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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Ok Any specific brand? How do you like them? Would you buy them again?
  2. In my new kitchen I have induction hobs. Some of my old pot and pans work, some not. As far as I know it's easy to check if they will work. If they are magnetic, then they will work. If not, then not. Now I want to buy some new pots and pans. It should be quality, but I don't need anything designer or fancy to show off. They should just work. Can anybody recommend what to buy and where? I.e. Central Department store or something like that? In this case I want to buy them in a real shop and not online so that I can look at them in real. I look for a shop somewhere in central Bangkok. Thanks
  3. He is a wonderful example for people who think Thailand is lawless and people can do anything. In principle yes. But if they upset the wrong people then suddenly people will remember all those little things which didn't matter in the past. I don't think he will be able to continue his stay in Thailand for long. So sad...
  4. 1) Phuket is controlled by the Thai mafia. 2) If any foreign mafia works in Phuket, then only because the Thai mafia allows them to work there. 3) So, whoever is seen doing the crimes, we can be sure Thais profit from it.
  5. Maybe they should learn a little about history. Or just look for a minute at some pictures on google. That should be enough to remind them that their comparison is total BS.
  6. An RCBO makes that circuit independent from the rest. That's what I would use. And make sure the size of the RCBO and cables are according to the recommendation of the charger.
  7. No I actually read your whole comment. You are the one who could have asked the only person who knew the answer to your question. But you decided not to ask that person but here everybody else. Don't you think such behavior is a little strange?
  8. "a commercial space"? So it seems she built residences in an area which was not used for residences, and she hoped that all will be quiet outside. Interesting
  9. And now you ask here and expect an answer? It's like: The police stopped me 3 weeks ago. Tell me why.
  10. Do they sell exclusive to foreigners? Or do Thais who buy also have the same problems? Lots of foreigners somehow think that if they invest in Thailand all is regulated and enforced just like home. It isn't! It's stupid and naive to spend many millions without knowing what could go wrong.
  11. No word about enforcing any laws? As far as I know Thailand has a lot of laws, including laws to regulate taxis, laws against fraud, and many more. And it seems most of these laws are most of the time not enforced. It's not that the police don't know what is going on. They know, and they get paid from the offenders to look the other way. And if a farang living in Thailand knows this, then we can be sure that politicians know it as well. So what do they tell us by not talking about law enforcement? They tell us they will talk a lot and maybe add a law or two, and nothing will happen. TiT.
  12. I don't like Trump. But to be fair, sometimes he has good ideas.
  13. If Thais complain about loud music, now then it must be LOUD. Maybe convince them that they are not the only people who can do that. Maybe at 6am or whenever they sleep.
  14. How many people die each day in Thailand because of alcohol misuse? In case that there are fewer than 50 alcohol related deaths per day, then I propose we should have warnings on motorcycles and cars and maybe heads for pedestrians with warnings. Maybe a couple of pictures of dead people at each zebra crossing? I am sure our politicians will have some bright idea how to remind the people of this problem.
  15. Recently I was riding through the end of Soi 11 just before 6am. Surprisingly the neon lights of Hillary 11 were still on. Interesting. I always thought they switch off the outside lights for the extended opening hours.
  16. Will any of them go to jail? Will their friends and associate look now down on them and avoid them? Or was it all just business as usual and nobody cares? We can't expect that corruption changes as long as corruption is accepted as it is in Thailand. It seems many Thai people see corrupt people like smart people who get rich. They would love to be just like that.
  17. The wrong kind of light is definitely not good for sleeping. I set my monitor at night to minimum brightness. And at night I don't watch anything were I have to concentrate (to learn).
  18. In banks I agree with you. But if I have to pay with credit card and I have to sign, then often nobody compares that signature.
  19. I speak broken Thai with my own gf all the time. And mostly I speak Thai, as good as I can, with other Thais. The exception are business talks with Thais who know much better English that I know Thai. So, we talk in English. And sometimes, if the Thai person speaks a little English, I might speak a little Thai and a little English. That's just the way I am used to do it. And if I speak to the Thai gf or wife of a friend, I might have a little small talk with her in Thai, especially if her English is not so good. In my case my Thai is limited, and I expect that farangs who live here since years and have a Thai gf or wife speak some Thai. If they don't do that, then maybe that motivates them to learn it. I remember some time ago that when I was maybe playing pool with my gf in a pub where many people play together that one or the other farang thought he can chat her up only talking Thai to her. If I noticed that then I made sure he knows that I speak enough Thai to understand his intention.
  20. Is the Dengue Fever so bad that she can't move or be transferred to a hospital where she is covered? Is it possible that she is using this to convince someone else to give her money?
  21. Sometimes I sleep bad. One reason is for sure the bad air quality. Instead of trying to sleep again I go to my PC and watch some YouTube videos. Normally I am tired again after maybe 15 to 30 minutes and then I go to bed and sleep again. It's not perfect but IMHO better than turning around and trying to sleep again knowing it won't work.
  22. I didn't notice and as far as I see the three terms are interchangeable.
  23. So, in Thailand happens the same as in many other countries. What a surprise. Or maybe not?
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