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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. There is nothing wrong with professional. Pay them their hourly or daily rate and all is fine. 20 million should be good for 20 years. I guess for such long-term rental he should also get a substantial discount.
  2. This means that you obviously don't love your gf. Otherwise, you would help her and her family so that everybody will live happily ever after. At least that is what your gf will make you believe. There is an easy solution: Tell her that won't happen and tell her if she ever brings it up again then you will separate from her. One way or another, that will permanently solve the problem. And unfortunately, it is probably the only way to permanently solve it.
  3. That is an initial investment of almost 200,000 per household, without maintenance, etc. How could anyone ever think that makes sense? I guess nobody cared it is made sense. Let's get the money, put something up what looks like turbines, and lets party. I hope there will be an investigation who spent he money and how.
  4. When I was young, I learned, probably from my parents, that there are pickpockets in this world. And those bad guys like crowded areas and people who are not careful and probably have money. I am sure most of us learned that. But sometimes we are in crowded areas, and then it's best to have as little money and valuables as necessary. I am sure you also heard that one before. So if tourists come out of an expensive shopping mall, with lots of cash, and then go into the most crowded place available, what can possibly go wrong? And about the bars: They are also part of Thailand. On my first holiday in Thailand one of those bar girls helped me to get familiar with Thailand including public transport, visiting markets, etc. She also told me when to be careful. And she made me aware of all the people who like to scam me. I learned much more from her days compared to what I learned myself alone, reading books, etc.
  5. As far as I know there are only few condominiums where the foreign quota is a problem for foreign buyers. It seems in most buildings that quota is never reached and therefore no problem. And as far as I know this quota does not apply to individual units, like this is a unit from a Thai person and only a Thai person can buy it. I bought a condominium from a Thai person. We checked with the building management that the foreign quota of the whole condominium was not reached, and that was all we had to do to confirm I could buy it.
  6. "Enough is enough. I'm outta here!" Thank you. Make sure you delete your account so that you don't change your mind in an hour or a day.
  7. I think it is good that for most of my life I had (only) enough money for a reasonable standard of living, but not more. Possible money diggers must have realized that early, and they didn't even start a relationship with me. Good. Additionally, I never try to impress anybody with money. If I think they would like me more if I would spend more money (for them) then I know they are not what I want. That doesn't mean I am stingy; I like good things, and pay for them. I just don't like to get the impression that people would only like me if I spend money.
  8. Maybe, but maybe not. There was a time when we had lots of (new) posts from lots of members, and lots of replies. Then the admins banned a big part of the members and warned many members not to do this and not to do that. I thought about quitting a couple of times. And then it seems the rules were made less restrictive again. But probably too late. If I would not know that there are also quality posts and good members here, and I would look at new posts and only see what Bob and the other guy post all the time, I would probably decide that a forum like that is nothing for me. Too many, IMHO, idiotic posts, mostly from two overambitious members. They are both on my ignore list. But their posts still come up all the time on the right side. And sometimes just reading the headline is enough to know it will be the usual rubbish. And sometimes, just for fun, I add some rubbish to the rubbish thread to wind them up. Personally, I prefer a forum with few "good" members than one with lots of idiots. And for me good doesn't mean they have to share my opinion. I am open to read any opinion, as long as they make some sense.
  9. If you like that, sure, go for it. If you want to use that category for me, feel free to check my currently 23,418 posts. I just looked up the number, just for you.
  10. I think the mods should invent a new badge like most delusional member or something like that. I am sure most of us would vote for little Bob. 😉
  11. Try Google: https://www.google.com/search?q=pattaya+locksmith The first entry looks already like what you want. An alternative is to ask any of the motorcycle taxi riders near you. In my experience they know such things.
  12. How can you lock it in that box? Don't you need the key to lock it?
  13. Exactly! Doubt he worked for it, seems too incompetent. Maybe inherited or won lottery after finding the number sorting through bat <deleted>e. Some guys concentrate on making money. So, it is not surprising that they are good at making money but often not so good in anything else. There is only a limited amount of time in all our lives. We can't be good at everything.
  14. I am sure there were enough p not far from him, every day...
  15. Sometimes when I see videos from "the right", I have to agree with them. There are lots of idiots on "the left". But because there are lots of idiots on the left, that doesn't mean the right is any better. Because, believe it or not, there are also many crazy idiots on the right. But that is obviously something those "journalists" don't want to talk about...
  16. You should select breakers according to the cable size. The idea is that the breaker disconnects before the cable gets too hot. For a 3200W shower you need 3200W/230V = 13.9A. For that a 2.5sqmm cable is fine. And for that cable, and the load, a 16A breaker is fine. Most modern AC need less than 10A. Look in the manual what they recommend (or the W and divide it by 230V). There are lots of good videos on YouTube which explain about MCBs, RCCBs, RCBOs, and Amps and cable sizes.
  17. Yes, I understand that that is what criminals try to do. But if I would be interested in a woman, then I would want to meet her. What's the point of having a "romantic relationship" without ever meeting her? So: no meeting, no relationship, no fraud.
  18. Maybe there is nobody who cares what I think. Maybe also nobody cares what you think. But this is an open forum and we both can publish what we think. And just in case you don't know it, the internet works all over the world. So even if I would go home I could still write something in this forum - only to annoy you. 😉
  19. They were clearly smart people, they avoided taxi scammers who might overcharge them by 100B. Smart!
  20. That is the part which I don't understand about many similar stories. How can you trust someone who you never met in real life? And if you both think you love each other, why don't you meet? If you meet in person the perfect woman, and she makes you happy, and then she scams you, that is bad enough. But at least there is a person who impressed you enough to fall for her. But some online only contact? Strange!
  21. Do they have any competent politicians over there? And just in case they have them, do they have people who vote for competent people?
  22. But USA, and Texas, are just great places? Or maybe not?
  23. I have enjoyed my time in Thailand, but... ... but nobody likes me here. Thais don't like me. Farangs don't like me. Even girls who I pay to like me don't like me. And even people in a forum, who never saw me, don't like me. Life is not fair. [crying]
  24. Rule 1: My boss never breaks any rules. Rule 2: Just in case my boss breaks any rule then automatically rule 1 is applied.
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