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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. To be sure I understand this correctly, do the farmers put their rice on public roads, which are used for vehicles? Are these farmers renting these roads and pay for the usage? Do they put barriers around the rice and redirect the traffic? How does that work?
  2. There are reasons to do things, and then there are reasons to present to the public. Sometimes they match. And sometimes, not so much...
  3. I live here since almost 30 years, most of that time with a business visa (not leaving Thailand). And I don't have a yellow book. And I have bank accounts and vehicles in my name. What am I missing?
  4. I own a condominium in Thailand, I work here and have a Non-B visa, work permit and a bank account. I don't have a yellow book. What is that yellow book about, can you please explain what it is and who gets it and what's the purpose of having one. Thanks
  5. Sounds good. Win/win. I know a wealthy woman in Bangkok who is old and knows that her time on earth is limited. She had a huge collection of valuable books and she wanted to donate them (I think to a university or similar). They insisted that she has to catalogue all the books with detailed information. The info on the spine was not good enough. Then they would consider accepting the donation. She did what they wanted. Amazing. I would have told them take it or leave it. It's a strange world out there where you have to pay or work to donate valuable things.
  6. Think twice what you want to store and for how long. When I moved to Thailand, I paid for storage for lots of things in my home country. After years I finally realized that that was just wasted money. Be smart, don't pay for storage which you don't need.
  7. That condition is called stupid and ignorant. The Dunning-Kruger effect is possibly also part of it.
  8. Somehow it is funny that some believers have so many doubts that after 4 years and 17,888 posts they are still trying to convince each other that there is a god. Amazing!
  9. Did you also purge Windows and Office and all the other MS "BS"? If you don't like it just don't use it. Why make a drama out of it?
  10. And some people like me just ignore the ads. After a while you just don't see them. I guess, but I am not sure, that browsers which don't show ads, also find away around those annoying ad pages in between. Like click on a link and expect page A comes up. But first page B shows up with an ad and it has to be clicked away and only they we see the expected page.
  11. I didn't know and I don't care. The use little to no resources so I don't see the problem. Personally I use mostly Edge but I also use Firefox and Chrome. I do this to keep things separated. I have a company and a private LastPass account and it is easiest to keep two different browsers open with two different LastPass logins. I don't really care which browser I use because they work all very similar. It's like using car A or car B. Sure, there are differences, but mostly they work the same, it's just a car...
  12. Everything we read or see shows only part of what happened. We will never get the whole picture by reading a report. Reporters deliberately or by accident omit information. And the people who are involved don't tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Even if I would have been there I would not have known the history. Maybe the guy was there before and promised one of the girls to marry her, and then he showed up with his new gf. This is just one out of many possibilities. We don't know what happened. But it seems very strange that what was reported just happened out of the blue.
  13. I use and pay for MS Office 365. It works great, has good spam filters, and many other good features. I don't expect to get a good product for free.
  14. Does it ever happen to you that you forget something? Or maybe you didn't think it was important enough to consider? I just looked for the numbers in the UK and I found this article. No, I didn't read it in detail or checked other sources. https://www.endfuelpoverty.org.uk/over-1000-dead-in-december-2022-due-to-cold-homes/#:~:text=In total there were 1%2C047,December 2020 there were 1%2C518.&text=3%2C240 of these were as a result of living in cold conditions. "In total there were 1,047 excess winter deaths caused by living in cold damp homes in England in December 2022, this is up from 768 in December 2021. In December 2020 there were 1,518."
  15. Not bad, I missed AN a little. But then, I didn't have to read posts from annoying people. ;)
  16. Ok, yes, I read about that. Summary: Drunk and ignorant people do stupid things...
  17. Look at all the monks walking around and receiving food and other donations. Do they eat it all? No. There are people who come to temples and receive food from the monks. And Thais and farangs and others help people in need. I.e. I had a maid maybe until 10 years ago. My gf still visits her from time to time and brings her food and gives her some money. And obviously mf gf is not the only person who does that. Many "children" support their parents and grandparents and other relatives. How many people do that in "the west"?
  18. There is a difference between the situation being great or acceptable. Sure, life is more comfortable with more money, all over the world. But look at the rest of the world. Is it so much better in that country with the people who think they live in the greatest country on earth?
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