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Posts posted by kiwikeith

  1. 22 hours ago, tracker1 said:

    Here we go again blame the manufacturers because there is nothing wrong with the riders naturally !


    Never blame attitude or reckless youths with no idea or respect for life, the stupid people loading up bikes with babies with no helmets worn by anyone ,falangs do this as well.

    Bikes cut in front of cars all the time, go to fast and ride at night the wrong way and with no lights.

    I think we all know this but I wonder why the government can not police helmets, you see it everyday the police ignore people riding with no helmets until they have a blitz one day for lunch money.

  2. 1 hour ago, Borzandy said:

    Who can believe about free hospital in Thailand. Maybe a frequent traveller...


    It just goes to show, what we already know, corruption is rife everywhere in this country this is a very sick example of it.

    We intend to flout the law and demand 450k BHT from you or you can die, someone should be arrested over this as it is disgusting.

  3. 5 hours ago, Nigeone said:

    Oh my word a copy and paste message from last year , and the year before and the year before .........etc .. They need to have all the police and Army in for a refresher course then as clearly they've forgotten the laws as they sure don't carry them out in the other 50 plus weeks when even more get killed weekly ! And aim for zero ! That's more than wishful thinking And I thing they will do well to keep them at last years levels ! Good luck anyway with the efforts . I sincerely want them to succeed but feel they really don't know how too !! 


    There is no discipline , what are they talking about? surely they could lower the speed limit on highways to 80 k for Songkran.

    Surely they could introduce speed cameras and heavy fines for speeding and drunk driving.

    3 strikes you out in NZ you loose your vehicle if your caught drunk.

    You get 3 drink drive convictions and license gone for life.

    Everyone in NZ is fearful of the speed cameras as they are everywhere, especially the hidden ones, cops can stand behind trees with hand held ones as well as unmarked cars on the highways monitoring driving all the time.

    The government should take note and end this countries bad reputation for being the 2nd most deadly place to drive in the world.


    NZ has been lowering the speed limits during public holidays and Xmas for a few years now which has shown a significant reduction in the Rd toll alone.


    Thailand RD speed limits are way to high and completely unpoliced, then add in that Thais do not know the Rd rules, they have not got a clue about giving way at roundabouts , the only rd. rule here is me first, get out of my way or I will smash into you!


    If you don't make that you turn quick enough buddy im going to drive right through you and kill you and all my passengers.

  4. 18 hours ago, khunano said:

    How to avoid the carnage? Just don't drive anywhere during the Songkran or any public holidays! Stay at home, turn on the air conditioner, remove a cold one from the refrigerator once in a while and enjoy life.... Cheers.

    That's the best advice.

  5. 17 hours ago, darksidedog said:

    It would be nice if every Bus company had to post statistics at the point where you buy your ticket, detailing how many accidents, injuries and deaths they have been responsible for. At least then you would have some idea of your chances of getting to your destination alive and intact.


    Sounds like the driver was falling asleep, this happened near dawn.


    When is the government going to bring in log books as they promised to do within 30 days!


    When are they going to make driver changes compulsory on long hauls where drivers drive for 14 or more hours with just a short meal break.

    This kind of madness is not permitted in most countries where log books and driving hours are strictly monitored .

  6. 18 hours ago, paulbj2 said:

    Over the top completely! A really, REALLY stupid comment! Ridiculous "Thai bashing" nonsense!


    Until I retired I used to work in a government owned building in Luxembourg City. Legionnella tests were carried out regularly on the water supplies and air-conditioning units in that building and the detailed results were provided to everyone who worked there. Those tests almost invariably came back positive for Legionella despite the best efforts of the building maintenance team to eliminate the damned bacterium using chlorine gas to disinfect the water systems and God knows how many other disinfectant chemicals. Legionella is not easy to eliminate, permanently.


    This bacterium is a big problem throughout the world; it is present in the hot water systems of most hotels, offices and domestic dwellings. Do you ever get the hot water or air-conditioning systems where you live checked for Legionella? 100:1 odds on, you'll find it in the shower heads and in the water system.


    The thing that worries me more in Thailand is the use of the "misting" systems that are often installed outside bars and restaurants. The supply pipework is usually in direct sunlight so the water inside the pipes, when it is turned off, will attain the ideal temperature range for the development of thriving colonies of Legionella. Then when the system is turned on, it will likely eject an aerosol of concentrated Legionella bacteria all over anyone in the vicinity; that should be a matter of real concern to health officials!

    I would also be  concerned about dirty aircon units as most guest houses have filthy air units in the rooms, a major spreader of legionella.

  7. 3 hours ago, worgeordie said:

    I wonder how many people die unnecessarily ,every year from Electric shocks

    I suspect the rainy season will be the peak in deaths,with low hanging and

    live wires ,connections wrapped with a plastic bag,lying on the wet ground.

    I think Thai's  Mae pen rai ,view on electricity is because they cannot see it, 

    so why worry about it, RIP fellow countryman,

    regards worgeordie


    At the Kings park in Hua Hin their are wires around the place that children can touch.

    Badly in need of a tidy up as well as the roads.

  8. 7 hours ago, fruitman said:

    Yes but don't you dare to play Bridge ..


    Oh and make sure your new hip is connected well before walking on the sidewalks.


    Also make sure your eyes are very good so you can see the motocy driving against traffic coming.


    And wear good sneakers so you can run away from soidogs or a cane with a hidden gun inside.


    Also wear a helmet for lowhanging roofs with dangerous pins sticking out.


    Learn Thai before you come, so you can speak to the taxidrivers/police.




    learn how to tie a bungee cord when staying in high rise.

    One year at a time , I would not lash out 60k pounds for a twenty year adventure into an uncertain environment.

  9. 17 hours ago, whatawonderfulday said:

    So that means the government accepts that up to 6 people dead when thrown from a pick up is socially acceptable in Thailand ?

    Only for Songkran.


    Maybe the government should provide free bus travel during Songkran.

    I would never ride in the back of a pickup or in a ten seater , but Thaïs are now angry on a law that will save lives if enforced.

    Next up! motor bike enforcement laws which will cause an uproar to Thais as they wont be able to take their children to school, when I pick my son up from school I have to be careful walking back from the entrance to my car as the people rushing to get out on bikes will run me over and my son, me first attitude is shocking.

  10. 2 hours ago, dotpoom said:

    You certainly have a good point (even though I posted on the opposite side on here yesterday).


    The centre of gravity changes when a pickup is loaded on the back especially with ten people standing on the back it becomes a suicide vehicle.

    It is suicide to have passengers sitting in the back especially on highways where the speed limit (which is to high) is abused.

    Look what happens in a rear ender on a overpass the passengers get flung out and over the barrier, happened in BK not long ago.

    The video posted yesterday was horrific showing the pickup make a slight swerve and overturn throwing the overloaded passengers on the back everywhere.

    I think Thais get a special price on pickups as the are regarded as farm vehicles.

    Time to give a subsidy on 6 or ten seater vans for the poor.


    It is ridiculous for Thai Rath to say that pickups should have the back enclosed by law.

    It is stupid of them to say this law is an insult to the poor, this law will save lives if enforced, angry Thais show no respect for safety of lives over this.

    The motor bike situation needs to be addressed seriously as well as it scares the hell out of me to see babies and children with no protection. 


    Seriously the government needs to lower the speed limits and get some speed cameras out there along with real traffic police.


  11. 4 hours ago, Jeremy50 said:

    It's a start, now all the other road madnesses need to be addressed.  Driving on the wrong side of the road, driving without lights, insane overtaking, cutting the corners at junctions, driving slowly in the fast lane, etc etc etc


    Lowering the speed limit would be a step in the right direction.

    NZ has lowered it's limits and lowers them again during holiday period with zero tolerance over the speed limit at Xmas.

    Enforcing helmets is a must.

    NZ's lower speed limit has remarkably lowered holiday Rd tolls, I hope the PM is reading this.


    THAILANDS MAX LIMIT SHOULD BE 100k country wide and 50k on main Rds.

  12. 18 hours ago, Destiny1990 said:

    Car driver clearly Lacking communication skills.

    I can't see the video as no longer available , but sounds like a Rd rage incident.

    Just as well he did not have a gun as this childish moron may have shot someone.


    I seriously blame the mentality on the upbringing of men and the spoiling of them when they are children.

    Not much you can do here about this TIT.

  13. On ‎30‎/‎3‎/‎2560 at 7:15 PM, TheGhostWithin said:

    Darron, I commend you on being clear and open in your communications, and resisting others attempts to sensationalise the case.


    When your wife is eventually tracked down, please go into all situations with her with the understanding that she is not who she once was, but could be again who she was the day she left you and your son. Your son deserves stability, and as a young man will lose so much if his access to you is restricted. Please take every step you can to protect your son, also bearing in mind that her family have absolute loyalty to her, even though they may be aunts, uncles and grandparents.


    Find someone that will stand by you and not go for an upgrade (in their own twisted sense of so in this case).


    It sounds to me that the father is grieving for her and is a stalker.

    He would be better off to stay away from the media and conduct private communication with police if he has concerns for his safety and son.

    He is publicly probably angering the so called maniac in the mean time.

    Get another women if you need to but give yourself time to empty your old luggage before so.


  14. 4 hours ago, Songhua said:

    All those old foreigners who complained about it every year can now venture out without their raincoats and plastic bags.

    All roosters will be released instead to cock a doodle doo on the first of April until the end of madness.

    Roosters having a field day today.

    Wish it were true as I would say it is a sickening time of year for those who remember the loved ones and those that will suffer from this uncontrolled stupid time.

  15. 3 hours ago, Jimjim1968 said:

    And what's on offer? Chang, Leo, Singha and Heinekien.

    WOULD BE BETTER TO -- LOWER THE SPEED LIMIT, Introduce a 0 tolerance on public holidays.

    Privatising the sale of alcohol to a privileged few is what this so called government is preaching is not going to happen across the board..

    The seven /11 and all others will never bow to this stupid idea.

    It would create anarchy , owe sorry we already have that. 

  16. 2 hours ago, IamNoone88 said:

    A widow with acute hearing, sleeping with a loaded .38 under her pillow, a spurned drunken intruder, a young daughter repelling the attacker with an iron in the ensuing struggle, an aged yet feisty mother joining in! That is some household. Too much for me!


    Believe me that even the sweetest girls can turn into Rottweiler's at the drop of a hat.

    If she had have shot him, would it be self defence???

    Not her gun so maybe no license, not a grisly ending the good thing about it.

  17. 3 hours ago, LannaGuy said:

    and to keep the dogs in cages


    Destroy the dogs


    what an insult "oh sorry she died but I won't let them do it again"  so much Thainess


    Dogs running around in packs are a REAL menace in Thailand and frighten many people (including me). Thais have NO sense of responsibility


    also someone should check that ladies Will

    Charged with manslaughter, will that stick after compensation, a joke.


    Pitt bulls are now banned in NZ, I don't care what anyone says they are lethal and can turn at any time, even years after people owning one they turned  on my friend and ripped his hand to shreds after he tried to stop his pit-bull killing a pet rabbit at a friends house.

    They have killed and maimed children, babies their owners and innocent public.

    They should be banned.


    Thailand has a big dog problem, every time I walk I get approached by dogs and barked at, people get bitten by mangy soi dogs every day yet nothing ever happens .

    It is straight out irresponsibility of the one's who should be controlling dog laws in this country.

  18. 3 hours ago, Nigeone said:

    Just shows how safety and common sense plays no part in Thai van drivers mentality. And never will ! As for the rest of the Thai drivers on the road !! Words fail me ! 

    True, also I think greed, broken seatbelts fittings , broken door latches fit into the complaint as they are to mean to fix them.

    They can't speed because of traffic , the only time I ever felt safe was when they where forced to go slow by traffic conditions.



    What about the log books the PM was bringing in within 30 days? any progress here?.

    I think they are pathetic careless mongrels with no respect for human life or any idea how to drive safely.

    I hope the government stands firm and brings the log books in as well.

    I will never ride them unless I was desperate to get somewhere, they scare the hell out of me. 

  19. 3 hours ago, ukrules said:

    This has absolutely nothing to do with proposed increases which will come towards the end of the year.


    Are we really supposed to think that they're buying them now to stockpile for the next 8 months or so ? I don't think so.

    Nothing new here, the fake spirits and fags have been plied for years. I wonder if they tax Viagra the copy trade in that will increase as well.

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