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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Actually, this time I have hope for the future of Thai politics. Not for the next weeks, but for the next election, after the current senators are gone. And I would be surprised if we have to wait 4 years for that. By now more and more voters understand who to vote for if they want progress. And many want progress.
  2. Does that mean the hospital didn't have any backup at all? Otherwise it should have been no problem to restore the deleted data from a recent backup. Obviously sabotage should not be used to sell anything. But it seems someone had to show the hospital that they should have a backup. Fire whoever was/is responsible for no existing backup solution.
  3. Just do it and don't overthink it. Do you really think they won't fix your engine on warranty because you have a different tire?
  4. I relieved my youth in Thailand when I was still relatively young. So it was not only what I wanted to do but I could actually do it. Sometimes I think about the guys who come the first time to Thailand when they are already old. Obviously they can still buy drinks for the girls but drinking all night and then <deleted>#$#$ until morning is not possible anymore. Good that I was still young enough to do that.
  5. Ok. But did they know that? I think sometimes we have bad experience with some customers and then we don't want the same experience with new customers. And maybe you reminded them of one of those not paying customers. I must have nothing to do with you.
  6. And I am sure you recorded these details and informed your landlord. Or not? I also live in an apartment which is not exactly new anymore. When I moved in I recorded the existing damages and I made sure that my landlord signed the contract without the clause that I might have to pay more than the deposit. Worst case I won't get the deposit back. Be aware what you sign!
  7. I saw 70mm IMAX when it was new. WOW, what a difference. And yes, it must be a film made for IMAX, not just an IMAX theatre.
  8. They do anything to get power and to bring their criminal leader back. Nobody should be surprised by this. Move Forward seems to be the only party with principles who honor what they promised their voters. I hope the voters won't forget that.
  9. I think there can be many reasons for that. It's up to you to look for alternatives and look what kind of payment others expect. But payment conditions are obviously not directly related to performance. Personally, I set my payment conditions according to the customer. If I am not sure they will pay me according to my usual conditions, then I ask for advance payment. If they pay, fine. And if they don't pay then at least I can be sure I won't have to chase some payment.
  10. Great, then we don't have to worry. Trump will be found guilty and go to jail. Hurray! And many of us think that since years - and he is still free and running for president.
  11. Great idea. Except the Google results are obviously also filtered, and optimized for each user. I agree with most of what you wrote above. But the problem is that we all live in our bubbles. We see the bubbles of the other and how can those others be so stupid not to recognize their bubble. Guess what they say about our bubbles...
  12. What a wonderful explanation. I also think that his supporters are mostly stupid. But, looking at reality, there are also enough intelligent people who support him. There are even more intelligent people who support the GOP in general. And we all know that the GOP is in the moment a Trump fan club. Fact is, they are not all stupid. That is the frightening part. And senile Biden is obviously not helping to convince the people that there is a better alternative. And for the record, I would never ever vote for Trump.
  13. I would love to agree with you. But it seems reality, for those Trump fans, is different. He is the leading GOP candidate, not by a little, but by a large margin. And every time he is prosecuted, he gets more support from his followers. Normal logic doesn't apply to him and his supporters. I wish it would, but that is just wishful thinking.
  14. Ok, fine. But please tell me/us why that didn't convince the 70 million Trump supporters. Why do they still want him as president? Do they still think he won last time? Do they think he lost and lied but they don't care and want more of the same? I find it strange what some people believe. But it seems they do believe in "alternative facts".
  15. Personally I think fox is right wing. But I remember talking to a guy, who seemed pretty rational, who told me he looks fox news and thinks they are most balanced. Are they? (It's a rhetorical question). I think the biggest problem with media companies are omissions, things which they "forget" to report. I.e. a friend, who is not right-wing, asks me from time to time if I saw this or that thing about Biden. Most of the time I didn't know about these events, because the news which I read didn't include this information. And then there are the comments. Sometimes I leave a comment under news in a left-oriented media source. Sometimes they publish my comments. But other times my comments just don't exist. I.e. there might be an article about what they call "the climate catastrophe", and 100% of the comments agree that this is the biggest problem on earth. I don't think they made up all those other comments. They just didn't publish what critical people commented. I am sure that is reality on the left and right and everywhere.
  16. I follow "the news" and I think I have a good idea what is going on. But then, those 70,000,000 Trump supporters will likely also follow some news. Maybe fox news, maybe TRUTH (or whatever Trump's version of Twitter is called), etc. Are they all stupid? I am sure some of them are stupid. But likely there will be also a lot of people who think they know "the truth" but it is another version of what I think is the truth. A local example is what happened in Bangkok in 2010. I was here, maybe 3km away from the events, and I think I know what happened. But other people, who also live in Bangkok, disagree with me. And then there were the news reports from media organizations all over the world. Somehow many of them had differnt versions of the truth. So who is right? Obviously I think that I know what I saw. But then, I wasn't 100% of the time everywhere, and I don't really know what happened all the time everywhere. It's complicated.
  17. In my experience there is sometimes no way to tell who charged you. To analyze my records, I compare my bank statements with my emails (from the bank and maybe the seller) to get a better idea about the situation.
  18. Can you? YouTube alone is probably not sufficient. I look at different news sources, i.e. BBC, Al Jazeera, and others. But I think it is still difficult to know the truth. Just one example: We see videos and read articles about 6th January 2021. But what do we really see? The events happened for many hours. Is what we see in "the news" what happed all the time or most of the time? Or do we see just a small part of it and the rest was different? We don't really know. This is a great demonstration of "news" and which part is reported:
  19. There was a time when people watched news on TV. And news was just that, news, same news in the news. But now people don't watch the news on TV anymore. News as it is is not reported anymore. Everybody publishes their version of their personal news/truth.
  20. But because they all only do part time jobs, they get multiple part time salaries. ???? I guess that will soon create more problems. Imagine one of those parts of they want to work, and another part wants to strike or sleep. Difficult times...
  21. I am sure people will remember PTs priorities at the next election. And (I think) soon there won't be this senate anymore. Things will change, and not for the better, for PT and their criminal hero.
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