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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. In general, I have good experience asking the motorcycle taxi riders who are everywhere (at least in my area). They often know where to buy such things in the area.
  2. That reminds me when I bought a vacuum cleaner in HomePro. Sometime later I needed new bags for that cleaner and I went back to the same HomePro to buy the bags. They didn't have the bags, no bags for any brand, like: just buy a new one. At the end I bought new bags at Electrolux which is near my home. TiT.
  3. If you sit in your limousine and the maids and gardeners work outside, then this is no problem.
  4. Imagine the authorities would put the same effort into fighting the local mafia. Or are they not doing that because they are part of it?
  5. If you don't mind me asking, how long did it take for 900,000 KM? What did you do?
  6. To be fair, look at the media from many other countries. Stories about all those bad immigrants and tourists and common. Look at all those bad foreigners! 😉
  7. Will our PM discuss politics with the criminal? Will he share national secrets with the criminal?
  8. 555 What would she be without that father and that family name?
  9. It seems the video is from a camera which is installed in the car. What does it show before the motorcycle rider gets upset? Probably there is a reason why she didn't publish that part of the video.
  10. I don't know if I wrote a comment in this thread 5 years ago. Now it is active again, let's do it again. Let's start with the fact that I met my long-term gf in a bar. I am happy with her. But just in case that I would look for a new gf, I think bars are still a good source to find such a girl. Why? Where else can you see 1000 girls in one day/night and ask any of them to join you for a drink and if you like more? And if you talk to her for 1 or 5 minutes and you don't like her for whatever reason you just talk to the next girl. I am sure if I would try online dating, that would not be a good idea. Which cute young girl would be interested in a guy much older than her who is not fit and doesn't look like Brad Pit? In a bar there is a chance to meet the innocent small sister who just arrived in that place and is happy if she doesn't have to work in a bar - or work at all. And if the girl just arrived in the night life, then there is a chance that she is still nice and relative innocent.
  11. "Our" plot? How much of it do you legally own? Good luck! You need it.
  12. I wrote: I imagine it will make it more difficult to get off the throttle and on the brake. I imagine - like: I don't know but I think it might be like that. If you know how it works and if or if not if might make it difficult to get off the throttle and brake maybe explain it - if you like. I know the following principle, and I think it is a good idea to use the following:
  13. Is that a good idea? I never used anything like that, and I don't want it. I imagine it will make it more difficult to get off the throttle and on the brake.
  14. I guess there will soon be another App. There is a car behind you! That message will show up on the screen, and all the people who look at their screens and not around will be notified. This should be a joke, but I am pretty sure it will happen.
  15. No, it shouldn't. But we can be pretty sure it would have been ignored, maybe after paying a little tea-money, if that doctor wouldn't have complained. Thailand has lots of laws. And it seems often many of those laws are ignored and not enforced. Until the moment someone decides that one person is a target. And then suddenly everybody remembers all things which they ignored all the time. TiT.
  16. I guess the good news is that (almost?) any other car ICE car has a better range than most BEVs.
  17. Looking is a good idea. But you can hear a lot of things which you can't see. You can hear noise behind you. You can hear noise in the dark or behind obstacles. The good thing is that we have several senses. We can use them all.
  18. For anybody who plans a renovation or building a house it's a good idea to go there.
  19. I wouldn't like it. And anybody who kicks anybody else should be punished. But looking at the typical punishments in Thailand, you would expect 100B or maybe 1,000B fine - if a Thai would have done the same. Yes, he kicked her, but as far as I know she didn't have any broken bones and she was not admitted to a hospital. I think it's a little scary to see how one little incident has as a result that a foreigner will have to leave Thailand, probably forever. That reminds me that sometimes I honk my horn at some idiot drivers. What will happen if maybe next time I do that and some hiso is nearby and she is shocked by my behavior and complains. Will my visa be revoked and then I have to go? Or will the police just tell me I have to pay a million THB or else? IMHO the threshold for "go and never come back" seems to be a little low.
  20. And the someone was not just someone. And the someone reported him. And the police took it serious. It wasn't his lucky day.
  21. Ok, great, so you are not guilty. We eliminated 1. I am also not guilty. But did you ever hear about any Thai people doing those things? It seems to happen all the time.
  22. The headline and the first sentence of the article don't match.
  23. I won't miss him when he will leave Thailand. But I wonder how many other people in Thailand every kicked another person and own a gun and ignored an ambulance. Many! And I am sure many well-known people. And nobody cares.
  24. I remember another article where the driver of an EV wanted to get out of his car. But he couldn't, because the electric system had locked the doors. That doesn't mean that all EVs are bad all the time. But obviously there are lots of problems which happen from time to time. And because it's all electric and all computerized there are lots of things which can go wrong. And then there are the fixes, remotely installed updates. I wait for the day where some hackers hack that system and install some special updates like swapping the gas pedal with the brake pedal or little jokes like that. We can be pretty sure it will happen. The question is only how fast and what impact it will have.
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