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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Why would I care if people from that area are happy? They are all up country, far far away from Bangkok, the center of Thailand.
  2. Here is "my" concept how to use all those property websites: Look at the area you want and the type of property, i.e. 100sqm condo in lower Sukhumvit. Then look at what is listed, the buildings, the prices, etc. Likely you will soon find out that maybe you want something in building A or B. Often there are many units of the same type, especially in high-rise buildings. And then visit the buildings. Look at the common area, the people, the cars, how it is maintained, etc. And if you like the building then look at information which is shown of a board, or ask the shop or hairdresser in the building, etc. Sometimes you will also get information from the receptionist. But don't expect that, and don't expect that they will tell you about all available units. Because, of course, all of them want to get a commission.
  3. No, the point is that you contact the agent. And once he has your contact details, he will try to sell you something.
  4. I am sure more or less all of them are corrupt. A big difference is how they present it. Thaksin did it right in the open like: See here, I give Myanmar a loan so they will give that money to my private company. See, I can do that, and you won't stop me. Others are also corrupt but at least they make it a little more in the background. And who is worse? We will never know. Because the principle of corruption is obviously to hide it.
  5. I know about lithium batteries from the RC world. Some of those batteries are designed for fast charging, some are not. If a battery which is designed for fast charging is fast charged all the time that is no problem. But it a battery which is not designed for fast charging is fast charged a couple of times, that reduces the lifespan considerably.
  6. I wrote today in this forum (I don't remember the thread), that I think there are often many components which influence the outcome. It's not: X happened and because of that Y happened. It's more like: A, B, C happened, and then E happened, and F and G. Was A the most important factor? Or B, maybe together with C? I don't know. What I know is the following: When the (for me) first coup happened in Thailand (2006, Thaksin) I wasn't really surprised and many of my friends were not surprised that it happened. It was like: Thaksin got away with crimes for so long, and he behaved like he is invincible, it was only a question of time before he would be stopped. Exactly who will stop him and how was not obvious. But the fact that it happened was no surprise. And same for Yingluck. As soon as her government decided to whitewash her brother at 3am, it was obvious the next day that her days were numbered. Did "the people" decide that it's time for coups? No. But many people, at least in Bangkok where I live, were not surprised and welcomed the coups. Were there other reasons? I am sure there were. Did the old elite want to get rid of Thaksin? Sure. But only a combination of things made it possible.
  7. And sometimes it does justify the coup.
  8. I am sure there would be a lot more such people if the honest people would be assured that the masses will prefer them. A good example was Abhisit. Smart, educated, honest. And how many people voted for him?
  9. It seems the number of people who vote for his party is rapidly going down. So sad. ????
  10. Sure, but sometimes it's a question of the magnitude. As far as I know the killing of the > 2000 drug suspects was never really investigated. Who gave the order to kill all the people who were never convicted?
  11. Thaksin is a convicted criminal. And there was enough evidence for everybody who wanted to see the truth, that he was rightful convicted. I know there are some people in the red villages who just don't care if their hero is a criminal. I will never understand how people support criminals and then they complain about corrupt and incompetent government. Why don't the people vote for honest knowledgeable politicians if they want an honest competent government? It shouldn't be too difficult to understand this. And obviously that happens all over the world. The best example is the land of the free...
  12. Thanks. Every day Thaksin is in jail is a good day. And even if he is in a luxury hospital, it's still considered jail. There are lots of restrictions for him. I am sure it's a big difference compared to luxury life in the desert. I hope he really has to stay that year in "jail". Let's see.
  13. Make sure you leave enough space for the grout. Read the instructions on the box of tiles. They recommend size of the grout lines, etc. And I like to advice: Be careful what you do. Take your time and make sure you do it right from the beginning. Because if you do it wrong, there will be a lot of work and headache and cost to get the bad installed tiles out again and do it again. ????
  14. I think the idea is to mix it and install some tiles. Then mix a new bucket full (or whatever you need) and install some more tiles. What you shouldn't do is put extra water in the mix to be able to use it a little longer!
  15. It seems every politician says all charges against them are politically motivated. Like: An ordinary person commits a crime, i.e. he commits fraud, and goes to jail. If a politician does the same then suddenly the conviction is "politically motivated". Really? If there wouldn't have been a crime, then there would be no conviction. When the opposition exposes crimes then they might do this because they want to get rid of the people in power. But is it wrong that the opposition does that? Is it wrong that they publish information about corrupt people? Of course, lots of people oppose(d) Thaksin. And they published information about his crimes. Yes, in a way that was politically motivated that they exposed Thaksin. But the crimes are the same, it doesn't matter who exposed them. And IMHO everybody should be punished for his crimes, including politicians.
  16. I think the most obvious case was the loan from Thailand to Myanmar. PM Thaksin increased that loan so that Myanmar could buy a satellite (or more?) from Thaksin's private company. Corruption doesn't get much more obvious. And additionally to the existing court cases there are lots of other abnormalities. He deserves all the time in jail which he gets, and some more.
  17. I disagree with: "Thaksin was a crook, but not more than the others. " "now that he is not a threat any more to the dominant powers, he is fully accepted" Like in many situations, there is not just one single reason why things happen the way they happen. It is very difficult to impossible to judge which of several reasons was the most important one. I am sure if Thaksin would have been an honest man, working for Thais and Thailand, then the coup could not have happened the way it did happen. The military had a lot of support, at least in Bangkok, because Thaksin did his very best that many people hated him and wanted to get rid of him.
  18. I wonder if that was the deal which Thaksin thought he had. I almost feel sad for the old sick man, almost.
  19. He is a convicted criminal. Look at the list of his crimes. Why should he get special treatment? Because he is a politician?
  20. Crocodile brand sounds alright. The different "colors" are for different situation, not quality differences. Look at the labels and maybe translate them. Bigger tiles are bigger headache. You should use a tiling system, something like this: I suggest watch a couple of videos from this guy, he seems to know what he is talking about. Sal DiBlasi - YouTube And, in my personal opinion, use non-slip tiles.
  21. Really? Why would all those people live inside sin-city Pattaya? There are enough places nearby which are family friendly.
  22. Unfortunately it seems a lot of poor people all over the world somehow think that billionaires are the perfect people to represent them...
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