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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. 555 In one way you are correct. Often, when there is a new version of Windows (ok, now not so often anymore), I update one of my PCs ASAP to that version, even if I don't think it makes a lot of sense. But I do it to be able to answer questions about the new version because I know some of my clients will update right away and then wonder why this and that is not like before anymore.
  2. Or maybe I don't take everything serious in this forum.
  3. Because you don't understand it it's ridiculous? I could try to explain it to you slowly. But likely you wouldn't listen, and you know anyhow that you are the smart guy. So I won't do that.
  4. There is no good reason to take a TukTuk to anywhere. They are mostly a tourist attraction and for that reason they have tourist prices. Same principle in another part of the world:
  5. I work with computers, and I have clients with computers who I support. For that reason I keep my PC settings more or less standard. Because then I see the same things which "everybody" sees. And the site is the only website which I use which has so much advertisement. I ignore it most of the time.
  6. I don't have an answer. But I am pretty sure a few years ago the law (or regulations?) were made more flexible. As far as I remember that was about the place of work and I think also about having a work permit with company A and also working for company B. What is still fixed, as far as I know, is the kind of work. If you have a work permit for doing work A you are not allowed to do work B. I agree with the previous post that I also like to read a follow up to this.
  7. Lots of things are connected to that Google account, like picture backups, etc. I don't think there will be any problem with your banking apps. Whatever you do, assume that your data might get lost. So be careful.
  8. I know he is just the messenger. But what can anybody expect from a guy with such a stupid name?
  9. To quote Dirty Harry: Punk Do you feel lucky, punk?
  10. Do we really have a lot of posts with racism, sexism, ageism? I didn't notice. But then again, I don't cry foul when someone writes something that might upset a woke snowflake.
  11. Did you also ban people for the slightest issues 20 years ago?
  12. On my desktop PC about 70% of the screen is advertisement. If that is the same ratio on the mobile, then that leaves space for about 3 lines of text.
  13. I think it is also important to notice that not everybody likes the same kind of massage like strong or light, different styles like Wat Poo and others. I think it's best to go to different places and experience different massagist (or whatever they are called).
  14. Blind massage Google it for your location.
  15. Remember, there is a so called first world country out there where many people are like that.
  16. What happened? It seems the crime is so bad that no details can be published. And do they arrest all politicians who show indecent behavior?
  17. That reminds me of the 3 sons of the infamous Thai politician who like to blame the ear-medicine. Are they still around and telling others: Do you know who my father is? TiT
  18. Did this 41-year-old man act like this the first time in his life? What did he in the last 20 years? Does he have a police record? Or was he a harmless citizen until now?
  19. Is it normal and legal to publish data about his personal health issues? Are all the health data from all prisoners published? I always thought that kind of information is confidential.
  20. Are they paying you to do that? Or did you lose a bet or something like that? But at least, if you day starts like that, then likely it can only get better.
  21. So what was the punishment last time? Did he return all the money to the 2018 victims? Was he in jail?
  22. I don't remember where I tasted Vietnamese coffee first, I was never in Vietnam. But when I tasted it, I liked it. And I mean Vietnamese beans and that "filter". I don't know why it tasted good (at least for me), but it does. So if I want to drink coffee at home than that is what I drink. But to be fair, 90% of the time when I like to drink "coffee" then I go to my favorite coffee place around the corner. They roast the coffee in the shop and they have very good grinders and coffee machines and people who know how to use them. I that way the espresso is exactly how I like it. At home it would be a lot of work and time and expensive equipment to get the same quality. This is 4 shots espresso - I love it.
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