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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Stainless steel <> stainless steel. There are lots of different grades.
  2. Why would it be important for Thai girls to talk English in Thailand? To be able to pick up drunk guys who are too lazy to learn Thai?
  3. No. Most idiots don't know that they are idiots. Smart people know who are idiots. But they also know that it doesn't make any sense to try to explain that to those idiots. Thanks for confirming my point.
  4. I have to admit I live longer in Thailand than most of the girls I talk to in the bars. I am a little embarred that their Thai is so much better than mine.
  5. @Bob, obviously they could also ask: why you drink too much and behave like an idiot? But mostly they are polite and don't do that.
  6. What a disgrace. Obviously also police officers are allowed to get drunk in public. But do you have to behave like a small-town thug?
  7. I don't hear any noise from anybody else. ;)
  8. But if you would have asked someone and that someone would have said: "Sure, I look after your bag." But then later you would return, and the bag is gone what then? Tell the guy that he is an a-hole because he didn't care? Or what? It would be an interesting psychological test to look how many people would actually try to defend such a bag if someone would try to take it away. I guess some people would do something. But I guess it will also depend on who is taking the bag...
  9. Whatever the law is and what other people say, what will you do or can you do if he doesn't return the full deposit? Do you want to go to court and spend time and money so that maybe after a year you get 1 month returned?
  10. Let's play devil's advocate: If you would be a terrorist and you would like to leave a bag with a bomb on the beach. Do you think it would be better to just put the bag somewhere or ask someone to watch the bag? I am sure the second option would be less suspicious. Personally, maybe I would do someone a favor, or maybe not. It would depend on the person asking nice and my mood and maybe my occupation at that time. I definitely wouldn't do it for anybody anytime. And why should I/we do that?
  11. Because in my previous post I mentioned that I live here since almost 30 years. With work permit it was easy to open a bank account decades ago and it is still easy.
  12. I have no direct experience with this. But in general, I would prefer pre-engineered roof trusses. I guess they are made somewhere is a factory where it's easy to work (not on a roof). When the material arrives, you can inspect it and if necessary, complain before they install anything. Compare that to work on the roof and you can only complain later if they did already bad work on your roof. Just make sure you have clear conditions with that company like specification which allow i.e. x mm error and not more. Maybe you know a welder who can judge the quality of the parts. I would also insist that they measure themselves what they have to do for your roof. Because if your measurement is wrong or maybe the roof is on one side 10mm longer than on the other side then that is not your problem if they do the measurement.
  13. If that happens: Sorry sir, I didn't look at your bag all the time - and I don't really care. What will he do? Go to the police and complain about you not watching his bag?
  14. I opened the last bank account maybe 3 years ago, no problem. About the same time, I also applied for a 2nd credit card, independent from my bank accounts, also no problem.
  15. Many people, including me, have such cards. We work (with work permit). Currently 3 times my monthly salary is the limit. I think they do it up to 5 times monthly salary, I don't know under which conditions and I don't need it so I never checked.
  16. Sometimes I watch videos i.e. the Chris Williamson's Modern Wisdom Podcast. I am not sure if that falls in your category. Some "wisdom" is interesting and sometimes there are inspiring people. I.e. I didn't expect much from this interview, but it's fascinating.
  17. A long time ago in a country far away I started in a multi-level marketing company. I was successful and within a couple of months I had almost 10 people working "for me". Wonderful, I am the guy, what can possibly go wrong? Soon after that, I worked alone again... Luckily, I didn't invest much money at that time. I definitely learned from that, that only because you are successful for some time doesn't mean you will be successful forever. And if you make a lot of money and you need that money to pay for lots of people and loans, etc., then thinks can go wrong very fast and bad. No money anymore, but lots of unpaid debt...
  18. Maybe someone mentioned this already, but maybe think again what you would do with such an address. I.e. if you would go to the bank and they ask you for your address, do you think it would be smart to give the bank and address from "the cheapest thai social welfare condo that was available". Imagine their reaction: This is where you live sir? Sorry, we can't give you any credit card...
  19. Where are the pictures of the girl. We need to make up our minds if she looks like the jackpot.
  20. Did he mention any news about that idyllic beach resort in Chonburi?
  21. I go out all the time - within Bangkok. I don't see a reason to go up country. The only reason could be the cute girls from Buriram and some other provinces. But it seems they come anyhow to Bangkok.
  22. My point is they never had the permission to put anything on public streets. They are streets for vehicles, not for rice.
  23. Looking at the headline "Thai village bans road rice drying after tragic motorcycle accident" does that mean it is legal to do this anywhere, except if the village bans it? I didn't know that villages can make up their own traffic rules village by village. And do they have signs out of the village if they allow or don't allow this?
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