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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. If she stays with him in the desert, it's also good for Thailand. There is hope.
  2. It seems he is so blind that he needs someone to take his hand to guide him to the doctor. With deteriorating health like that he should definitely stay in the desert and avoid travel and any stress. Maybe he can convince his daughter to say with him, just in case he needs to see a doctor again. It's so sad...
  3. YMCA That reminds me of the time when I was in a bar and the guy on the next table told me that now he will show the girls how to dance. And then he convinced the DJ to play YMCA. I think I never paid my bill faster than at that occasion.
  4. I feel sorry that they didn't use their brain years ago when they supported Thaksin. He was always a con man. His so called "honest mistake" should have been enough to show everybody Thaksin's character.
  5. What's you point? Should this guy get away with it because before someone else got away with it?
  6. We can be sure he was probably selected and for sure approved by the owner of PT. What can we expect from that criminal fugitive owner? Would he select an honest person? Would any honest person work for that criminal? Or is it likely they one crook was selected and approved by another crook?
  7. Thanks I noticed that until the election, when I made some not so nice comments about Thaksin, many here commented that Thaksin doesn't matter anymore. I should look at the modern PT policies. And my comments had a lot of sad faces. Now, after the election and after PT is showing more clearly that it was always about Thaksin and power, I don't see so many sad faces anymore. And it seems people see more clearly that Thaksin was and is the ruler of that organization. Political party is not the real word for such an organization.
  8. Probably the mouse is the problem. I suggest try another mouse.
  9. Probably the same you want to do in it. Hopefully after cleaning and new water.
  10. Compared to what? Dirty sheets and no towels? Are there actually any hotels out there with dirty sheets and no towels?
  11. About the location: I think it's a good idea to have a location near the last thing you do in the evening. I.e. if you go to bars then you don't want to travel a long time to get back to the hotel.
  12. It's easy to meet thousands of women in a week in Thailand. It's a little more difficult to find the right one. Dating apps and services just can't work for the average and below average guy. That's simple math.
  13. Someone should permanently film these guys and then they should show it as reality TV in their home country. I am sure that would be a lot of fun.
  14. 555 Paid fan club of the fugitive criminal is a better description. They protested in Bangkok because their billionaire hero wanted "his" money back. It never had anything to do with democracy. Obviously, it's sad that they needed more than 10 years to understand Thaksin's motives. But there is hope, they finally start to understand it. Maybe wait another decade or two and they understand it even better.
  15. It might be an interesting study why some people post all the time topics like this. And then the same people publish another one, and another one, and another one. Tell us, what is it all about?
  16. If it's over 50k USD or 50k EUR then the bank may ask you what it's for. A simple reason like "I will buy xyz" is fine.
  17. Is there anybody out there who wants to comment on my question? Otherwise, I suggest we close this thread.
  18. I think sometimes there are easy to understand reasons. Like: Maybe there is a form to fill which has a field for a Thai ID card only. In Thailand mostly Thais do business with Thais. With the lottery I guess it's at least 99% only Thai business. Should farangs really expect that everything is designed to cover also the rest 1%?
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