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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. I confirm that also happens on my PC since maybe a week or so. But I am not surprised. Ad revenue is obviously VERY important for the people who run this site.
  2. I wonder why they were allowed at all. The hint is in the names: Outlaws, Bandidos, ...
  3. Have you tried to "double-click" on the icons? That should work. In some areas, like the task bar, one "click" is enough.
  4. I wanted to buy one for my condominium. In my case: Not enough space. This is why I mentioned it.
  5. In case you didn't think about this: cassette type air conditioners are often big; you need a lot of space above your ceiling.
  6. Here is the important part from the article: 19 times in 15 years Since fleeing the country in August 2008, Thaksin has announced his return at least 19 times.
  7. But is it true? Maybe it is, I don't know. But it could be that someone took half out and then took a picture and posted it. It's not that I say that is what happened. But it's a possibility. It seems to me that now someone posts something online and if the story sounds good then lots of people like it and republish it, etc. But how many people know the truth? And how many people care about the truth?
  8. Is it? I would think that if the owner comes to the address and rings the bell at that address without entering private property that is not illegal. Maybe I play devil's advocate here. But if I would do a good job and then I would receive a bad review which effects my business and income then I would also try to rectify the situation. Sometimes the customer is not right.
  9. Why do some people write there is no problem, and they also write don't tell anybody? If it's all legal and never a problem then it should be no problem to tell it to everyone, maybe publish the information online, etc. If you think it's legal then go ahead and tell everyone and find out.
  10. I would say it a little different: Likely it is no problem if not many people know about it and if you don't have anybody who wants to make trouble for you. I am pretty sure working like that is not legal and there could be trouble - if people complain.
  11. I guess most of us think the customer didn't receive enough of what he ordered and complained. And the seller was upset. But imagine for a minute that the seller did sell the correct amount and good quality and the customer just complained. What then? I would understand if the owner would be angry about a bad review for no reason and if he visited the customer to find out why he complained. Do we really know what happened? I think both versions could be true.
  12. There are certain areas on Sukhumvit with Thai information-booth (I don't know what their official name is). And next to it there are always taxis parked on the street - in a no parking area. And that happens all night and all day, every day. It seems the police just doesn't see all those parked taxi-no-meter. They also don't notice the not flowing traffic because all those illegally parked cars. Amazing Thailand!
  13. Contact Lazada and ask them - in my experience they reply fast.
  14. In principle he is right. And in you are in the highlands, sitting in front of the open fire, then that is probably the way to do it. In a gogo-bar all night long not so much.
  15. No, I met her in Pattaya in a gogo bar many years ago. At that time bars were full of 18-year-old girls, and some more who borrowed the ID-card from their older sister. It is not so long ago that 18 year old girls, and sometimes their younger sisters, worked in farang area bars. And if you like it or not, lot of customers are interested in the new innocent girls.
  16. So deluded. Maybe what I wrote doesn't match with your imagination, but it's the truth. Talk to people who know the business and girls for many years, and they will confirm it.
  17. Here is a hint: Most guys don't care how much money their gf/wife makes. It is irrelevant - not just in Thailand.
  18. Americano is a lot of water with coffee taste. Nuff said.
  19. Correct, they have a choice - apart from the pressure to make money or fill the monthly quota of "offs". And when the girls have the choice between a fat old gut and a young health guy, think again who they chose. One of them wants to f#$% for hours, and obviously he thinks he is a stud, and the girl should be happy to be with such a strong young sexy guy. The other one knows he is old and fat and has no power. 5min and it's all done. And he is happy that he was able to do it at all. She receives the same money from both of them. In the first case it took 2h and she is tired. In the second case it took less than an hour, including talking, and she is not tired and ready for the next customer. So much about fat old guys - the best customers.
  20. Is there anybody out there who thinks Thaksin would come back if he would go to jail? No.
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