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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. The 2-way switches are easily available, from many brands.
  2. Because EVs don't contribute to air pollution. They get the power out of the wall socket, correct? And the vehicles, batteries, etc. are all produced somewhere far away. It's their pollution, I don't do that. Yeah, sure, so much about hypocrisy.
  3. Maybe they should add IQ divisions. Like: I am a champion, I won in the under 80 IQ division. ????
  4. Yes, we all know than men and women are different in many ways. But it seems these days feminists insist that women are at least as capable as men. Fine. So play with the men, and don't use "we are the week sex, we need special treatment".
  5. I am surprised that that is something like women's chess. Playing chess is all about the brain. This would only make sense if women and men would have considerable different IQs. As far as I know that is not the case.
  6. Now it's a lot better than it was 20 years ago, especially with all those black smoke green little busses.
  7. I live not too far away from that area. Here some impressions: You are in the middle of the city! Maybe you walk 5min in smog. What's the alternative when you want to visit the middle of the city? Driving an hour from a not so polluted area into the middle of the city - for an hour in "a little smog"? How often are you outside? I live in a high floor apartment - even if there is traffic on the ground floor, it's not on a high floor. And many of these buildings are high. Few people walk along Asoke. Get a motorcycle taxi and it's over in 2min. You get used to it. Think about alternatives. I guess you thought about living there because it is in the middle of the city, and everything is available in walking motorcycle-taxi distance. I have to admit whenever I am in an area with 7/11 father away then that, I am sure I don't want to live there. It's a choice.
  8. I have a suggestion for the admins. Can we please ban post with a link and not much more. If there is a story and then a link for more information, fine. But if it is necessary to click on a link, which could go to any malicious site, just to know what the comment is about, then I suggest we don't need them. Especially as first posts in a thread.
  9. So, it seems you think for 3k premium a year your insurance would pay for the repair of any luxury car. Really? I know it's not your fault. But with the premiums in Thailand the insurance companies won't be able to pay damages of expensive cars.
  10. I would like to know the legal situation. I have an idea about reality in Thailand. But I also understand that if person A damages property of person B, then normally A has to pay. Or maybe A's insurance pays. If it's clear rich and poor and all Thai then likely all will go according to normal procedure. But let's say if I would crash with my insured bike into an expensive car. Am I liable to pay everything with the money which I saved for my retirement? What's the legal situation?
  11. Really? Let's say you own a Porsche or a big Ducati, do you also think then you should be able to just pay yourself if someone else damages your car or bike? Where is the line of "normal" cars and bike where people who damage them should pay them, and when are people considered rich you can afford this or that car or bike?
  12. I find it interesting how many comments here are negative about the Chinese lady. She was not the one who crashed into someone else car. Her property was damaged. If it would be an article that a Thai crashed into an expensive car of a farang, then we can be sure about all the "farang always guilty" comments. But if it is a Chinese woman then the situation is obviously very different. Really?
  13. I live in a condominium. I put any parts and things which might be reusable or sellable in the garbage room. The cleaners know what to do with it. Problem solved.
  14. What a post. You started with speaking up against stereotypes. And you end with using other stereotypes.
  15. It would be interesting to see here information about the legal situation. Many of us have an insurance. But all insurances have limits. And in Thailand the limits are not high. If a poor person with a (government) insured vehicle crashes into something expensive, what will happen? The poor person won't be able to pay the full repair cost because the person is poor. But what would happen is i.e. a farang dollar millionaire rides on a properly insured motorcycle and crashes into such car? After the insurance pays the little money which it will pay, does the rich person have to pay all the rest from his own money? It would be great to read a legal answer about this - and not lots of speculations as usual.
  16. Maybe he thinks he has an Ace up his sleeve which will protect him. But then again, the person who put that Ace in that position can change his mind. And he can change it from one minute to the next with dramatic consequences. Even Thaksin should be able to realize that. For that reason alone, I think he will not come to Thailand. Because he could end up in jail now or anytime in the future (on short notice). Will the coward take that risk?
  17. No The reason I know is that I often buy cooked eggs from a Kao Ka Moo vendor at the fresh market before they put the eggs into Kao Ka Moo. I eat the eggs together with Khanom Chin and the eggs are exactly like jak2002003 describes. (The picture is from the internet, the eggs I buy and eat look exactly like in the picture)
  18. I think those are just cooked eggs. You may keep in mind: Mostly (always?) those are duck eggs. I think the consistency of white vs. yellow, after they are cooked, depends on the starting temperature of the egg when you start to cook them. There is a difference if you cook eggs which you take out of the refrigerator and eggs which are "room" temperature. As far as I see the vendors which you talk about stack their eggs outside, not in refrigerators.
  19. Somehow I think the days of the Shinawatras are over. But then again, maybe that is wishful thinking on my side.
  20. Can you please explain this in plain English. I am not surprised if they don't understand you.
  21. I am sure they talked for hours about his grandchildren. As we all know he told us all he has nothing to do with politics anymore, since many years already.
  22. There is hope. Finally, after many years, many Thaksin and PT supporters realize that that party and their leader was never about democracy. It's about power and money - and it always was. I don't know what will happen in the next weeks and months. But I am pretty sure that whatever government will come now won't last very long. And then there is a lot of hope for the next government.
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