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Posts posted by kiwikeith

  1. 23 hours ago, kwonitoy said:

    I had a driver from the limo service at the airport nodding off and weaving all over the motorway from the airport to pattaya, I yelled at him to wake up and he got pissed at me.

    All the rest of the way I had my eye on him and when he closed his eyes I clapped  my hands, he got angry every time and said he wasn't tired or sleeping. Must save face.


    I had a taxi pick us up from BK to go to Hua Hin , we arranged it with him as he dropped us off at our hotel from airport , seemed like a good driver.

    About 20 minutes later he fell asleep at the wheel with his foot down, I screamed at him he wake up and had to swerve into the safety lane to avoid colliding with the car in front, there was 2 adults and a five yr. old in the car.

    He apologised, I watched him like a Hawke all the way and got him to stop a seven and bought him some coffee.

    He got a bit droopy and had a few wake up calls but managed to drive quite well.


    After he dropped us at the hotel he worked all night around BK and then picked us up to go to Hua Hin,that is why he was tired.

    So where is the mentality or respect for lives with these people they don't care about children.


    Life imprisonment for causing death , falling asleep or alcohol should be the penalty.


    Don't forget the Log Book's Mr PM ,that were promised within 30 days.

  2. On ‎19‎/‎4‎/‎2560 at 9:52 PM, Denim said:

    The motive is to get street vendors off the streets and into controlled markets and malls owned by the wealthy who will be able to collect rents and save their dwindling fortunes from bad investments in fancy air conditioned shopping malls.

    Hardly rocket science. Just good business acumen backed up by gun power.

    This is the most feasible argument.

    I noticed when in BK a few months back that the clothes sellers were of the streets around Pratunam.

    Then they slowly returned, it seems that the shops they set up outside are the same people or family.


    What would Thailand be without the street vendors, this will also escalate crime because of lost income.

  3. 21 hours ago, falang07 said:

    Police also intend to prosecute the person or persons who made the video and posted the footage on the internet under the Computer Crimes Act. "


    What???? Had they not posted this, no one whould have ever known!!!


    One of the most stupid things I have heard the BIB say.

    Maybe someone high up not happy about the posting?


    Have police forgotten how much CCTV helps them, maybe that should be banned as well.

  4. 43 minutes ago, rudi49jr said:

    Heard this so many times before, it's all about image, and nothing else. Apparently the authorities care more about "image" than about actually fighting crime and protecting their citizens


    A few more guns out of action, can only be a bit better as we all  suspect that these guns will be resold one day, ban guns for Thais would be a big step forward

  5. 19 hours ago, scorecard said:

    What's the chances these guys don't really know or fully understand what socially acceptable behavior and values are and what is not acceptable.


    I often think, globally, more and more folks don't know what is 'normal' and acceptable, but then of course it can be debated forever who has any right to decide / define 'normal'.


    Bottom line for me is the lack of education opportunities:  parental, by day to day observation of society and in formal education, plus rampant capitalism and massive disparity in income and purchasing power, all fueling that they feel they have been left behind, are unwanted, and they feel lost and helpless. 

    I have seen a few of these fights where they poor out of a pool bar or a karaoke, and pick up anything they can get their hands on to use as weapons.

    Then most of them run away, sadly if they have knives and guns it is very bad, my friend saw 2 murders in two weeks, one a man shot another man from behind my friends table, and another one at a market where one young man slashed another's head with a machete, killing him over loosing face for a debt.

  6. 20 hours ago, farang95 said:

    must admit ....it's scary....he doesnt look like a killer...... i mean the picture make him look good.....innocent or not...... psychopath or not..... you can never trust anyone for real.... all the people who around you ..could decide ..for a reason or no reason to end you savagely .......


    So be careful and watch your back ..... 


    Chok dee all :)

    I must agree he looks better in this pic.

    I think he is a psychopath as other photos of him ,he looked very sick.

    One thing that psychopath's do is never admit guilt , they can show no empathy and usually are highly  intelligent.

    Their brains are hard wired, and they can not display empathy and many other feelings.


    The only different type of psychopaths are cheese cake psychopath's Like Swiss cheese they have pathways that allow a little empathy through.


    The trouble with this world if that these people run the world, they are a completely different animal to a normal honest person.

    The powers that be know this , they know that they can manipulate the poor as they will usually pay their bills and be honest..


    Tats don't make any difference to this nutter tat or know tats he was doomed by the evidence.

  7. 2 hours ago, trainman34014 said:

    If they got just a small percentage of their 310,000 lazy ass Cops out on the roads in unmarked cars they would soon be raking in enough money to install all the equipment needed to bring an end to much of the bad driving we see on a daily basis.


    This particular recording is pussy compared to many of the Trucks i have followed even in the last few months !


    Exactly, this is normal truck driving, I give them a wide berth, they are full of Red Bull , chain smoke and talk on their cell phones while overtaking.

    I rode with one from BK to Hua Hin to deliver my container of furniture, the cab was full of empty Red Bull bottles the driver was reckless, I ended up phoning my wife to talk to him to slow the maniac down , he was tailgating trucks in front overtaking at 120 k then being overtaken by the truck he overtook, they play this game.


    Where are the log books promised within 30 days??????? 

  8. 4 hours ago, tracker1 said:

    And again apparently the police were nowhere to be found !

    The police should find this video, give it to the PM and he should ban guns for the public and call them all in.

    America has a bad gun problem, countries that have banned them do not have problems as bad.


    Thai's are memorised by soap opera where shooting people is funny and the norm.

    When you see young boys on bikes doing wheel stands and speeding down Soi's where children are playing and when school gets out you can not believe the stupid mentality, give them a gun as well and BINGO a murder waiting to happen.  :post-4641-1156694005:

  9. 11 hours ago, tomta said:

    What the hell does that mean?

    It seems obvious , so very obvious that the contractor who installed the new plaque removed the old one, my dear Dr Watson.

    Conceivable  that whoever commissioned the new plaque does not want the old one back.


    So many excuses and the police can not start an investigation as it seems no one owns the old plaque ,so it has not been stolen.

    I do however think that it is an antique and of historical value, it maybe should have been placed in the Museum .


    I think that the ownership of the plaque is that it belongs to the people of Thailand as a historical monument.

    I think it's a no brainer to find it if it has not already been destroyed.

  10. 16 hours ago, lemonjelly said:

    You start with a couple of beers, then a few more.... s***t happens... you know how it is.


    I see evidence that the silly songkran is still going on in Pattaya.

    However, I see evidence around the world that most country's have shut down their mental institutions.


    It seems to me that Pattaya is a children's playground attracting every pervert, alcoholic and mentally unstable characters from around the globe.

    Phuket the same, Thailand is full of these people I am afraid.


    Be safe out there good guys even you will get sucked into some scam sooner or later if you don't want to learn the ropes. 

  11. 4 hours ago, Thechook said:

    Now reverse the roles.  Yep farang fall no problems.


    Body language, to me the guy looks guilty, but this could be completely wrong.


    Reverse the role, the article would read falang jumps from balcony , no sign of struggle.


    If the guy is guilty give him what he deserves, the only problem we all have is that when it is a falang male on the deck no more is ever said or done.

    Sad really, RIP poor girl.



  12. 7 hours ago, lemonjelly said:

    Lol, would make an excellent comedy clip, soundtrack to Jaws... I usually baffle them with a couple of questions that only a fluent speaker would understand.... throws them off the scent; they tend to leave me alone now


    If you come across an Indian salesman they will not stop following you around the shop, I warned the guy to shut up and leave me to browse alone , he ignored that so I went to the shop next door , bought what I wanted and displayed it to him when I left.

  13. 17 hours ago, onemorechang said:

    Not sure what to make of this

    looks like plonkers on the road.


    The guy went up to car to give it some.

    mouthed off,  hit the top of the car door

    then the guy in the car,  got out and gave him a kicking.

    two stupid idiots i would say.


    Also idiot Thai  guy kicking the car,  what's it got to do

    with him, to warrant him attempting to escalate the situation  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Ps This would not have happened if they had all been in the happy zone !!!!!!!! :coffee1:



    Well I am glad you mentioned stupid idiots, as this is what you would expect from a Thai so it just goes to show you that Falangs are competent idiots as well on the RD.

  14. 8 hours ago, balo said:

    As always we can only speculate until more news are released.   My guess would be this was a short time room and he left his valuables in another hotel .  And that the police already know this , I am sure he had friends around who could tell them.


    If he was drunk or drugged this could just be another accident. If he was pushed the guest house would know who was in the room with him.  Suicide doesn't sound right in this case. 







    Short time room, why get naked alone in a short time room?

    If he was pushed no one will fess up, except a donation may be required, we will never know as always in these sad cases.

    No sign of a struggle is the template in every bungee jump in Pattaya.

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  15. 31 minutes ago, moe666 said:

    The many posters here who keep repeating the same thing over and over again each year, do you feel flustrated repeating the same thing expecting a different outcome each year. Get over it the Thais will run their highways and police department the way they want to and no outside interference needed

    Yes, it is frustrating, one can only hope that a miracle occurs and the government do something.

    I am leaving here soon and will only return for holidays as my young son is being ruined in Thai school and my wife hates her own country now.


  16. 1 hour ago, SOTIRIOS said:





    ...to convince us that.....'things have gotten better'....???



    When will they ever learn, ban guns, Thai people use them like they are used in the stupid soap they watch on TV.

    Lower the god dam speed limit , to do this they need enforcement don't the police understand enforcement, speed cameras and feet on the ground.

    My Thai wife just this minute said to me that she is beginning to hate Thailand, she hates the stupid attitude of the police and people on the roads and the stupid shootings to solve petty arguments.

    Thais are to immature I am afraid and I hate to say these things, to have guns and unpoliced highways is retarded. 


    When will they ever Learn, corruption is the root of evil and is probably the main cause of the carnage and stupid shootings.

    A 14  year old gang raped  and in hospital by ten men, the wild, wild west.

    There are worse places in this wicked world, this world,  infested with corrupt money grabbing corporations that control governments .


    Take the guns away ban them, stop investing in tanks and submarines and buy some speed cameras, enforce the roads, the revenue from this will buy you some tanks if you need them so bad, nothing can replace a mothers grief at the loss of a child.

  17. It is dangerous , we all know this if a pickup gets rear ended full of people it is horrific.


    If the police can enforce this , I wish them well.'

    I hope they crack down on use of motor bikes as it scares the hell out of me to see bikes loaded with four people, little babies and all with no helmets.

    A massive task to enforce as the poor will complain and it will create a massive transportation problem for getting children to school etc..

    I drive very slowly around town, I cringe as bikes cut in front of vehicles every day, Thais seem to not care about safety it is just a free for all and me first is the only Rd rule to worry about.

  18. 2 hours ago, ChrisY1 said:

    NCPO beginning to applaud themselves already for "successful" RS campaigns......still a way to go yet...but:

    • 31,000 drivers failed to produce a licence .. Assume unlicenced drivers....Unbelievable!
    • 110,000 arrests....where do they put them all?

    Maybe some good is happening.....I hope so.


    The very sad thing is that Thais treat driving with no respect, they don't care about license's, nor do they know the RD rules , let alone obey them.

    The crack down should go on full time not just for Songkran, the government needs to toughen up and stay serious.

    A nation wide TV education campaign is needed as well, forget about drivers loosing face .


    As for drunk driving I see falangs do this all the time as well, I do not condone drunk driving but I know that is like playing Russian roulette in NZ as cops are everywhere and you loose your car as well as license, it has become a no -no to drink drive.

    People are to scarred to dare to drive drunk now in NZ, the Rd toll has come down dramatically and even came down more with speed limit reductions during festive periods.

    Yet some still drink drive, which is crazy in any country.

  19. 8 hours ago, Odysseus123 said:

    I don't know....I have had a number of elderly Thai (mainly women) tell me that they are mortally afraid of their lazy,aggressive offspring-usually the males but that is not always so as some females get into the act as well.The fear exists on two levels.The first is,quite naturally,the fear of physical/verbal abuse and the second is (sadly) that unless they placate the son they will not be supported in their old age by said oxygen thief-and oxygen thieves are a dime a dozen up here where I live.


    I have a good friend she is a Thai lady from Esan she had to come back here to help her dyeing mother.

    When she got back her drunken brother had stolen the title to the farm and sold some of it through a crooked lawyer to pay gambling debts, he then beat her up and demanded money from her as he thinks she is rich now as she had a hair salon in NZ.

    The drunken brother terrifies the rest of the family even when poor old Mom was dyeing he was threatening my friend and her sister who then had to gang up together to ward him off.

    Lucky he did not have a gun, lucky so far.

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