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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. I learned the following system many years ago, I think there are several names for it. A) What is the problem? Don't answer with things like "the traffic outside". Answer with something like: I feel angry and helpless when I see the trucks drive by fast in front of our house. I worry about my health and I worry about the dangers for children. B) Is it important for you? If no, then don't think about it anymore. I.e. maybe you read about a war somewhere in the rest of the world. Yes, it is sad. But is it important for you? Likely not. C) Can you change it (in principle) I.e. if it rains every day, accept that you can't change that. It doesn't make sense to think about something you can't change. I you can change it, then think about how. And do it! That will make you feel better and if maybe you will solve the problem. I learned this when I started working many years ago and I internalized it. I don't worry about unimportant things and things which I can't change. And if there is a problem to solve, then I think about how to solve it and do it. Is that always successful? No. But I try, and just that makes me feel better. And maybe after a while I start with A) (see above) again.
  2. A psychiatrist will likely give you drugs. A psychologist talks with you and tries to make you feel better without taking drugs.
  3. I live in Bangkok since before the SkyTrain was built. Now there is less pollution than years ago. Many years ago, the small green busses were the worst of all of them. Then, years later, the red busses were still bad. Now I see only seldom vehicles with black smoke. Personally, I got used to the pollution. I ride motorcycle in the middle of the city, and I don't think it feels worse on any month compared to another months. I also go to bars where people smoke. I am so used to it that if you would ask me a day later if anybody was smoking in bar A or B I would be able to tell you. It was just "normal". At home, living in a high floor, the air is cleaner. But for some month (I think worst is about January to March) I use an air purifier in the bedroom. That improves the air quality considerably. For me I only need this when I sleep. Day time, sitting on a desk or sofa, I don't really know how good the air quality is.
  4. That depends how many places you want to visit. Soi 4 and Soi 6 have some things in common. But there are lots of differences. And if you want to examine those in detail, then you need weeks just for those two Sois.
  5. Not really, all girls had them and the best girls made sure they had the fancy boots. Then sometime later the girls changed to hooker heels.
  6. Did you spend any time in the Bangkok gogo-bars in the 1990th? Then you should know that that was a lot of fun. Instead of describing it myself let me quote Stephen Leather, Private Dancer: PETE I don't know if it was love at first sight, but it was pretty damn close. She had the longest hair I'd ever seen, jet black and almost down to her waist. She smiled all the time and had soft brown eyes that made my heart melt, long legs that just wouldn't quit and a figure to die for. She was stark naked except for a pair of black leather ankle boots with small chrome chains on the side. I think it was the boots that did it for me.
  7. Really? It seems to me that people like builders, plumbers, car mechanics, etc. can make reasonable money if they do good work and are not lazy. It seems many think they go to university and from then on, they must make a lot of money, like sitting in the twitter office and doing nothing. That works for some people for some time, but not for many people for a long time.
  8. Daughter: Stay in farang land, marry a rich guy, be happy ever after. Even if you get divorced there is nothing to worry about. Son: Get a good education and some experience in farangland, then come to Thailand, get a decent job and enjoy life.
  9. I moved here when I was 30 and I didn't have a buffer. One big advantage of that situation was that I wasn't one of those new guys in Thailand with money who the girls love so much. With me they knew I could afford a lady drink or two (I think it was 60 at that time), and that was about it. Luckily, I was still young and handsome. ????
  10. But when we are young many of us think later in our life we will earn and have so much money that that is no problem anymore. Until we are old and find out that this didn't really happen.
  11. I think the person should be old enough to have worked successfully in Farangland. When he or she learned how to do things properly to a high standard then he/she will be welcome in Thailand to do some job which requires diligence. I.e. I work in IT, and I charge a lot more than Thais. And my customers are willing to pay that because they know I learned in Europe to work to a high standard. I am pretty sure I wouldn't be able to charge more than others if I wouldn't have the experience of working to a high standard "back home". One advantage of coming young is that there is no big problem of going back if it doesn't work out. It should be easy enough for most people to get a job back home if they return from somewhere in the world maybe 35 years old. If they return with > 50 it will be more difficult to integrate back.
  12. How do you know? Was that your reaction 120 years ago? It seems you are one of those people who think a skeptical reaction is a negative reaction. I am just not so blind not to see all the problems with EVs - even when they have some advantages.
  13. Really? Like: I only have an engine or two and a battery and that's it? There is a lot of necessary electronic even in the simplest EV. There is no such thing as opening the hood and checking a few mechanical and electric connections.
  14. The best way to find out is go there and talk to owners and manager from other bars. They normally know what is for sale, rent, etc. Most of the time they also have lots of insider information, but probably they won't tell those to a stranger.
  15. It seems by now anybody who does not enthusiastically support EVs is marked as an outsider. EVs are great, no problems with burning batteries, no problems with charging, no problems with high current electrical supply to every house, the production of the cars is super clean, and and and, nothing to see here. It seems with X and other internet places where people shout at each other all the time there are only few people left who are willing to say something critical. And all professional media have green journalists and climate crisis journalists and all that. They have to publish all the time something, otherwise they would lose their jobs. And nobody likes people who don't just see black or white. There are lots of shades of grey with many vehicle technologies. Who is willing to talk facts and reality?
  16. For me I am definitely happier with inner peace.
  17. Alone: not good Alone and lots of "friends" on the internet: Maybe worse. People communicated for millions of years face to face. That's what we are used to and what we "understand". Looking at lots of young people today who sit on the same table, and everybody has their phone in front of their face, somehow that doesn't seem healthy.
  18. I think it is fair when a woman gives up her job and takes care of the children and when the couple divorces that the husband still supports her. But IMHO this support should be reasonable. There are too many guys who have to pay huge amounts of "support" so that the ex can live according to the standards which he provided when they were married. That is stupid! I think the guy should support her enough that she can survive and sort out her life in maybe a year or two. But that's about it. Guys don't marry because of the stupid divorce laws. If the laws were reasonable then I am sure a lot more guys would marry.
  19. To me it seems marriage has a lot of advantage for the females and lots of disadvantages for the males. When people want/have kids then there is a good reason to marry. If a guy wants to bring his Thai gf to Farangland, then that might be a reason. In Thailand, no kids, I don't see any good reason to do that. Too many (possible) downsides.
  20. I remember when maybe around 1970 we learned that there won't be any oil reserves available anymore in 20 years of so. That was 50 years ago. Did we run out of oil? No! There are just too many people whose job is to make panic. Panic sells and keeps the masses occupied.
  21. Is there something like corporate greed? A corporation is a reflection of the people who run the corporation. Only greedy people can cause a corporation to "be" greedy.
  22. I wonder if that hate is mostly on the internet and gets worse by social media. If I look at the news or watch YouTube videos, I see a lot of hate. In real life, not so much. I use the internet mostly to learn something or for entertainment. But there are lots of people out there who like to shout at each other. And with X and other services that gets worse all the time. There is an easy way out: Don't participate and ignore the (online) idiots.
  23. IMHO power hungry and greedy people are the biggest thread. I.e. looking at AI: The development of AI itself is not really a big problem. But it can, and probably will become a big problem when greedy and/or powerful people want to use it for their advantage. Overpopulation and climate problems are overrated.
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