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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Where are the pictures of the entertainers? We should all get a clear picture of what he did? 😉
  2. He should walk back straight to jail. And all the politicians and administration who lied to the public about the criminal's health should also go to jail. How can we expect that any politician is honest if they know already that they will never have to spend a night in jail? What a disgusting performance of PT and its allies.
  3. Buriram has the cutest girls in Thailand - if they didn't move to Bangkok and Pattaya already.
  4. I had a good heart and offered to be her teacher. She was grateful.
  5. "Phones" seems to be the new trend. I saw a couple of people with a phone in each hand. I guess those must be very important people...
  6. Is that a grows in the number of units or money spent or what? Yeah, sure. Thos must be the reason to "stay abreast of the latest technologies". I want a new design of the case of my phone...
  7. "How can I assimilate myself more into Thai culture?" Initially you must want to assimilate. Forget about it, Bob.
  8. You don't understand it. You don't have a clue. Life must be difficult for you. Just don't try to solve those difficult issues and live happy in ignorance.
  9. I guess that's another way of saying until now they didn't care about such law violators. What else did they not do while they were paid to do their job?
  10. Thank you for the information. Do you also know how many passengers with wheelchairs were on that plane?
  11. In case you really don't understand it, google: Thaksin honest mistake.
  12. 555 Maybe the first step should be to check if he or his relatives and maids and gardeners are usually rich. Maybe he made an honest mistake, or two, or three.
  13. Maybe they don't allow it to guarantee the safety of all other passengers. Imagine you are in a plane in an emergency, and you are stuck behind a wheelchair. And 50 people behind you also want to get out. And then? As long as the airline make this information public, I don't see a problem. Not everybody can do everything. It's not perfect, but that's life.
  14. I agree. And let's not forget that this is only possible with millions of people who support those crooks and criminals.
  15. Can someone please also ask them to dissolve the party which is run by the criminal with all the MPs who constantly share secrets with the criminal and ask him what to do? Or should we pretend that is normal?
  16. Lots of models, not many taxis. It's a difficult area. 😉
  17. That reminds me about one of those BJ bars. I walked in there and I selected that innocent girl. Let's go to the backroom. She said something about a condom, and I said no need, I am not going to f you. She looked at her big sister, like, what is going on. Sister pointed to the video running in the corner with heavy duty BJ action. The look on her face was priceless.
  18. Some things are idiot proved. And for some people that is still not easy enough. Have you considered paper and pencil or maybe a tin box?
  19. Just write the full name in the subject. Many of us don't know ARBs and don't care about them. But I have to admit I wanted to know what ARB stands for.
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