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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. It's crazy that EVs are promoted left, right and center in so many countries by so many people. Maybe it's time to take a step back and look again if those vehicles with those expensive and dangerous batteries are really such a good idea. And then there are some more, I guess unexpected, problems:
  2. I would look for a professional nurse. I guess you want someone with experience. You should know best if that can be done in a part time job i.e. from a nurse who actually works in a hospital. Maybe she can visit you every day for an hour or two. Or maybe a nurse who is not working anymore.
  3. You offered a refund. He doesn't want that. Tell him ok, no problem, then he doesn't get a refund. Case closed.
  4. Please admins, move this to the medical section. And I don't care if the guy who wrote it is bored with that or not. I couldn't care less.
  5. I wonder if there are also any Thais in that area who rip off tourists. Where is the news about arrests of those people? Or do the Thais share part of their "earnings" with the people who are supposed to arrest them?
  6. And I thought if he would have used his skills then there would be no need to tie up the bad guy. He would be unconscious or dead.
  7. Just use the direct approach without the pad. You will feel the difference. ;)
  8. There is no such think as the BEST/Low Cost Mainboard. And do you really expect an expert answer on this forum for such a question? Maybe ask in a specialist computer forum. But even they won't be able to answer a question similar to "what is the best car?". Or are you just working on your quota of how many question you can ask here?
  9. For any (construction) quotation I insist on details what is the price for materials, and what is the labor. And for materials, what exactly is it with brand, product name, etc. I suggest you do the same. I paid my contractor a little more for materials which I could have bought myself. And I did this because he will transport it to my (high rise) construction area and he is responsible for it. I.e. if I need 40sqm tiles then I pay for 40sqm. If he or his team destroy or damage anything they buy, that's their problem. I will not pay for more. And because that is a risk for them, I am willing to pay a little more (I think I paid 10 or 20% more, something like that).
  10. Maybe I say the "news" and thought it's just a stupid joke. I wonder how many businesses support such a move. Some people walk in all soaking wet. Many people don't come because they don't want to get wet. For two or three days that is manageable. But for a whole month? Crazy!
  11. Good that the robbery was not too bad. But I wonder why you would travel with all that on the Skytrain. It must be a nightmare to get it up and down the escalators or stairs. And for what? Saving 300B for a taxi or so?
  12. As proposed by whom? I propose they do it only up country and not is the cities.
  13. If Trump wants to leave Europe alone, fine. I suggest the Europeans should ask him to get that in writing.
  14. It seems the women still didn't understand that Thais like proper clothing, especially when dealing with authorities.
  15. Depending on the color a typical LED has a voltage drop of 2.0V up to 3.5V. Like Crossy wrote, 20mA is bright. 10mA or less should do the job (depending on where the LED is like bright sunlight or a dark room). If you want to save space, then use a lithium coin battery. If you have lots of space, consider a 9V battery.
  16. Angelwitch had sexy lingerie many years ago when Mat still owned it. Some time ago I worked in a company and one girl did cosplay outside of work. Not bad.
  17. There are enough Thai people who never want to see him again. And it seems there are more and more people like that all the time. They don't need a farang to explain to them that Thaksin is bad news. But then again, your experience in a red village somewhere up country might be different.
  18. Can we please have a statement from the sick guy that from now on he will concentrate on his health and private family. No more public appearances, no more political comments, just a quiet life. He and his family did enough to divide Thailand. We really don't need more of him and his clan.
  19. I am sure his comments will not reduce the numbers of his followers. Yesterday I saw this video. I think Glenn makes some interesting points.
  20. I guess it is obvious that I am not an American. If they want to have laws and justice like that it's up to them. I just hope they wouldn't pretend all the time to be a wonderful example for the rest of the world. They are not. Obviously I don't know about what court cases are going on in the USA, I guess there are many. But following the news, I didn't read about any other similar case to this one. Maybe the reason is that there is no other woman with such demands. Or maybe enough people came together to go after Trump with a case like that. Or how many other guys to you know about who were convicted in a similar way?
  21. Thanks But somehow I don't trust a product which is sold for 77THB - including profit margin for the manufacturer and seller. Maybe Electrolux or other brands use the same product and just put their name on it. I don't know. I would expect that they have at least a better quality-control.
  22. Personally, I think it's a mickey mouse system in which a person can be convicted without any evidence. She doesn't even know on which day he supposedly raped her. Is that justice? I guess it's justice USA style. I don't really expect much from that nation but I still though they would look for evidence. Apparently not. I understand that he continues to say he didn't do it. Why should he "admit" he did it if he doesn't even remember that he ever met that woman? And about her reputation? She was the one who put on lingerie for him, at least that is what she claims she did. What kind of reputation can she possibly lose? And for the record, I don't like Trump. I think he should be in jail for what he did while he was president. But I think it's still appropriate to be fair and not convict anybody for anything without any evidence.
  23. Just in case you didn't understand the connection: According to her, he asked her to show her some lingerie in the closet. She agreed to do that. And then she said he touched her. Why did she agree to do it - if it ever happened?
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