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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. This is what you can see yourself: And that's how it looks if they open your engine. If you want to rescue your engine, then do it now. It can get very expensive.
  2. The book was written at a time when most girls in Nana had long black hair. This cover photo is from a girl in Angelwitch many years later, when only few girls still had such long black hair
  3. But apparently there are about 70,000,000 Americans who want him.
  4. Long hair. Preferable with ribbons or something like that.
  5. 555 My motorcycle shows my average speed, if I like my average over the last 10,000 km or something like that. My average in the middle of Bangkok is about 25km/h - on a motorcycle which has a max speed over 150km/h. So much about what is allowed and what is possible.
  6. Really? I thought they have the EU over there and pensionaries can relocate anywhere in the EU i.e. to a warmer place and still get their health cost covered. At least I think it's like that. But I never looked at the details.
  7. I hope they don't ask you if you voted for Trudeau.
  8. Not good, but still a lot better than the orange guy.
  9. I like this cover of Ain't No Sunshine. It's starts in this video at about 4min. But maybe I like the version because I saw this video a couple of years ago when they made it.
  10. I always have to laugh about news like that. Those fights happen in Thailand all the time everywhere. And I am sure if anybody is interested, they are easy to find. But with news like that it always sounds like there was this unique event and the police acter fast and now it's over. Yeah, sure.
  11. Another video. In my experience sometime we use the wrong terms. It's maybe what everybody who we know calls those things, but sometimes they have officially different names. I would first search for pictures for the name you think it is. And when you confirm that that is the correct name, then look on YouTube.
  12. As far as I know at the end of the year an auditor is asked to check the company books (for a Thai company limited). What does the auditor do? After the audit does the auditor decides OK or Not OK? Or something like: Most things are correct but not this and that... ? Does he verify the numbers in the documents or also payments? I.e. does he check if all tax was correctly calculated and correctly paid? Please only reply if you know what the auditor is doing. I am not interested in a guess what you think he might do. Thanks
  13. I think the problem is often that we, or at least I, have too little information to be sure. I.e. Palestinians often complain that Israeli soldiers kill many innocent people. And Israelis claim that Hamas hides behind civilians. I am pretty sure both statements are correct, and they can be correct at the same time. Then the question is how often is it more the case that Israeli soldiers just don't care and how often is it more the case that Hamas uses civilians as shields? Who knows? I am sure there are lots of people who have some guesstimate, but how many know the truth?
  14. Just another day in Thailand. I am sure similar stories happen every day. TiT.
  15. Does Thailand really need this, and can it be rightly called an economic crisis? I don't think so. If the country is in an economic crisis, then our politicians should explain that. Thaksin and his minions invented the cash scheme. And like the rice scheme was planned as a rice scam we can expect the same in this case. They do it to become richer. Why else? Maybe to get reelected so that can get even more money. And that's about it.
  16. I think my last guided tour was an hour or two in Prague in the snow. I liked it.
  17. I think to understand any situation it makes a lot of sense to try to see that situation from the viewpoint of each side. What do Palestinians think about Hamas and what they are doing. What do they think about Israel. And what do Israelis think about their government and Palestinians? And obviously not all Israelis think the same and not all Palestinians think the same. I think we should try to look at problems from their point of view. Another example, I know this tread is not about that, is Putin's view about the was in Ukraine. I found it interesting to hear his view. That doesn't mean I agree with what he said, or I believe everything he said, I see it as the viewpoint which he presents. And I think it's interesting to look at things also from that viewpoint.
  18. "when you lose it and drop the act" Do you really think I pretend sometime that I write both sides do bad things? Maybe it's only me, I have maybe roughly a view that 70% is the fault of Israelis and 30% of Palestinians. (No, I didn't think long and hard about those percentages, it's an example). And then, sometimes I read something horrible of what Israelis did, and I blame them more, maybe 90/10% or something like that. And another day I think the Palestinians are more responsible for the fighting and the percentages change again. At least for me I am not consistent - you noticed that already. And I don't even try to be consistent. Because sometimes one side is more to blame, and sometimes the other side. And often it's not easy to really understand what is going on and who is to blame. I am sure one reason that I see more the bad side of Israel is that Israel is a democratic country which is supposed to play be the good guys rules. Hamas are officially a terrorist group. Nobody expects from a terrorist group to be judged with the same criteria like a nation state. If the Palestinians had a country with an elected government and their own official military and is this would be a war between two countries, then they should be viewed with the same expectations to abide by international rules.
  19. Obviously, people laugh even more about Americans. Voting for him once was a mistake. But who would vote for such a guy another time? Only Americans would do that.
  20. I know lots of people talk about that. But I don't know how many would be already satisfied with part of that land. Like: I want it all, but I can live with half of it, because that is better than nothing. I would be surprised if Hamas is a homogenous group where everybody wants the same.
  21. "they want all the land for themselves" Now the question is obviously about all the land. I guess for some people that involves a lot of land. For others maybe only the land where they used to live before Israel took it away or destroyed everything on that land.
  22. Hamas are 'freedom fighters' now? Earlier you said terrorists. It's a question of the perspective. Do you think people in Gaza who join Hamas join them because they want to be terrorists? Or is it more likely that they want to join freedom fighters? My statement is clearly from the point of view of survivors of Israelis killing their friends and family. If your family would be killed by soldiers from country X, would you fight against them? And if yes, would you call yourself a terrorist or a freedom fighter?
  23. I think with some topics, like this one, it can't be seen or understood without looking at history. And sometimes this history is a long history, and sometimes a very long history. Just looking at the last couple of months or even years reveilles only a small part of that history. And for the record: I know that with Israel and Palestine there is a very long history. I know some of it, but all in all very little. Palestinians can explain why they think what they think and do what they do, and Israelis can do the same. We all know it shouldn't go on like this. But we also know it is just too difficult and there is no easy solution.
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