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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. I wonder how many voters who voted for PT voted for Srettha, PT politics as published, and how many voted for PT because for them PT = Thaksin = their hero. I guess most voted for Thaksin. And that should be reason enough for any PT member to follow the orders of the boss. If they want to be independent from Thaksin, then they can only be independent in another party - and there they have likely another boss.
  2. 1: yes, the initial internet connection must be by mobile network 2: after that I am pretty sure you don't need a SIM anymore. You can use WLAN.
  3. Good that they published these guidelines. And everybody with common sense will agree. But obviously there are always some woke idiots who don't want to understand that we live in reality. If it would be up to them, this world could be perfect. But the world is not perfect, men desire sexy women, and some men have their desires better under control than others. And if men who are already aroused, see a drunk girl in a sexy dress, then bad things might happen. Should these bad things happen? Of course not. Should all men all the time behave? Yes, they should. But not all of them do this. So, females in general, and female taxi customers, do you want any advice how to avoid problems? See above! And I might add: Don't drink too much. You are welcome.
  4. Maybe she wants to find her husband,
  5. And then there are people like you, who pretend to care. Are you currently in one of those countries with oppressive laws and are you fighting for the rights of everybody? Or are you relaxed in front of your computer talking about what others should do?
  6. To make sure there is no misunderstanding on your side. In Nana Plaza or anywhere on Soi 4 women don't "happen". At least 99% expect money. Some tell you this up front, others not. Don't expect to go "home" with a girl because she loves you so much. Maybe she does, but she still wants money. In general, be prepared to walk around and have a look here and there. The quality of places changes all the time. You might find great information about a bar which was a great bar some time ago, but not anymore. And sometimes it changes from good to bad within a few weeks. Look inside, if you think you might like it, have a drink. If not, move on, there are enough places. Enjoy!
  7. Actually, yes, it is worse. If some bad and powerful people are strong enough to get to the top, then those, relative few, people did that. If there are >70,000,000 people who vote for a maniac, even if they could vote for others, then those millions of people are to blame.
  8. Yes, in part you get what you pay for. But even high quality products are sometimes not so good. The problem with these kinds of fires is that the batteries just burn. Fire fighters say they don't even try anymore to extinguish these fires. Let them burn until the end that that's it. And if the vehicle is somewhere alone on the street, fine. But if it is in a garage together with other vehicles or in the home of people, now that is a bigger risk. Obviously we all take risks and if people want to buy such things, they should do it. But at least they should be aware of the risks.
  9. Is it really so bad? Obviously that is not impossible, but I would think Thailand is not so far behind the rest of the world in hygiene.
  10. Be aware that electric bikes, which obviously have to be charged, are a fire risk. And if they start burning, then they burn, and burn, and burn.
  11. I think I paid at least 10k for a root canal and I think more than that for a crown in a private clinic (not in a tourist area). Just in general: Private hospital charge a lot more than private clinics, with the same doctors working a few days here and there. If you can live with not so perfect English then avoid dentists in tourist areas. There are enough dentists a little bit away from the tourists.
  12. You're the first one who recognized Frank Zander. ???? I work with computers all day and sometime night. And obviously I need a distraction from time to time. That's when I look at this forum. And because I do this since over 10 years the posts add up.
  13. This turns into something unexpected. I love it.
  14. It seems you have difficulties with these complicated things. Are you by any chance a farmer from up-country? There is very little black and white. There is a lot of grey. Like the grey matter. Some people use that a lot, others not so much. I leave it to you to figure it out.
  15. In case it wasn't mentioned already, make sure you have a slight slope so that water can drain from the surface.
  16. Sure. Now tell me, how many farmers in the northeast care about my life in Bangkok? Nobody. So I think that is fair enough. And just in general, I like the idea that everybody is happy. But if especially the farmers up country vote again and again for the same corrupt politicians, then they shouldn't be surprised that they have again and again a corrupt government.
  17. Thanks for all your information. It seems now the battery gets worse and it is definitely time to replace it. I will let a professional shop do the replacement. Work like that is cheap in Thailand. I won't spend an hour of my time to try to do this, and do it somehow not perfect because I do it the first time, when the alternative is to pay a shop a few hundred THB to do that job. And they did it probably already hundreds of times.
  18. This is a box from the tiles I used. There is lots of information on that box.
  19. I never did it myself. It seems the best way is that you have an assistant to prepare the adhesive, hand you the tiles, etc. The following picture is from my renovation done by a professional tiler. I made the picture after he finished for one day. You see that there are no plastic parts at the edges. The tiler will put them there when he puts the next row of tiles next to the already installed tiles.
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