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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. A little update. In the past I bought aluminium profiles from a company in Bangkok. I contacted them again and asked them if they can produce custom made plates with holes. They confirmed they do that with up to 10mm thick aluminium plates. So now I have to make some drawings and then I can order my custom-made plates to get exactly what I want. They manufacture mostly profiles like these which can be used for lots of things.
  2. It seems it's part of the strategy of the Shinawatras to never give up and enjoy life with all their wealth. They always want more power and always ignore any opposition. And until now, they always have to flee the country so that they don't end in jail. It seems to me this pattern won't stop.
  3. Maybe search for: mp3 player with speaker They are not difficult to find.
  4. I plan to go to NANA tonight. Maybe I should have bought one of those to impress the girls. 😉
  5. How many of those eager buyers will have now the previous version of that phone? So, what they tell us is basically that their current phone is so bad that they need so urgently a new phone that they can't even wait for a few days more. Amazing!
  6. No, you know it will cost roughly 120B because you know that the prices are often ++. Or how often does this have to happen to you before you are not surprised anymore? And just to give you something to worry about: Maybe you decide to buy one of those discount memberships which some hotels sell. Maybe you get 30% or 50% discount. Yes, but.... Let's say you see a meal advertised for 1,000B with 50% discount. How much will you pay? Maybe probably think 1000B * 50% = 500B + 50B = 550B + 7% = 588.5B. Surprise! You have to pay 1000B * 50% = 500B + 100B (10% service on top of the original price) = 600B + 7% = 642B. So now that also won't surprise you anymore. I know this calculation happens with some membership programs, I don't know if it happens with many or all of them.
  7. Would you prefer to buy something for 99B or 116B? That's your answer. Everybody who spent some time in Thailand knows about this. There is no surprise. Just get used to it.
  8. It also depends on the individual AC models. I bought Daikin ACs with WLAN remote control. I can control them from anywhere, i.e. I switch them on maybe 5min before I return home. It's up to each of us if we want to use extra features and if we want to pay for them.
  9. Maybe the problem are the people who installed them. Every AC leaks if the water is not drained properly. I bought DAIKIN because it seems they have the best reputation from people who know about ACs. Until now, maybe a year since installation, they work great.
  10. And don't forget Fool's Overture - one of my favorites.
  11. Best is what people perceive as best. This is one of my favorites - even when I hear it now. Made with one of the first synthesizers: Moog synthesizer - Wikipedia
  12. Does it really matter? There will always be a reason why fires start. One thing is sure, if the fire is long enough near one or many electric vehicles, it won't stop before they are all burnt out.
  13. You are right. So, I thought about which "modern song" from the last couple of years was very good. I think this one is one of the best from recent years. And with 8.5 billion views on YouTube for just this video, it seems many people agree with me.
  14. And then there are all the people who look at those pictures and follow those influencers. IQ < 80?
  15. It's amazing what people pay money for. I wouldn't look at pictures of that creature even if I would get paid for doing that. Amazing new world.
  16. Ok, please compensate all the slaves which you can currently find in the USA. Sometimes I understand when people think about alternatives to such stupid ideas.
  17. You paid too much, way too much! A decent power supply is a good idea. But for the little power which a DAC needs, it is relatively simple to build them. Apart from above, the rest of your post makes sense.
  18. Let's say I am open to the concept that there are lots of things which we don't know. But there are also lots of things which we know and which we can measure. If some idiots use super-size braided power cables for a meter between the socket in the wall and the amp power input, then that is just stupid.
  19. I agree that many so-called audiophiles are a little or a lot crazy. I have all digital from the source including digital input in the active speakers. So at least I don't have to worry about cables. And yes, some audiophiles are so crazy that they even want gold plated digital connectors. But vibrations are real. And speaker stands like from my original picture resonate in a easily hearable frequency - except if they are filled with sand. I follow expert advice if the experts can also measure what they pretend to hear. And I don't care about all those who hear things which are not measurable. My favorite expert Amir runs this forum with lots of interesting information. https://www.audiosciencereview.com/forum/index.php
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