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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. I like Vietnamese coffee. I do it without the milk. It's the only coffee which can be made at home without much hassle, and it still tastes good.
  2. The passport picture rules are from my home country. The immigration picture rules are from Thailand.
  3. This thread is about breakfast, so let's add some of my breakfast pictures.
  4. I often go out for breakfast. I order it and it takes between 5 to 10 min until it is on my table.
  5. In a way I am also concerned about what I eat and drink. I don't eat ready meals or bad quality food or something like that. But it is also important for me that it tastes good. Looking at things which others show here in their breakfast list I wonder if they enjoy eating that. Or would they prefer i.e. eggs benedict or something nice like that.
  6. Let me guess: Amount is available for the people in the wallets. And at least 3 times that amount will be allocated for "administration".
  7. I just read all the post in this topic until now. Are all most of you health freaks or impoverished? Personally breakfast is my favorite meal of the day. I eat what I really like to eat. My rabbits eat the rabbit food.
  8. Does that mean not every inmate with health problems is transported at 3am with a helicopter to a better facility? I am shocked!
  9. Sometimes I post pictures from websites. This time I made these pictures myself from what I had for breakfast in the last days. You could search for the pictures with Google Images and won't find them. Because I published them here first, exclusive just for the AN members. Some more, from another day's breakfast. Copyright and eaten by me.
  10. This will likely happen again and again. Many Thai women can be angles - if they want to be like that. So whatever you do, learn to understand Thais and especially Thai women. That is difficult, and maybe you won't be able to learn fast enough. Personally I am here since almost 30 years, and I never married. I am now a long time together with my Thai gf and I am pretty sure she loves me. I am also pretty sure there is no advantage for me to marry her. So I won't marry her or anybody else. Maybe think about if that is an option for you.
  11. It depends on your quality standards. You can have a look at this and other videos from James Hoffmann to get an idea what you can expect. He is a top expert.
  12. One serial liar interviewing another serial liar. What do people expect from such conversation?
  13. Thanks. Quote from that page: Can I wear glasses in my Thailand visa photo? For applicants wearing glasses daily, it is compulsory to take pictures with glasses without tinted glasses. The frame of the glasses must not cover the eyes. My glasses are slightly tinted. So I guess just that is reason enough to remove them. I guess in the future I will have all official pictures without glasses to keep it consistent.
  14. I have prescription glasses and I used to wear them all the time. Now I wear them sometimes. Today I was at the immigration, and they wanted some pictures. I gave them new pictures - with me wearing glasses. They compared it to my passport - no glasses. They didn't like that, and they send me to take a new picture without glasses. No problem, it was done in 10 minutes, because there was a "photographer" in the building. But I wonder if that problem could also happen in an embassy or some other official place. Do you have experience with that? Maybe for the future I should carry two sets of pictures. One with and one without glasses.
  15. "First Thai relationship, any advice?" It won't last. But it gives you the opportunity to learn a lot. Thais are different than farangs. The cultures are so different that you are sure things must be like this. And she is sure things must be like that. You both have to learn and accept that you are very different. Use your time with your first girlfriend to learn. And then maybe by the time you get your second girlfriend you learned enough not to make the usual mistakes. Otherwise maybe you need to learn some more. Just make sure you don't lose all your money on the first one.
  16. Is her mouth sore? She should be able to make you happy.
  17. Sorry, I wanted to write "he is now convicted to 8 years". I blame the autocomplete...
  18. I don't think it needs any isolation. There is no "user output" like USB. This unit is built to be in an electric box in a wall and nobody will touch it or any wire coming out of it.
  19. To be fair he didn't kill them. Maybe he ordered the police to do that or to look the other way. But that should be proved in a court of law. He is not convicted to 8 years in jail. I think that is a good start.
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