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Posts posted by kiwikeith

  1. 23 hours ago, 007cableguy said:

    And the dogs not put down?
    I really can't head round how they deal stuff here it's mind numbing!

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

    The dogs should be destroyed, they will harm someone again 100% as they have learnt this bad behaviour now.

    Mind numbing YES, anyone know Thai law regarding putting down vicious dogs ??

    If there was a law then it could be bypassed by brown envelope syndrome.

  2. 5 hours ago, Thechook said:

    Come on, are you serious, fortune tellers to solve a case?


    Works in the Movies.


    I would like to see the CCTV  footage, strange that only one camera has picked her up, there must be more.

    Most are speculating the sea theory , so if she was on her way at 6am what direction was she headed --  for the beach for an early morning dip? or diving boat???.

    Was she anywhere near the dreaded ones in the B2 tragedy.

  3. 4 hours ago, cardinalblue said:

    Until there are severe civil and criminal penalties enforced Thais have no fear for their actions and mandatory consequences....


    the part i don't get is their inability to value their own life let alone others...


    the gov needs to address that question of why not....

    The blue pickup was cut off, however you could see it coming and he should of backed off.

    The government has never addressed the driving problems here, the mentality of me first ,get out off my way even if I kill you and the occupants of my vehicle is beyond comprehension.

    The biggest fear when driving highways here is getting taken out from an idiot that can't wait to pass you.

    I try to always get out of their way, and keep left , let them pass.


    I think that because of the Save Face attitude that the government won't mount a much needed TV campaign, that and  of course Mr MONEY.

  4. 6 hours ago, Smiley Face said:

    Four hundred baht to be able to experience nature that has been trashed by the many pigs that visit the parks and throw their trash all over the place.  Perhaps if they used the revenue to police and clean the parks there wouldn't be such a push-back.  Thai citizens should be ashamed of their parks and how they are poorly treated and maintained.

    I do notice the lack of rubbish bins in parks and tourist attractions.

    They have not solved this problem in years.

    I would doubt that the money collected is ever  a true record of how many  enter the parks.

    I went to the zoo at chiang mai and paid the high entrance fee, for me and Thai family, then you had to pay more to see the Panda and other things.

    I spat the dummy, I did not pay another BHT , we left disgusted.

    I would never pay 400 BHT to enter a trashed environment.


    The Zoo at Hua Hin got closed as the animals were going crazy in small cages, however they had paid millions of BHT to transplant trees and build the entrance, which looked impressive, the animals looked very sick.

  5. 18 hours ago, berybert said:

    Young people are addicted to mobile phones these days. This girl had a phone on her. So how often was she posting before she went missing. If it was several times a day then suddenly it stopped, that will be the day she disappeared.

    That's right, now the police have her phone.

    I hope the Millers are reading this, and the bigots realise that there is a serial killing gang at large on Koh Tao.

    This gang they are supporting, they also do not know that Burmese scape goats have feelings and mothers and fathers.

    They can not comprehend that supporting murderers who are still creating misery for the other victims loved ones are at large and gain strength from there idiotic comments.

    Beyond brain dead they must be. man up you fools.

    Your the only ones who can save the B2 and stop these murders from going on.

  6. 14 hours ago, StealthEnergiser said:

    There is not enough being done to warn tourist how dangerous that Island is .


    How many suspicious deaths that we know of ? I would take a guess and triple that number.


    The blog one of the posters put  on here a few years ago about the dangers gains more credibility everyday.


    killers seem to have immunity there.

    When I was home a few months back some girls asked me about how safe Thailand was.

    They did not know about the B2 event  and actually were very naïve about Thailand.

    I told them as much as I could to be safe but I had the feeling that they thought they knew it all.


    The carnage will go on until the Millers stand up and be counted they are cowardly fools and I hope they never get peaceful sleep for the rest of their days.

  7. 3 hours ago, Ramen087 said:

    Now that is a clean up worthy of the time and effort. Would love to see deportation and overstay offences charged with rigidity regarding Thai law.  Those ladies are a bane.

    No reports of action taken, I always wondered how the ones in Suhkhomvit BK were able to ply their trade in front of the police.

    They are just tourists looking to get laid, no action needed to be taken.

    • Like 1
  8. On ‎2‎/‎3‎/‎2560 at 11:16 AM, sfokevin said:

    Here in Chiang Mai there is a Soi called Loy Krow... when I walk down there many of the local ladies say I look like Tom Cruise too...


    Sadly i hear that this no longer happens in Patayya as the ladies thete are only into nature these days... :coffee1:


    I was standing talking to a Loy Krow girl when a tom cruise went past he was very fat and wobbling, she said hello handsome man, tom Cruise, and after he had passed she yelled out " only joking"


  9. On ‎2‎/‎3‎/‎2560 at 8:32 AM, Wiggy said:

    I'm guessing they just want some kind of closure, which is understandable, but equally that doesn't mean justice has been done.


    They must be the most thick skinned people in the world.

    To want closure that means executing two innocent Burmese boys who have mothers and family is an act of assisted murder.

    Hanna is the only one who has stood up , Millers are said to have accepted money.

    Maybe the British government has told them not to rock the boat as it may cause diplomatic problems, that's on the cards.


    But I admire the Kiwi parents of a murdered man in Pattaya some time back coming over here and not accepting the police account.

    They demanded action and the GF was arrested along with her pimp BF and his mate who she paid to shoot the Farang BF in the head.

    Before that they were all running free.


    Until the nasty bigot Mr Millar stands up for justice the Burmese two have not much chance.

    I hope he reads this , my son you will have to live knowing you have dirty mafia and Burmese blood all over you .

    It is a cowardly disgusting act that you do, shameful is not a big enough word.

    Coward is what you are.

  10. 15 hours ago, sharecropper said:

    Totally disgusting but sadly expected. Rotten from top to bottom.

    This was not an appeal, nothing more than a back door face saver for the rotten corrupt police , judges and Mafia.


    Shame on Thailand, and even more SHAME on the Millers the bigot's who know dam well that these boys are innocent.

    If they could stand up and be human they could  save two innocent lives.

    They will be nothing but murderers themselves for letting two more innocent men die.

    Shame Shame Shame.

    I hope they read this , I hope it gets through their thick skin.

  11. 2 hours ago, z42 said:

    Maybe he is guilty as charged, but it seems nothing is going tyo get in the way of the railroading process.. Investigations are done and dusted and the girlfriend is off the radar completely it seems


    The most common denominator of psychopath's is that they think they can lie their way out of anything.

    As to the GF , its a bit of a mystery but there may have been involvement concerning money, I'm sure she has helped the police heaps with the investigation.

    I wonder what has happened to the recovered cash, she may have been of good assistance to the BIB with that as well.  :passifier:

  12. 2 hours ago, Brer Fox said:

    Here's a novel idea. Deposit legislation.

    Taken from Wikepedia:

    Container-deposit legislation is any law that requires collection of a monetary deposit on soft-drink, juice, milk, water, alcoholic-beverage, and/or other reusable packaging at the point of sale. When the container is returned to an authorized redemption center, or to the original seller in some jurisdictions, the deposit is partly or fully refunded to the redeemer (presumed to be the original purchaser). It is a deposit-refund system.

    Governments may pass container deposit legislation for several reasons:

    • To encourage recycling and complement existing curbside recycling programs, to reduce energy and material usage for containers
    • To specifically reduce beverage container litter along highways, in lakes and rivers, and on other public or private properties (where beverage container litter occurs, a nominal deposit provides an economic incentive to clean it up; this is in fact a significant source of income to some poor individuals and non-profit civic organizations)
    • To discourage the purchase of the products by raising their initial price, (eg Thailand sugar consumption)
    • To extend the usable lifetime of taxpayer-supported community or regional landfills, and
    • To protect children and animals by reducing the likelihood of glass lacerations.
    • To not depend on commercial entities for recycling. The commercial interests can oppose the recycling for various reasons, although they may have an incentive to reduce the packaging cost, and voluntarily, e.g., by competition, introduce a refund for recycled containers. And the refund policy may be less than just, e.g., no refund without new purchase.



    When I was a young lad I never went hungry , even though we were very poor my mother raised four of us with no father to help.

    I always had money and made this by collecting refundable bottles and cashing them in.

    Australia has refundable beer bottles now.

    bring back the glass bottles , get rid of the plastic, stop handing out plastic bags and straws that become garbage instantly, get people to take a shopping bag to the supermarket just like our old Mums did years ago.

    Enlight the enlightened ones who could not have the courage to take on the mongrels producing plastic garbage by the tonne.


    Make every country accountable for cleaning up the ocean as this is a very serious problem more serious than the amount of attention given to this hideous pollution that is entering the food chain through fish that eat and absorb the chemicals from plastic worthless crap.:post-4641-1156693976:

  13. 9 hours ago, smedly said:

    the report hasn't really said a lot to either believe or not to believe - they found a girl hanging in the toilet, as for the police and what they believe - well they are not pathologists and until a proper examination is carried out they are guessing more or less the same as anyone here on this forum can do.


    Does it sound suspicious - personally I would have to say yes at this point based on very little and hope that a thorough professional investigation is carried out to completely rule out foul play

    Does sound sad  and like a suicide.

    If foul play was involved the foul would have had to jump out the window as the door was locked from the inside.

  14. 6 hours ago, dotpoom said:

    I havn't seen that myself and frankly don't understand why two words like "drink driving" should be critized.....

    What really puzzles me about this story is the passengers on the bus are determined that the driver was "guzzling" booze all the way while driving the bus and swerving all over the road........could not one of them have called the police?.....not a mention if any of them tried to take some action.

    They will put up with lunatics driving as it is in the hands of bhudda.

    They are frightened to complain as the driver will loose face and go faster.

    This is what my Thai wife said when I pulled a ten seater driver up for being a lunatic after side swiping a truck and not stopping

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