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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. I read and saw lots of good things about TOTO toilets. I bought one, I like it. One issue I don't really care about but which seems to be a major criteria is how much water the toilet uses, The TOTO which I have uses very little water and it does a perfect job with that little water. Another thing which I check are washlets for toilets. TOTO is also leading in that area. Now I didn't buy a washlet, but I made sure my toilet is ready to install one - just in case I get so old that I want one for convenience. Another criteria, at least for me, is how to flush the toilet. On the side or on the top. I want the lever on the side so that I can flush when I am still sitting on the toilet.
  2. Where did you learn to quote only part of a statement? In the red-shirt "news". Here one more time just for you. It's only two lines, you should be able to handle this. Take your time. "I don't have the dates. I only remember he told the public many times he will return. Others counted, and those details were in the press. You could look it up if it is important for you."
  3. I don't have the dates. I only remember he told the public many times he will return. Others counted, and those details were in the press. You could look it up if it is important for you. Let's not forget Thaksin is a Thai person who could come back anytime to Thailand. He doesn't need a visa, he doesn't even need a passport. He can just show up any time at any border and they will let him in. So any story "I can't come back" is pure BS.
  4. Are you serious? If I hadn't visited my family back home for 10 years, and I finally decided I will see them on date X, what would keep me away from that trip? If I would break a leg or have a heart attack, then probably I would delay it. But what Thaksin did last time was that he told us that he has to delay this important trip because he had a check-up visit with a doctor. Later there was a picture of him being at an eye doctor. Now tell me, would you delay the possibly most important trip of your life because of a minor check-up visit which could easily wait and could easily be done at your destination? Thaksin is obviously lying, like usual. A check-up visit is not so important. There are other reasons why he postponed his trip to Thailand now already over 20 times. He could just tell his friends something like: I like to return but I am not sure I can come now without going to jail. I will wait until the conditions are better. He could do that. But he doesn't. He presents some BS reasons, again and again.
  5. I am sure lots of things happen and it is deliberately not reported anywhere. It could upset those tourists if they see that in the news and we don't want that.
  6. I knew a bar manager from Soi Cowboy who moved to Cambodia and was killed over there. He had powerful enemies in Thailand. I have no idea if his death over there was related to his Thai enemies or new Cambodian enemies. Fact is, that is both countries it is a very bad idea to cheat the wrong people or borrow money from loan sharks and don't pay it back, or do shady business and don't pay the people who want a part of the cake. Most of us are not involved in such business. And I guess that people who are involved in shady business don't tell their mum about it.
  7. He was in charge when 2000 (or 2500?) suspected drug dealers were killed. His fans applauded him because they thought actual drug dealers were killed. His opponents claimed that lots of people were intentionally killed and then declared drug suspects. As far as I know this dark story was never thoroughly investigated.
  8. PassApp - I would love to see that in Thailand.
  9. I think in Thailand it is really up to you. Tip what YOU want to tip - depending on how good the service was and how much you can afford. I don't think I ever saw in Thailand that the service people complained about no tip.
  10. Yes, but there wouldn't be hundreds of reporters and cameras waiting for him. Imagine he would get out of the plane, and nobody is there to publish it live. What a nightmare for the guy who needs attention 24/7.
  11. Here are three: http://www.es.co.th/index.asp https://th.rs-online.com/web/ https://www.mynpe.com/
  12. You must have missed the picture in the news. He had a medical checkup at the eye doctor. His daughter visited him to take his hand to guide him to the doctor. There are obviously no qualified eye doctors in Thailand, that is why he had to visit that doctor in a country far away. It would be funny if it wouldn't be so sad.
  13. Thanks for confirming to us that you listen to "your partner". I always love it when farangs think they are well informed because they talked with Noi or Nit or maybe Somchai.
  14. After living in Thailand constantly since before Thaksin started in politics, and constantly reading the news and talking to people, I have probably a better understanding of Thai politics compared to farmers in red villages. I agree that many Thai politicians are greedy and corrupt. What makes Thaksin stand out is his brazen "I am above the law" attitude. He doesn't even hide his corrupt deals and somehow he thinks he should get away with it. But he didn't get away with it, he should realize that after spending 15 years outside of Thailand. He did some good things for Thailand and Thai people. And somehow he convinced the poor masses, that he, the rich billionaire, is their fried. 555 If those hard-working Thai people want a better government, then I suggest they should never vote for known corrupt politicians. Because how can they expect an honest government full of corrupt politicians which they voted for? And no, I don't mind that I can't vote. After all, this is Thailand and Thai people should decide.
  15. Yes, absolutely. Free accommodation and food are guaranteed.
  16. Maybe some of his ex-red-shirt-friends will remind him that they are not his friends anymore.
  17. Good that you changed your mind. It seems now many people realize that Thaksin coming back means a lot of headache. Personally, I think that was obvious since at least 10 years. And many people in this forum criticized me for that standpoint. What convinced you to change your mind?
  18. Obviously nobody would lie. But honest mistakes happen. ????
  19. And hopefully this time the voters will remember and don't forget this little detail in the next election.
  20. It's obvious that Thaksin thinks he made a deal. The question is: Does the person who made that deal feels like keeping it?
  21. Did anybody check if Thaksin has any appointment with his hairdresser or pedicurist in Dubai next week. We learned from last time that those important appointments can delay international trips by weeks.
  22. Wrong. They find out a lot and they know a lot. But then it's a question what they do with that knowledge...
  23. Did you buy a brand name product from a reliable source? Or something cheap from China? I remember I saw a video from Dave from EEVblog talking about producing devices. It seems he only buys from known places like DigiKey. They are not cheap, but reliable.
  24. Maybe now the authorities collect all the personal details of (new) customers. Hello, I want a girl. No problem sir, we will visit you soon. ????
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