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Posts posted by kiwikeith

  1. 14 hours ago, Formaleins said:

    A couple of years back you could get some sort of Thai insurance (usually it tied you to your local government hospital) - They did however require that you had the Yellow Tabien Baan.


    I tried to get on it at the time but I was still waiting for the Amphur to process the yellow book, but since then I had heard that it has been abandoned for foreigners.


    I am going up to my local hospital in two weeks, so I will take my yellow book and seek out the office that was dealing with it and let you know what the score is.


    I don't think it is anything as generous as the 30 Baht scheme, but I believed that it paid for all sorts of in patient basics like room and treatment, you still had to pay for outpatient and any medication.


    My friend told me he was covered by Thai government medical insurance as he has a work permit and employs Thais and pays Taxes, but he had to go to the local hospital .

  2. 6 hours ago, tracker1 said:

    Funny the Airlines have direct flight to sin city Tour agents in ones own country recommend sin city so if the junta is frustrated maybe they should visit and releave their frustrations instead of killing tourism and creating more unemployment as with street stall sellers 



    Making hotel balconies safe would be a foot in the right direction, I think the no's are way out on how many girls are working.

    Thailand would close down without happiness.

  3. 1 hour ago, jayboy said:

    This is unbelievable or I suppose all too believable.The PM calls for an independent probe but stipulates:


    “But it shouldn’t be put in a way that he was killed for being an ethnic activist,” .


    That's of course for the enquiry to determine (though of course it won't).Many will fear that's exactly what this boy - with no known drugs association by the way - was murdered for.



    He possibly in his war against drugs, may have upset a few people.

  4. 5 hours ago, debate101 said:

    What they did was unethical, and clearly they intended to avoid paying taxes. That being said, the courts have thusfar been unable to successfully prosecute them under normal procedures.


    Regardless of one's own opinion on the topic, the last sentence is dead wrong. The legal system as a whole must be held to a higher standard of behavior than its private citizens, which, although they were the members of a public figure's family, they were acting as in this case that was not official government business. 


    This idea that we can invent or twist laws to get the correct outcome is part of the toxic trap the country has never been able to escape from. Two wrongs, etc... That the state must follow its own procedures is essentially why we even have rule of law rather than anarchy.


    New Zealand is one of the worst countries in the world for tax evasion and similar scams, it hides money in trusts for overseas companies to avoid tax including some huge money from Thailand, the government does nothing about it.

  5. 6 hours ago, AlexRich said:

    Where they muscling in on the criminal activities of more established foreign criminals? I would have been more impressed if they were arresting boiler room scammers and fraudulent property developers, who do some real damage to other foreigners,


    The amount of criminals , not only foreign but including Thai in this country is mind boggling.

    It can never be cleaned up, saying that I believe that Thailand is not alone as the whole world is now in a state of decadence, crime is rife,

    The world is run by psychopaths,


    All the world is but a stage, and each and every one of us but an actor. 

  6. 6 hours ago, Get Real said:

    Just a little adventurous boy having a tv-show, that believes his small fame can stand above the law. Just bit on it and suck it up. You wife made a choise that left you with the children.
    You just should have known who you married from start.


    She says she was set up over saving animals that pissed off someone high up.

    I tend to believe her, she also says that this is why she got the severe sentence, which I think is over the top at the least.

  7. 7 minutes ago, Mangkhut said:

    Maybe not a 5-star hotel but blaiming the incidense on the accomodation in stead of the man - well thats a bit off...


    I stayed there a few years ago when it was new, it was very bright and clean and they changed the linen every day, it was a very clean and nice bright big room with a nice toilet and shower and air.

    I did not find it uninviting it was quite laid back, I stayed there for one year.

    I don't know why if this man stayed there for a long time that he would not use the toilet which is next to the door that opens to a very small balcony.

    What ever happened there is a possibility of foul play, I hope the police reviewed the CCTV, the place used to be very well managed and friendly nice management.

    Very sad RIP.

  8. 2 hours ago, Get Real said:

    The epedemic of the result of taking the medicin is not the problem. The epidemic of always running to a pharmacy as soon as they have a sneeze is!


    When Thais arrive to visit overseas they always have lots of bags full of coloured pills incase they get sick.

    In my home in LOS my Thai family always seem to have lots of little plastic bags full of pills that they don't know what they are named or what they are for, but the pharmacist gave them to them.

    yes amazing Thailand.

  9. 16 hours ago, oxo1947 said:

    well...did he have anything in his hand or not.........:coffee1:


    The door was unlocked with no sign of a struggle.

    I have stayed at this place for a long time and the toilet / shower is next to the door that opens to a small balcony.

    I never had the urge to pee over it, there was usually people below as the car park is there.

    When people are drunk they do strange things, very strange , I think people pee themselves just before they die.

    The only exit from the rooms is by going down the stairs and out the front doors of the guest house, it has CCTV coverage of the stairs and the lobby.

    I wonder if someone left around the time of the event???

  10. 20 hours ago, Toshiba66 said:

    I don't think I believe most of this story. Firstly, I don't believe the massage parlor would give her 5000 baht when she refused a rape test. Secondly, why wait 2 hours if it was rape. I'd be screaming like a <deleted> at the time!



    She should have been taken to hospital for a test straight away, then the mystery might be solved, however if she kicked him and he stopped, the gun may not have fired and no evidence.

    Taking an oil massage with a male masseur in Patpong is a bit stupid , however no one deserves to be assaulted in this way.


    I would guess that something did occur at the parlour, I also think she may be a bit of a nutter over the restaurant affair.

    3600 BHT for a meal is a pretty good meal, maybe they got overcharged for this, I have had that happen .

    Stay away from Patpong and red light areas dear you seem to attract trouble.   


  11. 3 hours ago, The Dancer said:

    Probably a communication issue. If she went to a happy-ending place for men and women and chose a male masseur then, unless she had the Thai to make clear she just wanted a man's touch but nothing more, the expectation would have been she wanted "full service".


    I know it's not PC to say this but it's pretty stupid to go into a massage place in a country known for pay for pleasure, disrobe and ask for a man to knead your body in a closed room. Unless ... Nah, I don't think she was entirely innocent. My guess is she started out wanting full monty but got cold feet at some point.

    She must have had oil massage naked, very tempting for the masseur if she was a looker.

    But not right.:post-4641-1156693976:

  12. 4 hours ago, Get Real said:

    He described his ex. wife as an intelligent woman!???


    2 children from different marriages

    Nobody know how many relationship before and between.
    Running away with a criminal and rapist and protecting him, if true.
    Going to Cambodia with new boyfreind and calling ex. husband for money.

    Yeah, right! Sounds like the most clever and smart woman on the planet!

    It also sounds like the ex BF has gone to a lot of trouble to find all of this out, maybe he stalks her.

    He has done a lot of good anyway, hope the pervert is caught soon.

  13. 5 hours ago, alwaysrainsinUK said:

    Lest we forget   Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster 


    That's what I thought, after watching a documentary on Fukushima on RT at the moment this under rated played down accident is polluting the ocean the land and the air at a massive rate, the fallout is drifting over to Canada, they say the whole world will be affected by this.

    And Thailand is not alone with a sick ocean the whole worlds oceans are sick with plastic and oil and chemicals, plus turds being spewed into it every day.

    Plastic when it breaks into small particles is being consumed by fish and then we eat the fish, Plastic is one of the worst things in this world, I can not believe how much goes into the trash at our house every day, just open a water bottle and you have the seal to trash and then the bottle it is crazy.

    At least Thailand recycle the water bottles ,but packaging, and straws wrapped in plastic are going into the trash at alarming rates.

    God help this world.

  14. 3 hours ago, ezzra said:

    Hey, why not? the Pattaya police doesn't seems to care that African

    prostitute are now also part of the sex, on one hand the police is going out

    of their ways to eradicate sex in Pattaya on the other hand, they do nothing

    when new brand of prostitutes are walking the streets....

    I suspect that an exorbitant of debt was required of these girls to pay back to the tricksters  so they tried to opt out.

    I also suspect colour blindness effects Police and they cant tell these African girls from Thai. :shock1:

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