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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. And then there is this so called first world country. They think they are the leader of the world. And about half of their population wants more of the orange maniac. So much about "3rd world"...
  2. Which part is not real about a criminal going to jail for his crimes? There is no doubt that Thaksin did all those crimes. Why should he be out of jail? Because he is a politician and that makes his crimes political crimes? BS!
  3. I don't know much about the guy. I know he and his family are rich and he likes the luxury life. I am sure he can live that luxury life in many places on this planet. Thaksin loves when the crowd kisses his feet. He loves it when the masses behave like he is the messiah. And that is something he only gets in Thailand. I am sure Thaksin missed Thailand every day. With the boss guy, I don't know if he cares at all.
  4. No I actually liked to read "surfing" once again. I commented on the fact that that word was used. I didn't comment if I like it or not.
  5. I think you can have lots of status and money if you own a big company. And also some power. Political power at the top is more power. But for sure a lot more headache.
  6. Because Prayut did a good job to get rid of Thaksin/Yingluck at that time. People in Bangkok were happy when the coups happened to get rid of the Shinawatras. I was here, I gave soft drinks to the soldiers on the streets. But go ahead, you can complain about him.
  7. It seems all those Shinawatras have extraordinary genes. They all seem to be born leaders. It's amazing. Let's look how long it takes before this one does too much damage and then she also has to flee to the desert. I guess by now the Shinawatras have a big complex over there for all the criminal fugitives. Maybe they call it little Thailand. What is so wonderful about being a political player? I find it difficult to understand how anybody who it not mentally challenged wants such a job.
  8. It's not really a surprise that the criminal won't spend too much time in jail. If he wouldn't have a deal, he wouldn't have returned to Thailand. I think the big question for the future is if Thaksin will be quiet and play with his grandchildren or if he will be even more active in politics than he was already when he was officially not involved. And will PT include him on stage as the all-knowing leader? Thaksin's downfall was his big mouth together with his criminal behavior. Will he do more of the same? Will he continue to behave like he is above the law? If yes, then another crisis for Thailand won't be far. I hope the best, but I would be very surprised if he would just shut up.
  9. There are many reasons why I don't have kids and I am not a parent. One reason is that if I would be a parent, I would like to be a good parent. Unfortunately, that is very difficult. So many things to do wrong, so many things which are impossible to get right. And what is right? What grandmother suggests? Or the newest book from that famous bestseller author? It's impossible to get it right. I am sure many parents try their best. The easiest way is obviously not having kids and seeing all those mistakes from the others. ????
  10. "Bangkok Improves Narrow Sidewalks" And I thought they would make them wider so it's easier for the vendors and motorcycles. ????
  11. I never used such reflectors. But I would be careful about the temperature control. Depending on the positions of such reflectors it could happen that the cooled air is (in part) redirected to the temperature sensor which normally measures the surrounding air temperature. When that happens then maybe the AC "thinks" it is a lot cooler in your room than it actually is...
  12. Most ACs have them built in. Just look for the symbols on the remote to direct the air up or down or left or right. Some modern ACs have additional functions to direct the air directly to humans, or direct the air away from humans. But I am pretty sure these functions exist only on few ACs (i.e. some Daikin).
  13. "surfing Asean Now" Does anybody still use that term, surfing the internet? I think I heard or read that the last time over 20 years ago.
  14. All the best for your project. After we finish such projects, we always know what we should have done differently. About the slope: hopefully you have no water. But I remember a bathroom which I had in a previous apartment. It had a little slope - in the wrong direction. The result was that every time there was a little water on the floor, we had to use one of those rubber scrubbers to move it to the drain. Not a lot of work, but it was annoying. That's why I commented about that slope. And about the laser: It's nice to have, and those things are not expensive anymore.
  15. Great for you. And I am sure there are people who are regularly on their balconies. But there are also many who rented a bough a place with a balcony and then "never" used it. My studio did not have a balcony, my new place, to be moved in soon, has one. Let's see how often I will use it.
  16. Really? It seems there are lots of rich farang criminals in Thailand. Sometimes we read about them in the news. Sometimes they are smart enough to stay under the radar.
  17. I do that regularly from the lift to Swensons. ????
  18. I watch the newest Starfield videos since a couple of days, but I was not aware of zero gravity chairs until now. Are they something important which I missed until now?
  19. I think balconies, and also swimming pools, are overrated. Everybody wants one. But then most people never use the balcony and never use the swimming pool. Why? I don't know. But it's reality.
  20. When I first looked for an apartment in Thailand I thought about two rooms, maybe 60sqm, something like that. I saw one in one high-rise building, and I asked if they have something similar in a higher floor. They didn't. They told me they have a 45sqm studio in a high floor. I looked at that, and I liked it a lot. At least for me, together with my Thai gf, we liked a lot more the idea of one big room with one big window (the whole outside wall) compared to two smaller rooms. We lived there for many years. Now I have my own "big studio". About 60% of my 100sqm apartment is one big room. The rest is bathroom and kitchen and a small storage room. I like it like that, because we live in a big room. I think it's called open space, but I am not so sure about that definition. Back to your question: I would prefer one bigger room compared to 2 smaller rooms with total the same size.
  21. At least the brake looks not too bad. I always think it's funny when people use some fast things which don't have adequate brakes. It's predictable how some of those rides will end.
  22. The rich and powerful get away with lots of things all over the world. They can afford expensive lawyers and tax consultants and all that. And they can make donations to the right people and organizations, etc. It's not just Thailand. Do I like it? No. But that is reality. And often the rich and powerful can do what they do within the laws. It is real life - if we like it or not.
  23. I don't use a mobility scooter and I don't plan to use one anytime soon. But I ride a motorcycle, and often enough for distances which I could walk. I don't walk, because I am too lazy to walk, and the bike is ready to go. Personally I understand that it's nice to be fit. But at what cost? I was in a gym before, even a nice expensive one. I didn't like it. I don't like using these machines. And I also don't like running outside in the heat. So I am not so fit... And about drinking alcohol: if guys like to drink a beer or whatever, and maybe play with the girls, why not? It's how they want to live their life - at least at that moment. If I had the choice between an hour in the gym or an hour drinking beer I wouldn't have to think for too long.
  24. I guess part of being or acting old is letting the younger guys compete with each other and laying back watching the show. I understand that part. When old guy think others must think that they are younger because they exercise and dress and behave that way, that is often sad. Because those want to be younger guys don't fool anybody. It is obvious that they are not young. I think we all should accept reality. That's bests for everyone.
  25. I never had or wanted children. I thought about leaving a comment but then I thought again. I don't know because I never was in a situation even remotely like this. Sometimes we all lie to "help" other people. It's human nature to "protect" the own family and tribe.
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