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Everything posted by kiwikeith

  1. I saw this as well, and it looks like it did not come from Delta or beta but from the original Wuhan strain, whatever it is looking to be good for us and may end the pandemic
  2. Bi does that mean Bigoted? I agree with the good DR as I read as much as I could yesterday from leading virologists and they have the same opinion, which is good, so far
  3. Exactly, the countries that imposed draconian rules are still hit as hard by spread, the world has to let this run and fissile out, and this may well be the end of the pandemic and prove to provide natural immunity, bye bye pandemic, we hope
  4. They just don't get it, it's going to spread everywhere, people isolate and spread it to family and so on. Maybe some good news is my mother in law who works in the markets in HUA Hin says that no one appears to be sick any more where as 4 to five weeks ago she stayed home as some stall holders were collapsing from Delta, now she said she knows no one who is sick
  5. And thousand of Burmese were smuggled into LOS infected, and girl workers walked back and forth from Masai into Tachilek after working with immigration and police officers, wow and they were immune!!!!
  6. Does this mean the return of the African girls dressed in bright dresses standing across the Rd from Nana ???
  7. The man had an exemption and natural immunity, which the CDC does not recognise nor does it keep any records of natural immunity, that is now publicly available, just google it
  8. I have heard many Dr's say, limit your alcohol and smoking as it will be harder for you to get over Omicron, especially heavy smokers as Omicron infects the bronchi 70 x more than delta, that is why it spreads so fast, your breathing out heaps of virus, the good news is that people are over it in a few days, so cut the fags back for a while and don't get to much Dunk
  9. The Burmese workers pose no threat, they never brought Delta to Thailand and they wont bring Omicron no matter how many we smuggle. Nor will the people from Bangladesh that can also walk into Thailand through Burma, they have Natural immunity , no problem, just pay your 3k Bhatt and your immunized. Anyhow it may be all over in another month or two, It may have displaced Delta already, I don't think anyone knows the true numbers as many will get Pben Wat and never know they had omicron.
  10. Yes and Omicron has spread right through Africa now and they are showing strong natural immunity, maybe that's why. Latest report from the mother in Law who works at Dinosaur market in HUA HIN, she just said minutes ago, she knows no-one with Omicron at the market, possibly I said to her, they don't know they had it, and she says no delta that she knows off, sounds encouraging as she said a few weeks ago stall holders were collapsing from delta so she stayed away for a few weeks
  11. It’s at the stage where everyone will get this mld flue like variant, although delusional politicians worldwide are fear-mongering people the biggest problem with omicron is people off sick at the same time, even though they are back to work in a short time, natural immunity is happening from having omicron, however the CDC supports vaccine passports, mandates to prevent children from going to school, but when confronted with questions what they based their opinion’s on they issued an email which has been made public,you can bring it up online easily in which they state that they have not one example of a case of natural immunity on record then go on to say, we do not keep any records of this, well that takes the cake
  12. Not allowed to report, from where on earth did they learn this from??????????????!??????
  13. I will drink beer Chang at the elephant park. sit talk and drink with the elephant's as they so far don't catch omicrom
  14. The only way to stop this is to Ban breathing for 5 months, during that time you can drink a little rice whiskey to prevent pain.
  15. They must be the wise ones, thinking the unthinkable that this may happen, Wow, it’s just insane, trends are pointing at mild flue like symptoms, short recovery times, although elderly are more at risk of chest infections and need to take more care according to ZOE UK. More people died off flue in 2018/19 than Covid in Australia in 20/21 according to published data stricter control’s might have caused this.
  16. Australia just locked up Novak djokovich for not declaring his vaccination status even though he has a legal exemption and has had Covid-19’ , so natural immunity is now against mandates I guess bars in Thailand are just as dangerous Meanwhile in NZ you can be double vaccinated, triple vaccinated and go to a pub spread omicron, but those that are unvaccinated or have natural immunity from natural infections can not and now Australia has locked up the worlds number one tennis player who arrived to play for us in the Australian open, even though he has natural immunity and a vaccination exemption, shame on you Australia and NZ as they both are using the same made up rules
  17. Lateral flow test, I think it’s called as RT PCR can bring up false positives for just normal flue, and are not reliable they have suddenly discovered
  18. He also needs to know that these so called quality tourists will be arriving with omicron
  19. This will happen everywhere, they can't slow it down now in about a month it will be all over for delta in los and the curve of Omicron will be flattening, that's how it is trending in SA and the UK and Australia is going that way now, good news we'll have to wait for another few weeks to get more data, my money is on that this will be the end of the pandemic and people will gain natural herd immunity, let's hope so
  20. Possibly, but not happening in the UK or SA, numbers rose as expected but a majority of them are coincidental and UK hospitals are not overrun as a few cynics predicted
  21. They might be watching SA where people aren’t told to test any more and the tracer app is no longer used, people are told to self isolate for 5 days then wear a mask for 3 and to seek medical assistance if symptoms get worse
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