicron and most of my friends, the kids just got running noses or no symptoms, the Thai wife was worst 4 days in bed double vaccinated the rest of us no vaccine just vitamin D3, Zinc, K2 and breezed through it.
  10. Nato and the Neo Nazis that have been killing thousands of innocent Russian people since 2014 is the reason for this war.
  11. Good on you Thailand, there have been thousands killed by neo Nazis for years in Belarus, there are mass graves sites of atrocities, now the Ukraine is letting all the hardened criminals out of Jail and giving them guns supplied by the USA to shoot at Russians, Ukraine has made all males from 18 to 60 stay and let everyone else flee, Russia does not want Nato on its doorstep with Nuclear capability, just as the USA did not want Cuba, and it had to stop the Neo Nazi murder that has been going on for the last 14 years of its people, people that do not listen to both sides are puppets of CNN and stumbling Joe Biden and the CIA, who are training mercenaries to help the Neo Nazi maniacs that run the Ukraine, Putin will succeed , just remember he controls most of the worlds fertilizer amongst other things that are going to hurt the whole world, at least Prayut can grow his rice without fear of Thais starving because of the USA and its mad NATO <deleted>, just remember how many wars they started in the middle east for weapons of mass destruction, of which there turned out to be none. Just look up the documentary on the genocide murders that have been going on by Neo Nazis against Russian citizens in Belarus, before you spout off about CNN and its rubbish.
  12. My personal experience, - My son brought it home from school , Im 69 and wife 45 (Thai) my son got it like a mild cold, he is 10yrs old, I got headaches and running nose , fatigue for a few days, my wife the only one vaccinated with 2 shots of Pfizer was in bed for nearly 4 days, bad headaches and coughing up mucous, we all were coughing up a bit but nothing as bad as bronchitis after the flue. We isolated 10 days and the only medication was Panadol every four hours, We are over it and my son is back to school, the only other thing was we all took D3 and K2 and magnesium and zinc, then, when it started we all took vitamin c, but don't do this unless you talk to your doc first.. So for us it was not as bad as some flues we have had, but smokers and diabetics may be at higher risk as they are with the common Flue. Cheers, I hope things open up soon I have been stuck here over 2 yrs now and want to get back, to home I call Thailand my home.
  13. I think the abacus is broken, according to local friends and family, its everywhere, our good friend who has 3 kids went to Huahin hospital and was sent home and told to take para every four hours and isolation until she felt better, 10 days she isolated for and fine, husband and kids who were with her while she was infectious {b4 she isolated never got infected, she was double vaxxed,. Back here in NZ my 10 Yr old son brought it home from school, my Thai wife got it I got it and the son of course. The worst sufferer was my wife double dose of Pfizer, my son and I not vaccinated but have been taking vitamin d3, me 5000 iu along with K2 zinc and magnesium, my son 2000 iu and zinc, my wife now taking the same as me and getting well now after 5 days. Suffered headaches, running nose, fatigue, coughing up flem and a few body aches, I kept working around the house, mowing lawns ect the son was running around with a cough and mild headache but the wife who was double vaccinated feared worse with 3 days in and out of bed, being Thai they are not good listeners, but now I make sure she stays hydrated and takes her vitamins she's nearly back to normal, today is day 6, I also got everyone onto high dose vitamin C when it began, me I'm 69 and unvaccinated and flew through it, but we're not all the same, this is my experience and not advice, stay hydrated, that's one thing most of us neglect, cheers
  14. Carted off to a hospital from a obsolete RTP CR at 10,000 Bhat a day is just dam stupid idiotic mesmerised fools, suggested remedy see a hypnotherapy specialist and snap out of it, follow the pied piper = Danish strategy
  15. With a nickname of "Slice'' he might have cut to many deals, and angered a few to many.
  16. There are many waiting to explode, that is the sad and horrible truth, they can get guns easy, and the lose face syndrome can turn them in an instant, money lending business is underai maak maak, but not to mention these days that the worlds politicians can turn police forces into the gestapo by mandate.
  17. The answer for both of you is there is a massive amount of fat people with diabetes and comorbitities in the USA they have shocking diets, they are the junk food capital of the world, that is what a lot of Dr's are saying, Dr John Campbell talked about this as a possible reason.
  18. I think if he declares Omicron a endemic now rather than near the end of the year the tourism will pick up, one thing that Boris has done right [because he's been naughty throwing party's] is declare the UK in a endemic, thrown away vaccine passports and testing, that's the way the rest of the twisted politicians must go, at least Anutin has recognised this.
  19. The most vaccinated countries have the highest rate of spread, it is peaking in most countries and now, it is proven to provide immunity to delta ,Omicrom makes antibodies to delta but delta does not provide antibodies to omicron, wow, what a discovery so now all you millions of alert listeners will explore this to see if it's true or false, I do not have the link to this as I have watched so many links provided by the CDC, ZOE , WHO and more you will have to do you own research, up to you! they say in LOS lingo
  20. The Benz driver ran the red light then tried to avoid the turning car, so why the enquiry into this???, the driver should be prosecuted but --- not simple if they have access to post office envelopes
  21. Or his GF and souped up on steroids, maybe and a bit of alcohol, it amazes me why’s people like this act so stupid they must want to be deported
  22. The driver was 31 , did this happen at night, maybe no lights on either vehicle and speed of the pickup seems excessive , how many times do you see bikes coming out on the left and running against the traffic, it’s normal in Thailand ,and I’ve seen plenty with no lights on
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