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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. The important parts are in the linked article. Chuwit is in general well informed, let's look if what he says will happen. And then, let's look what happens if Thaksin comes back. In the moment there is hope in Thailand for a brighter future. Will the future still be bright with the fugitive criminal returning? And can anybody imagine Thaksin being quiet and just living the life of a grandfather? I still hope he dies in the desert.
  2. Looking at her she just looks competent to give whatever advice. Did she also tell people in which crypto currency they should invest? Or maybe the upcoming lottery numbers?
  3. The following is not the answer but an important issue. How big are the wires to your breaker box? If the wires are "big", i.e. 35sqmm then that is already a good sign.
  4. And depending on how you cut it wear a mask. As far as I know it is bad if you inhale small particles of it.
  5. I saw lots of videos from him. Sometimes he asks the questions, sometimes he answers questions. I agree that he talks a lot about bible stories. But since maybe a year or two he also talks a lot about god. Not long ago I saw a video in which he kind of answers if he believes in god. But his answer is so complicated that after listing for a few minutes I still don't know his answer. I guess the summary is: it's complicated.
  6. I think he is smart. And he knows a lot. What I don't like about him is that he doesn't interview people with an open mind. He knows exactly what he wants to say. He only waits for the moment when he can speak up and tell everybody that he knows everything so much better. The problem with that is of course that he wouldn't be so successful if not lots of people would like what he does and the way he does it. It's so much easier to say "those are all idiots" instead of trying to understand why others think differently.
  7. I think a lot comes down to what people define as "god". Is it the old man in the sky who knows everything? Or is it somewhere a feeling of people that there is something like a striving for good or something like that. I wouldn't be surprised if one day scientist discover that we all have some kind of brain waves with which we communicate and influence each other (rough idea). But I am sure nobody will ever find any creature which created everything, controls everything, etc.
  8. Sure, one god did it all. This obviously leaves the little question open where that god came from. But we don't want to go too much into details here. We really don't need another god thread in this forum.
  9. 555 That is similar to: We cannot be sure if there is a tooth fairy and St Claus - only because nobody saw them until now.
  10. I wish it was true (the headline, I blocked the OP). But evidently there are a lot of smart people who believe in god. Watching interviews, mostly on YouTube, I am often surprised. Jordan Peterson is a famous example. Destin, the guy with the SmarterEveryDay YouTube channel, is another example.
  11. But the mafia would lose lots of money. Why would they allow that to happen?
  12. I visited Phuket the first time in 1993, the time before "the internet", smartphones, taxi apps and all that. The taxis were overprized. Now, 30 years later, the taxis are still overpriced. By now we have rovers on the Mars. But the Phuket taxi issue seems to be unsolvable. Amazing Thailand.
  13. It must be hard for him not to be in the news for a month or two. Maybe he should invite his grandkids to the desert and play with them. Isn't that what he says he wants?
  14. So he lied at least 20 times about that and now we should believe it? 555! Come back now, you don't need a visa. You don't even need a passport. And you don't need any money. You will be transferred to your new shelter. They will feed you. And all for free. What are you waiting for, coward?
  15. Relax Maybe read a book. Take a walk through a park or at the beach. Be comfortable with yourself and your thoughts. If you constantly need something to stimulate you, then you do it wrong.
  16. Some luxury hotels in Bangkok are fully booked. I remember from Pattaya from many years ago that on about 360 days a year it was always easy to get a hotel room. And let's not forget it's July. Not exactly high season for Thailand.
  17. Countries have interests, not friends. I don't know who said it first. And obviously that applies to all countries. Sometimes some countries pretend they do good things like helping all those people in need. And they do this by selling weapons for billions of USD. Now why do they do that? I don't think it makes sense for Thailand to pretend everybody from the Ukraine is a good person and everybody from Russia is a bad person. And even for each person there is often no clear good or bad. That's reality.
  18. Lens on my Android phone. I don't know if that exists on any other OS.
  19. If he is guilty of those crimes, then he should be sentenced to death. I don't understand why many countries spend huge amounts of money to keep very bad criminals alive until they die in prison. Just kill him officially, ordered by court. Problem solved.
  20. Or book 2h massage for both of you. Different rooms, different girls.
  21. Long time ago I saw a father with his maybe 16 yo son. The son looked at one of the hot dancers and she asked the father is she can sit with the son. I don't think I saw what happened next. But I thought for myself: If the son goes with her and if she is his first girl, then all the other future girls will have a hard time to match that experience.
  22. She uses a nickname - and not the one you know. ????
  23. I hope posting a link with a website which includes all above contact details is allowed. I used this company before. They do a good job. www.hevta.co.th
  24. Is your gf familiar with the bar business? Does she feel comfortable in those places? Then: Enjoy the holiday. And if she is not familiar with those places then don't take her. She might get the "wrong" impression about you... And if your gf is hot, then ask yourself if you can handle the attention which she will get.
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