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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. What a hilarious article. LGBTQ? Where were the L, G, B, and Q? Only the T were fighting with each other. T fighting against T. There was no unity from the LGBQ. And there was no unity inside the T group. How about writing accurate articles and not just making up some unity which isn't there?
  2. Next, he was seen jaywalking weeks ago. Deport this dangerous individual right away so that Thailand is safe again! 😉
  3. Really? Try to take your own cart to the street where other vendors are present. They will explain to you very quickly that above is not true. It will never happen that there won't be street vendors. There is just too much money to be made for all those influential people.
  4. The engine won't catch fire. The battery is the problem. And the fire is not just like any other fire. It can't be extinguished the conventional way.
  5. Real women or does that include the blokes, like in Soi 11, who identify as women?
  6. In the above video the guy clearly makes a difference between the different types of EVs. Electric motors are fine. Heavy batteries which take a long time to charge and their fire risk is a big problem. But there are also vehicles with electric engine and fuel cells. That is, IMHO, not such a bad idea. I will take time to develop different technologies and time will tell which are good in which situations. The stupid "now we all have to have only EVs by 20xx" is the stupid part - thanks to many politicians and all those annoying activists.
  7. Not just the Thai PM. I find it sad that now so much is in the news all the time about climate change or emergency and EVs and all that, but nobody wants to see the problems with all that. I am not against new technologies, in fact I like that people invent all the time new things. But we should look at reality, not wishful thinking and virtue signaling.
  8. It would be interesting to read about the average damage done to the surrounding, and how long it took to extinguish/remove the fire.
  9. The available options are too limited. How far should we try to integrate? Do we have to discuss lottery numbers and believe in ghosts? Or can we skip some of those traits? Personally, I think it's good to be able to live and work together with Thais and at the same time don't deny that we are different in many ways. How can we not be different when we grew up in a society which is very different from Thailand? And I think we are in the wonderful situation that we can integrate in some ways which we like, but we don't have to integrate in other ways which we don't like. I.e. we can learn to communicate in Thai and understand their culture. And, at the same time, we can stay outside of their hierarchy.
  10. In case you want to buy one maybe have a look at the following video - and maybe think again. This is just one of many videos from people who are not so excited about EVs - and not just one sided.
  11. Yeah, sure. People come not only because of the temples but also because of the beaches. That's also what I told my neighbors when I travelled the first time to Thailand.
  12. Great Maybe as a next step they should taking offences committed by Thais, like taxi drivers, seriously. Maybe then the tourists would also trust the Phuket authorities.
  13. Sometimes I also recommend to the girls to have a tequila or two. I guess I should be careful that they don't arrest me for such activities.
  14. According to the picture that power supply outputs maximum 24V, 3A, 24*3=72W Do you think 72W should be enough to trickle charge a couple of 9V batteries? Bad idea! @Crossy I think this is another topic which you might want to close.
  15. I know enough about electric to know what I am doing. You don't even know the difference between parallel and serial connections. Not that everybody has to know the difference. But if you don't know that, and you still want to play around with electric, that is dangerous. The idea to connect such a power supply to these batteries is just bad. Next you will probably ask if it makes a difference if you connect mains to the input or output terminals on that power supply. Summary: Don't do it!
  16. Good that you know yourself. With that knowledge you should accept the consequences and don't play with electricity. It can be dangerous.
  17. I look at the cute girls. But if you prefer the blokes and that makes you happy...
  18. One of those YouTube influencers should interview him. I am sure that would be fun to watch.
  19. Obviously some bike are too loud. But others make almost no noise. I think the best is somewhere in between so that pedestrians and other riders hear a bike, but not everybody will wake up because of them.
  20. Obviously it can be annoying. But personally I prefer that I hear a bike or case and can avoid it compared to little or no noise. Sometime I am in the parking area of my building and then suddenly a car is next to me without any noise. One of those EVs. It can be scary if people move a little without watching because they are used to noise from vehicles.
  21. The source of this is one of those feminists who write for The Guardian. Now what should we expect from such a person? Why don't we all use what we like? Maybe a Porsche with manual gearbox for fun and an automatic car or EV in the city? We don't have to all go in the same direction. Let's remember the good old times.
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