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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. I would google for file transfer A23 or whatever you actually want to do. A computer (including mobile phones) can be configured to allow file transfer but not allow (or not answer to) PING. Obviously, you can play around with PING but even if PING works perfectly that doesn't solve your problem. And when you get file transfer working (maybe just a switch somewhere in the software of your phone) then PING might still not work. No problem. PING does not need to work.
  2. Often people are asked if the government should pay for this or that. That is the wrong question. The question should be: Are you, as a taxpayer, willing to pay for this and that? Are you responsible for people who left the country on their own free will?
  3. People want easy answers. Like: violent games make people violent in real life. Is it correct? No. Is that maybe a factor, together with many other factors? Yes. But that would be too difficult to understand and comprehend for many people. I like this summary: There is always an easy answer to any complex problem. And mostly it's wrong.
  4. PING sends a signal from computer A to computer B. This only works is it can be send out from A (firewall for outgoing traffic in A). And this must be received by B (firewall for incoming traffic in B) Then B must decide it wants to react to this request. It doesn't have to. When B answers to the PING then that answers has to go though the outgoing firewall from B. And then through the incoming firewall of A. And in a public network there are some more firewalls. Lots of possible opportunities why this might not work.
  5. IMHO the government of a country is (in part) responsible for their citizens in their country. And they are responsible for officials who are sent to other countries. And that's it. The moment when I left my home country, I cut my ties with them. If I get sick in Thailand or I am kidnapped or whatever, it is my problem. Because it was my free decision to come here. And that is obviously the same with Thais who left Thailand to work in Israel to make more money over there. It was the decision of those people. And anybody who travels to Israel should know there is some risk. When people return to their home country, and are alone and bankrupt, then the responsibility of the government starts again. Why should Thai taxpayers pay for the support of Thais who decided to leave Thailand?
  6. Thanks for your answer. All the best! Hopefully that war will end soon. I hope you return unharmed.
  7. Why do you do it? Will you earn (a lot of) money? Do you like to fight? Do you do it because you want to support Ukraine and/or fight Putin?
  8. It wasn't necessary to listen to more than 4min (including the intro and all that) to make up my mind that is an idiot. He came to Thailand to settle down and he decided the perfect way to find a woman in Thai Cupid. Yeah, sure, what can possibly go wrong.
  9. Just don't watch YouTube. No ads. Problem solved. "Coz I got a brain" Sorry, I am not convinced.
  10. Some creators, i.e. Dave from EEVBlog, don't have sponsors and they don't promote any product. They don't do that to make it obvious for the viewer that they are neutral. I like that concept. Internet ads work. If they wouldn't work then nobody would pay for them. And they work better than TV ads because they are targeted. I.e. I see ads about technical products and not about baby supplies. If you don't like the ads, why don't you pay for premium?
  11. Why do many people expect to get everything free on the internet? I accept the YouTube and the creators must make some money. That means I have to pay direct, per subscription, or indirect, with ads. I think that is fair.
  12. Really? It is in the section: Marriage and Family - Family and Children
  13. Thanks I only know the water park from The Mall Bangkae from years ago. I don't know if that still exist. Is there something similar in the middle of the city not too far away from lower Sukhumvit.
  14. Thanks Do you know if there are taxi-meter available to get back into town? Or public transport?
  15. Probably he will recognize some girls from his village. ????
  16. I never posted a batman meme. And you know the important part in barely legal. Legal! ???? This one is just for you. Virtual reality. I leave it up to you to image her face and age and all that.
  17. My gf brought her 10-year-old relative to Bangkok because he wanted to visit her and the city. We have no children and are not used to children in Bangkok. What are good places to go? Free entertainment is fine, but I am also willing to pay some entrance fees. We had already ice-cream in Terminal 21.
  18. Don't forget to switch off the light when you leave. Goodbye.
  19. It is more and more enforced. Because residents like me, who live in a condominium, don't want tourists which should stay in hotels. Our condominium management and security doesn't enforce the rules all the time, but they get better at it, because more and more of the people who actually live there complain. And that is a trend all over the world.
  20. That temperature is no problem at all for machinery and circuits. Just make sure there is some airflow over the circuits and maybe more. I would use an industrial fan, small or big, depending what you need. Maybe run it 24/7 or on a temperature switch or only at daytime or something like that.
  21. What is your purpose of cooling it? a) That the machinery and circuits are cool enough. b) Or that you are comfortable in that room. For a, air flow with 30 or 35 degree air temperature should do the job/ For b, air flow is probably not enough.
  22. How about a hole in the wall or pipe for air flow in and the same for air flow out, with fans installed?
  23. You just motivated me to supply some juice to my JBL speakers and wake up the neighbors. ????
  24. Just make sure that every day in a hospital is not counted as a day in jail. When he is feeling better again then he should resume his time in jail. I think he was already one day in jail, so start counting with the 2nd day when he is back in his cell.
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