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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. The problem with some lawyers is of course, that they want to make money by themselves. I went there with an accountant who was used to Thai officials. She helped me to fill out the forms and answer the questions. That was, in my case, enough. To be fair, my case was straightforward, with enough written evidence, that stating the facts and giving them the documents was all we needed to do. Before I visited the labor department I talked to 3 lawyers (not only about that). Two lawyers told me directly that I should talk to the labor department directly and they will handle everything. One lawyer offered his own service (starting 30k)...
  2. personally i would not inform them Obviously you don't have to inform them. But if you inform them about your intention that should make it clear that you are serious and know you have the right to do that. I guess in many cases that, and the possibility of fine/jail will convince the employer to pay.
  3. Sure, you can do that. But obviously that cost money. And then best case you have a private agreement. If you let the labor department do that then you don't have to pay. And they can put a lot of pressure on the employer. You don't need a lawyer to go to the labor department. A Thai person who is familiar with talking to authorities and filling out forms is all you need.
  4. Collect your documents like employment contract, work permit, details how you were paid until now, important communication about how you were fired, if payment was offered, etc. Tell your ex-employer that you will go to the labor department if they don't pay you. And if they don't pay, or don't make a reasonable offer how they will pay, then go to the labor department with your documents. Translate everything to Thai (something like Google Lense will do the job). If your Thai is not good, then take a Thai person with you to fill out Thai language forms and talk to the officer. Talk to the officer and explain the situation. They will ask questions about how long you worked there, etc. After the officer has all the information from you then they will work on this. No charge for you. They will invite the employer to tell their side of the story. And then they will make a decision, i.e. that you should get x months of your last salary. They will inform your ex-employer. They have to pay. Otherwise, they get a fine and/or jail. Important: Once you go to the labor department let them do the job. Don't make any private agreements with your ex-boss. You can expect a decision within a couple of months. Employers who know about the labor department will try to avoid trouble with them. Because the labor department can make life difficult for such employers.
  5. Probably it helps if you are more specific. Is this about existing tiles, which were installed maybe many years ago? Do you want to buy new tiles (in a shop)? Do you want to (a new) buy property with tiles and you want to know more about them?
  6. I participate in this forum, and maybe I leave a comment on YouTube or a news article. Normally I don't use facebook or anything like that, except if I want to check out if a person is truthful, etc. It's interesting how much information some people leave on facebook. And if you know i.e. one girl in a bar and her fb page, just look at her friends and you have all the information about all the other girls. Most of the time I don't care. But sometimes it is wonderful to get lots of information presented like that.
  7. The article lacks the most important evidence. A picture of the waitress. I found one, but I am not sure that is the one they fought about.
  8. Some apps like AntiVirus, need deep access to the phone to work properly. That gives these apps the chance to work properly, but it also gives them the chance to do much harm - at least in theory. That is why security sensitive apps like banking apps, don't like them. I am pretty sure many (all?) security sensitive apps will have whitelists for apps with many rights which are known as good, and they will continue to work. But these lists have to be updated. And new versions on the same apps with deep access need to be approved, etc. All in all, banks do that for your security. My k-bank app didn't work anymore because I used Microsoft launcher. I had to switch it off. Not what I wanted but I understand their point of view. It's difficult.
  9. And I thought that judges is the USA are just judges, and not DEM judges or GOP judges. What a wonderful democracy they are...
  10. In my dreams Americans would wake up one day and realize that it is not a good idea to vote for a maniac like him to be president. But it seems that won't happen in the real world anytime soon. Back to sleep and dreaming. And yes, I also have better dreams than that.
  11. Good question. My, gf, who lives with me since many years in Bangkok, told me that when I die, hopefully not too soon, she will go back to her family. And her family lives somewhere up country, so she will go away from Bangkok. I think the important part for many Thais is the question where their family lives. If their family lives in Buriram then they want to be there, if the family lives in Krabi, then there. And I guess if the family lives in Bangkok, then they want to be in Bangkok. For many farangs we have no "our side" family in Thailand. If we think we like Phuket or Bangkok, then the decision is about the location and not about family.
  12. It seems many Thais buy everything as cheap as possible. And then they are somehow surprised if those things are defect, don't work the way they should work, are broken after a short while, etc. I am not sure if that is typical Thai or Asian or maybe just something that relative poor people do anywhere in this world. I.e. I buy tools which are often expensive. And I can use them for many years, and they are precise. Often it does not make sense to buy cheap and bad quality. But people do it again and again...
  13. I think the internet and social media make lots of things and situations worse. One problem seems to be, that years ago if someone i.e. liked to piss on his feet while listening to Madonna this person would be alone, with nobody to talk to about the same fetich. But now, there will be somewhere on this planed 10 or 100 more people who like the same - whatever it is. So people who had to ask themselves years ago if maybe they should rethink what they are doing will find now likeminded people somewhere on the internet somewhere in this world. And then they become activists, loud activists and all that. Sometimes I watch Chris Williamson's podcast, and sometimes it's interesting. But at the same time often they talk about viral trends on the internet and how to react to these trends, etc. Often I have no idea that those viral trends exist. Nothing to think about and nothing to have headache about. IMHO it seems way too many people follow lots of stupid trends on the internet, and then they are confused why they are confused.
  14. Relax. Let the Thais sort it out. Don't get involved. If you get involved, you will likely make it worse. So don't!
  15. I think using an agent is often helpful. It saves a lot of time and hassle. I am legally in Thailand with business visa. If I go to immigration, I see my agent, and all is done in maybe 10min. I am willing to pay for that convenience. But obviously it's important to know who you can trust.
  16. Does anybody pay that kind of money for a legal visa extension? I don't think so. So, immigration should give the guy a medal for helping them finding all the people who wanted to illegally continue to stay in Thailand.
  17. He should be in jail since that January. But then, the USA and American people were always somehow different. I hope one day they will all wake up realize what they did. But I am not so sure that will happen anytime soon.
  18. Was a really important to include this into this article about overstay. Is overstay from a heart-broken man worse than if he would be happily married? And if a women would be heart-broken, would this also be included in the way it is in this article? Most of us were heart-broken at some time in our life. It hurts. And other making fun of it doesn't make it better.
  19. I read somewhere that now some people use this kind of software to create AI characters for OnlyFans and make a lot of money with that. And that obviously only works because there are enough suckers out there who pay for that.
  20. In Thailand there is only one good reason for Christmas. And it has nothing to do with the music or Christmas trees.
  21. My mom would likely look a lot better with AI body, especially because she is dead for some years.
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